I was noticing from yesterday and today that the FFXI official windowed mode if I minimize it to check out a site, write a paper in wordpad, or watch a video on my computer there is an error indicating no response from server booting me out of the game. I tried it several times yesterday and today to verify
When I asked a ls member about it he indicated he had the same problem so I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this?
Under Config, Global, Idle disconnect I'm set to off. My screensaver doesn't come on and I have power management disabled.
I'm trying to see if there is a setting that will correct this so that I can do other things with my computer while bazaring or running afk against the docks for a 10 minute ship wait, exc.
Any information would be appreciated and hopefully it's something simple I'm overlooking.
When I asked a ls member about it he indicated he had the same problem so I'm wondering if anyone else experiences this?
Under Config, Global, Idle disconnect I'm set to off. My screensaver doesn't come on and I have power management disabled.
I'm trying to see if there is a setting that will correct this so that I can do other things with my computer while bazaring or running afk against the docks for a 10 minute ship wait, exc.
Any information would be appreciated and hopefully it's something simple I'm overlooking.