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Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

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  • Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

    Ok me and my wife just picked up the game a week ago. We both started in Windurst so we can duo together. Now we are both up to level 10 (I am 10 she is 11) and we dont know where to go next.

    We have done all the Rank 1 Windurst missions, and now its telling us we need to participate in conquest or something until we can get more missions. We've done a bunch of quests. We seem to have outleveled all the mobs in our immediate area. The shops in Windurst dont sell any of the gear we want in the next few levels. So we know we need to continue elsewhere, but we dont know where to go.

    I heard everyone goes to some Dunes (forget the name, Valkrum or something), which I found on my map. I realized we had to take the Ferry over to the other continent, but when we finally made it to the town with the ferry they said we needed a Boarding Pass or something... We cant rent Chocabos till lvl 20, cant take the ferry till 20, cant ride an airship till 20, we dont have any friends that can TP us... What are we supposed to do?

  • #2
    Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

    1- You need rank points. Most people get this by trading crystals to their conquest guard, just give some crystals to the people that give you signet and you'll see the bar rise (on your status screen, somewhere) until it's full enough for you to do Rank 2 missions.

    2- The popular place to level there is Valkurm Dunes. Go to ffxi-atlas to see where it is. You should ask a friend or some random person to show you the way there if you're unsure.

    3- For equipment, use the AH, it should have plenty of options until you get to lv20, then Jeuno's AH will have most everything you could want

    4- The boarding pass is for the ferry to Aht Urhgan. Right now, you don't need to worry aobut that. There are actually two ships that leave that port. If one kicks you off, just wait around and get on the next one that comes in, and that one will take you to Selbina.


    • #3
      Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

      Originally posted by Feba View Post
      1- You need rank points. Most people get this by trading crystals to their conquest guard, just give some crystals to the people that give you signet and you'll see the bar rise (on your status screen, somewhere) until it's full enough for you to do Rank 2 missions.

      2- The popular place to level there is Valkurm Dunes. Go to ffxi-atlas to see where it is. You should ask a friend or some random person to show you the way there if you're unsure.

      3- For equipment, use the AH, it should have plenty of options until you get to lv20, then Jeuno's AH will have most everything you could want

      4- The boarding pass is for the ferry to Aht Urhgan. Right now, you don't need to worry aobut that. There are actually two ships that leave that port. If one kicks you off, just wait around and get on the next one that comes in, and that one will take you to Selbina.
      1. Ahhh ok, thats how you get rank points. Awesome, I'll start doing that (I have been just selling my crystals in the AH).

      2. Yeah I looked at the Atlas and saw that Valkurm Dunes are right next to Selbina. Problem was, I didnt know how to get there from Windurst... But now that you answered my Ferry question then I can find my way.

      3. Yeah I've been looking in the Windurst AH a lot for armor and weapons but theres very little to choose from for my level.

      4. This helps a lot. Yeah I went to take the Ferry to Selbina but I got kicked off. I figured I had to walk all the way there somehow... I did not know that there were 2 Ferry's and I probubly got on the wrong one lol. So I'll try that again.


      • #4
        Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

        Don't forget to see if you can do a supply quest to the outpost in valkurm dunes, check region map and see if windurst has controll of that region(Zulkheim(sp)). This will make it easier to transport you back to windurst when you whant to change job.


        • #5
          Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

          Don't go crazy with the crystals. Trade a few, then check for new missions, rinse and repeat. It shouldn't take any more than a stack, and then you can keep selling the rest. Obviously, also, trade in the cheapest ones; the guards don't care what kind you give. Another thing you can do if you don't want to give up the crystals is repeat the previous missions that they do offer you; that'll fill your rank bar up as well. It's just more of a bother.

          The Auction Houses in the starting cities are fickle these days. Look up the armor you're interested in at FFXIClopedia and see if it's sold at shops anywhere. If you can make it from Windurst to Valkurm Dunes, you can make it from Valkurm Dunes to San d'Oria and/or Bastok. It's not a fun option, but if the gear's important to you, that's one way to get it. Or you could see if you can find someone on your server who'd pick stuff up in Jeuno for you before you can get there yourself.

          Edit: Like Knumskull said, the outposts always help. If Windurst doesn't have Zulkheim (Valkurm Dunes), they likely have Kolshushu (Buburimu Peninsula), which will help speed that journey up, too, though not as much.
          Last edited by Ellipses; 12-17-2007, 06:26 AM.
          Ellipses on Fenrir
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          . . .


          • #6
            Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

            Originally posted by Knumskull View Post
            Don't forget to see if you can do a supply quest to the outpost in valkurm dunes, check region map and see if windurst has controll of that region(Zulkheim(sp)). This will make it easier to transport you back to windurst when you whant to change job.
            Ok I will do that. Although I thought you needed to run supply missions for the outposts in order to have them TP you?

            Originally posted by Ellipses View Post
            Don't go crazy with the crystals. Trade a few, then check for new missions, rinse and repeat. It shouldn't take any more than a stack, and then you can keep selling the rest. Obviously, also, trade in the cheapest ones; the guards don't care what kind you give. Another thing you can do if you don't want to give up the crystals is repeat the previous missions that they do offer you; that'll fill your rank bar up as well. It's just more of a bother.

            The Auction House in the starting cities are fickle these days. Look up the armor you're interested in at and see if it's sold at shops anywhere. If you can make it from Windurst to Valkurm Dunes, you can make it from Valkurm Dunes to San d'Oria and/or Bastok. It's not a fun option, but if the gear's important to you, that's one way to get it. Or you could see if you can find someone on your server who'd pick stuff up in Jeuno for you before you can get there yourself.

            Edit: Like Knumskull said, the outposts always help. If Windurst doesn't have Zulkheim (Valkurm Dunes), they likely have Kolshushu (Buburimu Peninsula), which will help speed that journey up, too, though not as much.
            Ah ok then I can just farm up a stack of Earth Crystals real quick like.

            But asking someone to help me get gear from Jueno is not an option at this point cause I just started and dont know anyone. I know I can get Scale Armor from Bastok so I'll have to take the Ferry to Selbina and hike my way down to Bastok from there.
            Last edited by Diesel Boy; 12-17-2007, 06:28 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


            • #7
              Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

              Originally posted by Diesel Boy View Post
              Ok I will do that. Although I thought you needed to run supply missions for the outposts in order to have them TP you?
              Yes. If Windurst controls the region (as mentioned above), talk with a gate guard in Windy and select "I want to do supply mission" or something very close to that (key words are "supply mission"). Then, select the region in that list. When you do get to Valkrum, go to the outpost (marked on the dunes map if you have one) and talk with the guard there (for Windy, they have W.W. after their name). After that, you can talk to the person standing to his right about teleporting back to Windy. More information on outpost teles are found here. And one of the things I just found is that you need to be rank 3 to use them... well, read below then, as the two go hand in hand...

              Originally posted by Diesel Boy View Post
              But asking someone to help me get gear from Jueno is not an option at this point cause I just started and dont know anyone. I know I can get Scale Armor from Bastok so I'll have to take the Ferry to Selbina and hike my way down to Bastok from there.
              Once you get in the dunes and start joining full parties, you'll start to know people. Some may even be kind enough to lend you a hand getting to Jeuno. At the very least, if you're good at your job and people like you, you can probably expect a linkshell, which are always very good with helping people out.
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              • #8
                Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

                Run the supply mission to any specific outpost ONCE while the region is under your control and then the teleport to that outpost opens to you forever, unless you change nationality. Supply missions can be done at any level, but teleports to the outposts afterward have a level requirement and cost varying amounts of gil based on the minimum required level and who controls the region at the current time. You can warp to an outpost even if the beastmen control the region, but you can only warp back to town from the outpost if one of the three nations controls it.
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                • #9
                  Re: Newb question: Don't know where to go next?

                  Originally posted by Diesel Boy View Post
                  I know I can get Scale Armor from Bastok so I'll have to take the Ferry to Selbina and hike my way down to Bastok from there.
                  So have fun exploring.
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