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Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

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  • Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

    Ok, so I'm reading this thread in Allakhazam and something catches my eye.
    Originally posted by Daleven Sage
    I play with a 100% spell interruption down set on my WHM a little and can assure you there's no cap on it. Also, Aquaveil is 25%. No interruptions casting utsusemi as /nin. No interruptions casting blink/stoneskin. Can be fun/useful.
    Can anyone confirm?

  • #2
    Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

    How does one achive 100% Aquaveil to start with? That would be my question.

    The OP speculated the gear setup, but Delvaan didn't really say what his was.


    • #3
      Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

      Don't really know if there is test result from rigorous testing, but this Japanese site casually mentions on its Spell Interruption page:
      しかし実際には100%にしていても敵に殴られて中断が起きることから、詠唱中断率低減にはキャップが存在する説や [ ... ]
      Which I think means something like:
      In reality, even with 100% [spell interruptation rate down], interruption happens when enemy is beating on player, so it's theorized there's a [SIR down] cap.

      p.s. Japanese text on FFXIonline looks slightly messed up on my browser, except when I'm editing it. /sigh Look at the original site if you see '??' in my quotes/indents.
      Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
      yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
      Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
      leaving no trace in the water.

      - Mugaku


      • #4
        Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

        How does one achive 100% Aquaveil to start with? That would be my question.
        Without resorting the Aquaveil, the gear would look something like this...

        Eremite's Wand x2 (25% x2)
        Healer's Duckbills/+1 (20%/25%)
        Willpower Torque (5%)
        Druid's Rope (10%)

        We're up to 85% with NQ AF, 90% with HQ. Merits add another 8%. The remaining 7-2% can be made up for with Magnetic Earring OR Ninurta's Sash.

        Interesting bit of info Itazura, thanks. I AM skeptical, that's why I made the thread, lol.


        • #5
          Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

          If I had the patience, I can probably take my RDM/WHM out and keep casting Reraise and cancel it before completion while some low level critter beat on me.

          That may be a good starting point to test baseline SIR, though I happen to be crazy and have one SIR- merit. >_>; (Maybe Kaeko can be bothered to test this, after the Cure/Damage enmity formulas are made; he'll be able to do a better job of testing, and actually do the statistic analysis, too.)

          We need that "Game Mechanism" sub-forum. >_>b
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #6
            Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

            That'd be lovely, I can't use Eremite's Wands on PLD and that really screws over my ability to test.

            A spell your job doesn't natively have skill for would be preferable though (/BLU?)

            As for the game mechanics sub-forum, looks like we can use the Wiki for that.


            • #7
              Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

              A low mob beating on you may not do it. From what I've seen, I'm less likely to be interrupted when I'm hit for a small amount than when I'm hit for a large amount. Still, I'm not an expert on the mechanic either... -- Pteryx
              Last edited by Pteryx; 02-07-2008, 04:03 PM. Reason: Whoops, backwards.


              • #8
                Re: Spell Interruption Rate -100%?

                Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
                A low mob beating on you may not do it. From what I've seen, I'm more likely to be interrupted when I'm hit for a small amount than when I'm hit for a large amount. Still, I'm not an expert on the mechanic either... -- Pteryx
                I'm not sure if there's a certain cutoff point, but certainly there is a difference made by how much damage you take, a mob needs to lay a decent smack on you in order to interrupt a spell that you have a high skill in, Phalanx makes a huge difference as a residual effect in this manner. I can fire off Stoneskin/Raise/whatever aside from Ninjutsu very easily with 10 Campaign mobs or 4-5 Easy Prety beating on me, however a single shot from a DC/EM that lays a solid 40-70 damage per hit on me is likely to interrupt a long spell

                I personally highly believe that there is a hard cap on Spell Interruption Down, seeing as how your Skill level is also supposed to play a role in your interruption rate, it'd be too easy to get a theoretical "100% Interruption Down" set.
                Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia

