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Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

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  • #16
    Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

    so is the 8300 one gd enough for it?

    also could sumone give me a link to the download patch for vista?

    thx again


    • #17
      Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

      A freaking MX 4400 is good enough (I know from experience! With my crappy old 1-gig single-core Celeron processor!). The integrated card is good enough. A busted old PCI card from ten years ago would be good enough. The game will run.

      If you don't like the performance, and want to upgrade later, that's another matter. Or if you want to run other games. But this game is old. You don't need much of a graphics card at all to run it, especially with the CPU you're getting. If you want to be a Good Little Consumer anyway, pretty much any graphics card you can buy will be more than enough. Stop. Worrying.

      Here's your link.
      Ellipses on Fenrir
      There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
      . . .


      • #18
        Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

        Hell, I have a Athlon XP from 5 years ago and only 728 Megs of Ram and the game runs fine o.O
        Guide to pay your JP POL (Japanese Playonline) account by michaeldue here >>>

        Kudos to michaeldue !!!


        • #19
          Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

          An integrated geforce 6150 isn't good enough for FFXI for two reasons. First of all its based on the geforce 6200, a budget card that is not really meant to be played games on.
          Uh, what? FFXI will probably run fine on anything past a GeForce 2, as Mhurron mentioned even a GeForce could probably survive. I played personally on an MX440 for years, which as I understand it is basically a budget version of the GeForce 2, released as a GeForce 4 card.

          I upgraded to a 6200 card about a year ago and it works amazingly well for games. It might not run crysis, but it's definitely not a 'non-gaming' graphics card. Of course if you want to go for the latest and greatest, I saw some pictures of the 9800GX2 the other day. But being old doesn't make something bad for gaming.


          • #20
            Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

            I've been running FFXI on an Athlon 2200+ for more than 3 years now and it's fantastic. I do need to upgrade to something faster though..

            ...and get more memory.. and ditch Verizon DSL cuz it sucks...

            Also I've used both a GeForce 4 MX420 (VERY VERY old PCI card) and a newer Radeon 9250 AGP. I had changed because of the now-fixed issues with the nVidia drivers, and because I just plain needed the upgrade. Both work fine IMO, aside from the noticeable performance boost from the newer card. I think when I upgrade again I might go back to GeForce because I think they're just plain better cards.
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            • #21
              Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

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              • #22
                Re: Can FFXI work on this pc?? Help plz

                ...I would like to remind the OP that FFXI has been out since 2002 and the basic hardware requirements have not changed significantly over its lifetime. People have been running this game on <1GHz systems. Your chosen OS (Vista) has a lot more demanding hardware requirements than FFXI (and I'd recommend getting XP instead if you have the option, your system will run much faster).

                Integrated video isn't that much of a problem if it's a Radeon or GeForce chipset. It may not be great, but it'll meet the needs of this game just fine. It's the Intel stuff you need to be wary of.
                Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
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                Clothcraft 24
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