I'm not quite sure how much of this would be considered role-play and how much of this would be considered a serious request, but seeing as I spent all night thinking about it and about 2 hours this morning composing it, I would deem it serious enough.
Your Majesty Empress Nashmeira II of Aht Urhgan, 16th ruler of the Majaab Dynasty,
It is due to your grace and benevolence that a great number of the adventurers and citizens of Vana’diel have come to call the capital of Al Zahbi and the Empire of Aht Urghan as their home away from home. Your call for mercenaries to assist in the defense of the Empire against the beastmen hordes has not gone unnoticed; in fact, members of all five of the great races of Vana’diel have accepted this challenge. As adventurers and now mercenaries of the Empire our lives and for some our pockets have been enriched due to our experiences in service of the Empire.
However, in Your Majesty’s haste to set up an acceptable defense for the capital of Al Zahbi against the rising tide of beastmen, it is in this humble servants’ opinion that an egregious oversight has been made in the selection of Your Majesty’s Serpent Generals. Let me first state that I do not doubt any of the current Serpent General’s fighting prowess, tactical ability or loyalty to the Empire, but it has been noticed that not all five of the great races of Vana’diel are truly represented by the Serpent Generals and and in effect by the Empire itself.
Therefore I would like to request the installment of a member of the proud Tarutaru race as the sixth Serpent General, bestowed with one of these three titles: Starserpent General, Lightserpent General, or Voidserpent General.
No doubt you have heard from your most trusted advisers about the great magic that the Tarutaru weave. It is these magic spells that were essential in the defense of the middle lands during the Crystal War, magic that felled foes and healed allies, and even magic that summoned great beasts were used to drive beastmen out of the great cities of Vana’diel, not unlike the predicament the Empire finds itself in today. I assure you quite large are the lives that we lead. Also, the resources that the Tarutaru have to offer would be of great benefit to the continued defense of the Empire against the beastmen.
It is with deep sadness that I call upon my fellow Tarutaru brethren to boycott any further defense of the capital of Al Zahbi until this matter is resolved. I will not stand in the way of others who give aid in the defense of Al Zahbi, but I ask for the support of my fellow mercenaries of Aht Urghan in the form of signatures in this request. It would be a shame if the magnificent city of Al Zahbi and the benevolent Empire of Aht Urghan were to suffer due to this grevious miscalculation.
I humbly await Your Majesty’s response.
Heezeemeezee, Tarutaru Black Mage (Midgardsormr)
Federation of Windurst, Rank 5
Aht Urghan Mercenary, Private Second Class
Callisto, Red Mage (Ramuh)
If you wish to support my endeavour please sign with your name, race, job, etc. as I've done, and I'll add your name to the list
Your Majesty Empress Nashmeira II of Aht Urhgan, 16th ruler of the Majaab Dynasty,
It is due to your grace and benevolence that a great number of the adventurers and citizens of Vana’diel have come to call the capital of Al Zahbi and the Empire of Aht Urghan as their home away from home. Your call for mercenaries to assist in the defense of the Empire against the beastmen hordes has not gone unnoticed; in fact, members of all five of the great races of Vana’diel have accepted this challenge. As adventurers and now mercenaries of the Empire our lives and for some our pockets have been enriched due to our experiences in service of the Empire.
However, in Your Majesty’s haste to set up an acceptable defense for the capital of Al Zahbi against the rising tide of beastmen, it is in this humble servants’ opinion that an egregious oversight has been made in the selection of Your Majesty’s Serpent Generals. Let me first state that I do not doubt any of the current Serpent General’s fighting prowess, tactical ability or loyalty to the Empire, but it has been noticed that not all five of the great races of Vana’diel are truly represented by the Serpent Generals and and in effect by the Empire itself.
Therefore I would like to request the installment of a member of the proud Tarutaru race as the sixth Serpent General, bestowed with one of these three titles: Starserpent General, Lightserpent General, or Voidserpent General.
No doubt you have heard from your most trusted advisers about the great magic that the Tarutaru weave. It is these magic spells that were essential in the defense of the middle lands during the Crystal War, magic that felled foes and healed allies, and even magic that summoned great beasts were used to drive beastmen out of the great cities of Vana’diel, not unlike the predicament the Empire finds itself in today. I assure you quite large are the lives that we lead. Also, the resources that the Tarutaru have to offer would be of great benefit to the continued defense of the Empire against the beastmen.
It is with deep sadness that I call upon my fellow Tarutaru brethren to boycott any further defense of the capital of Al Zahbi until this matter is resolved. I will not stand in the way of others who give aid in the defense of Al Zahbi, but I ask for the support of my fellow mercenaries of Aht Urghan in the form of signatures in this request. It would be a shame if the magnificent city of Al Zahbi and the benevolent Empire of Aht Urghan were to suffer due to this grevious miscalculation.
I humbly await Your Majesty’s response.
Heezeemeezee, Tarutaru Black Mage (Midgardsormr)
Federation of Windurst, Rank 5
Aht Urghan Mercenary, Private Second Class
Callisto, Red Mage (Ramuh)
If you wish to support my endeavour please sign with your name, race, job, etc. as I've done, and I'll add your name to the list
