So I bought a katana and tried out Ninja...I died to Leaf Dagger poison which took me from half my health to 0 after the mob was dead. Putting the same skills on lvl 50 mobs as lvl -1 mobs ftw. Sometimes you just gotta laugh at SE, if I wasn't so used to this kind of thing I'd be mad lol.
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Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
You don't lose xp at that lvl anyway, and you can kill 10 DCs at lvl 1 in the time it takes for some jobs to solo 1 DC mob at lvl 50 (if they are even able to solo it).sigpic
"In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.
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Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
Selbina Milk hp regen at a cheap price. Also you might want to choose prey carefully. I love rabits and bee's when 1st starting a job because of no lingering poison effect. When find it neccesary to fight a poisoning mob at low levels and get poisoned I pop a selbina milk to stay alive until it wears off and also when I start losing a fight for that extra umph to put it in the ground first.
note: The antidote is usually more expensive so I don't use them as often
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Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
Selbina milk was a good idea there happened to be a regional vendor in town. It's a rough start for people who are new to the game though or don't spend tons of time on the internet figuring out what does what and where to get it. I just think it's fitting because it certainly doesn't get any easier.
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Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View PostI always have a stack of antidotes when soloing on low level jobs.
PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
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Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
I keep telling myself I should carry antidotes or Selbina Milk and be a responsible, upstanding citizen to set a good example or something. But usually I just don't fight things that'll poison me unless I know I can take it. All bees, all the time.
It's weird. Plaguebreath and Poison Breath (is that the crawler one?) have utterly raped me in the single-digit levels on numerous occasions. But I don't think I've ever gotten Leaf Dagger before the Jungles.Ellipses on Fenrir
There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
. . .
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Re: Dying at lvl 1 vs. lvl -1's (50xp DC's)
When soloing lower jobs I always stick with the Decent challenge to even match mobs. It may seem slower, but your over all progress is usually quicker just mowing down weaker mobs for the time being.
Taking on tougher mobs will slow you down in the long run. More time running back from your home point, more time resting, more money spend on food and such. Ninja however will get easier soloing once you're level 12 with utsusemi and dual wield. Adequetly geared and a little practice you can solo a great deal of things without too much hassle, but of course you'll most likely be getting quiet a few invites at that time too.
Keep in mind when you do start parting on ninja, people automatically think it's a tank. This is not true till 37 when Utsusemi:Ni is available and certainly not true to a person unfamilier with tanking roles. Best to have dual tanks pre-37; and if you're invited to a party that thinks you can solo tank with minimal support (back up voke/healers) you might be better off soloing for a while.
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