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Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

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  • #16
    Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

    Since the guide's generally bloody to begin with, you might want to add bird blood from the leeches on the beaches in Buburimu Peninsula. The drop rate is ridiculous, and if you get bored or there's too much competition, there are crawlers and goblins and occasional elementals. Mid to high 30s, depending on the job. (For me, it was WAR/THF, but I can't remember what level I started. Some of the leeches are still EP at 38.)
    Ellipses on Fenrir
    There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
    . . .


    • #17
      Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

      I feel like I struck gold in the Marshlands!!!


      It was a very nice change of pace from farming scorpions for my arrowheads, and made a lot more too, total profits around 180k

      Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

      FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
      DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
      BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
      Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5


      • #18
        Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

        Damn that guide is good, too good though I say!

        I mean, heck that is nice o.0

        (ohhh, didn't know about *that* item!)

        Haven't really checked it all out yet, but some easy stuff I did during the low levels was to farm Yagudo Necklaces, desynth them into grass thread, synth grass cloth and sell the thread/cloth. I also made and sold Antidotes, Bronze Ingots, and did some oddball harvesting.

        There was something else I did too, but I can't remember anymore. Farming crystals is always good.

        So in keeping with the format...

        Item: Yagudo Necklaces
        Location West/East Sarutabaruta, Giddeus
        Target Yagudo
        Level 5+

        General Comment Use a wind crystal to desynth the necklaces into grass thread, use 3 grass thread + earth crystal to synth grass cloth. It's a very low level weaving synth so you should be just fine with it.
        Pashhow is a great place to farm, but it can get crowded sometimes. I haven't been back there in awhile though, so I can't say how it is now.
        Last edited by Vyuru; 02-25-2008, 07:25 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

        You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

        I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


        • #19
          Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

          This is how messed up my server is. You are actually better off selling the grass thread than synthing it into grass cloth

          And it is a lightning crystal to desyth the necklace, right?

          Another option is to just farm the necklaces, and sell them in your bazaar in Windy Woods next to the mithra that you trade the necklaces to for fame. One person's laziness is your gain.

          Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!

          FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
          DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
          BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
          Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5


          • #20
            Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

            I used to do tiger's teeth alot but it started to annoy me because Tigers are basicly overcamped on my server(mostly by legit farmers)
            Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
            (have fun MMO players ^^)
            Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


            • #21
              Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

              And it is a lightning crystal to desyth the necklace, right?
              Nope, that's one of the few wind crystal desynths out there.

              You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

              I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


              • #22
                Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                I'm pretty sure yag necklaces can use either. Wind gives grass stuff, lightning gives some kind of ingot, bronze iirc


                • #23
                  Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                  Thanks Ellipses, I'll give you credit on the guide~

                  Bird Blood

                  Updated Guide with Ellipses entry~

                  I'll look into everyone elses entrys, keep them coming ^^d

                  Don't be afraid to spill your secrets.

                  I actually got a /tell in game someone thanking me for my guide and asking if coming out with the guide has hurt my income at all, i told him being at 100 cooking on Selphiie and having farmed the majority of my FFXI life i am pretty much financially secure to enjoy my playtime in game without worrying about gil anymore.
                  62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                  Your resource for FFXI Farming


                  • #24
                    Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                    Thank you for the guide, it will come in handy when I get a bit higher in lv.
                    Cogito Ergo Sum

                    Crasius - 40DRG/54RDM

                    My Aura.. I'll always miss you..


                    • #25
                      Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                      Boyahda Moss
                      Location: Pashhow Marshlands, Zi'Tah, Boyahda Tree
                      Target(s): Goobbues (any and all)
                      Suggested Level: Varies with area. Pashhow is probably 35+ for ease.

                      These can be great. A stack AHs for a quick 10k, but you can also trade them to Melyon in Selbina for 600g per moss. A stack will get you slightly less than AH, but the quest raises fame in Sandy, Bastok, and by proxy, Jeuno. Great for building fame and making gil.

                      PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                      Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                      When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                      • #26
                        Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                        Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
                        Boyahda Moss
                        Location: Pashhow Marshlands, Zi'Tah, Boyahda Tree
                        Target(s): Goobbues (any and all)
                        Suggested Level: Varies with area. Pashhow is probably 35+ for ease.

                        These can be great. A stack AHs for a quick 10k, but you can also trade them to Melyon in Selbina for 600g per moss. A stack will get you slightly less than AH, but the quest raises fame in Sandy, Bastok, and by proxy, Jeuno. Great for building fame and making gil.
                        Sweet thanks ill add that, what server are you from? I like to put the name and server of the person who submitted entrys.
                        62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                        Your resource for FFXI Farming


                        • #27
                          Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                          (is from Hades)

                          Centurio X-I Quicksands Caves

                          Drops plenty of gil, some scrolls (Stonega II is rare but sells for 100k!) and other normal antica drops.

                          While camping him, I usually clear out the Antica in the room for rotten meat (worthless, really, but NPCs for like 10 gil so hang onto it if you have space), Antican Robes, which desynth into cotton thread and cloth depending on the crystal you use, and Antican pauldrons which sell for about 1-2k. (Also desynthable but much higher level). You need to be 75 to solo him, and even that's kinda rough if you get too many links, but I do fine with RDM/BLM.

                          Also while camping you can take out the spiders in the room for webs (drop rate is sheer suck though I've never gotten one) and the worms for ores and flint stones.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • #28
                            Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                            Updated the guide with some repeatable quests, ill get around to getting in your entrys:

                            Fear Of The Dark I
                            Fear Of The Dark II
                            62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                            Your resource for FFXI Farming


                            • #29
                              Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                              Selphiie, I'd like to personally thank you for this wonderfully crafted guide. Unfortunately, personal thank yous are hard to do as face-to-face contact is a little... awkward over the internet.

                              Anyhow, you get my sentiment. Thank you.
                              :: Why can't this crazy love be mine? ::

                              SEVE - HUME WHM (31) BLM (19) THF (17) WAR (9) MNK (5) RNG (9) BLU (1) BRD (1) DNC (1) NIN (1) :: BAHAMUT


                              • #30
                                Re: Selphiie's FFXI Farming Guide

                                Submitted your entry Ameroth, check it out~

                                Got a few more to add i'll update them when i get the chance, very very busy person~

                                Boyahda Moss

                                Also updated the top banner, new image by Tamtu of the LBR Forums ^^
                                62Dancer | 75Corsair | 75Beastmaster | 75Paladin | 75Bard

                                Your resource for FFXI Farming

