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  • PLs

    Have any of you ever been PLed or PLed someone else?

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: PLs

    Originally posted by Lucky and Elizabeth View Post
    Have any of you ever been PLed or PLed someone else?
    Yes, and yes. Anything in particular your curious about with pl's?
    It's very common in the dunes and I see it in Quflin Island and sometimes in the jungles. I'll sometimes drop by the dunes to up my healing skill and work the dust out of my healing macros after a break from healing jobs.


    • #3
      Re: PLs

      I get pl'd by my whm leveling partner whenever I chain die and have to catch back up to her xp. :/


      • #4
        Re: PLs

        Originally posted by Theyaden View Post
        Yes, and yes. Anything in particular your curious about with pl's?
        It's very common in the dunes and I see it in Quflin Island and sometimes in the jungles. I'll sometimes drop by the dunes to up my healing skill and work the dust out of my healing macros after a break from healing jobs.

        Ditto. I've been paid, done it for free (healing magic skill ups....), and done it out of pity while I was bored to tears. Some parties appreciate it, others don't. I've even done a couple of dunes lvl pt's that were more experienced players that couldn't find a healer of the same level.....


        • #5
          Re: PLs

          I have been in other MMOs but, I honestly dont like it. I like to level by myself, and I think others should feel the same way.
          "I'm lost without you, without you I am lost."
          "Life is but a dream, you can only go so far."

          - Mfume


          • #6
            Re: PLs

            I think PL'ing is much too common for any of us to have not had some experience with it, even minimal experience. I've been pl'd plenty of times in the dunes, a few times in the 1-10 level range, and I've pl'd a friend or two through low levels.

            And no, it may not be the best and most respectable way to level a job in the long run, if you continually stay at it. The reason is, while a good pl every once in a while can be helpful, excessive pl'ing can actually keep you from really experiencing and learning your chosen job. That's the main thing you'd have to watch out for.


            • #7
              Re: PLs

              I personally can't stand the idea of powerleveling. It's just a pet peeve of mine. If you're too lazy to level your job right, don't level it. There's plenty of other people playing your job who'd love to have your spot in the party.

              PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
              Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
              When ignorance reigns, life is lost


              • #8
                Re: PLs

                If somebody wants to make my day easier, more power to 'em.


                • #9
                  Re: PLs

                  I am also not a fan of p/l'ing. I have done it on rare occasions but only for people that I know have lvl 75 job(s) and are competent players. If I am lvling a new job and in a pt with new players and someone brings a p/l'er, I leave. It's not so much because I'm against p/l'ing new players, its more because I get frustrated and end up not enjoying myself.

                  New players need to learn the dynamics of the game and you can't do that unless you are playing your job the way it's meant to be. The beginning levels are so important. Too many times I've gotten into the 50+ range and had people not know something and when asked why they comment that they had a friend/family member p/l them so they just didn't know. When you get into the upper lvls and you pt with someone that plays so badly that you get really frustrated just chalk it up to being p/l'd because most of the time thats part of the reason. (Some people just don't give a flying fart and suck outright. )
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                  • #10
                    Re: PLs

                    Originally posted by Nymphadora View Post
                    And no, it may not be the best and most respectable way to level a job in the long run, if you continually stay at it. The reason is, while a good pl every once in a while can be helpful, excessive pl'ing can actually keep you from really experiencing and learning your chosen job. That's the main thing you'd have to watch out for.
                    I think the higher people get the less they accept PLs. I remember being my WHM and the only healing for the party in the Crawlers Nest. I had to leave soon, but could not find a replacement. I asked if they cound get a PL instead, but three people responded with "lol (No thanks.)"


                    • #11
                      Re: PLs

                      and you can't do that unless you are playing your job the way it's meant to be.
                      by that logic almost nobody in a party is having any freakin' fun at all.

                      FFXI jobs are so bastardized there's no point trying to play "as it's meant to be".

                      As far as PLs go, I personally see no problem with them, as long as the person is competent enough to play that job independent of outside assistance. It's a legitimate practice to increase leveling speed, and as long as people know what the hell they're doing there are no negative reasons against it.


                      • #12
                        Re: PLs

                        I've had a PL in Buburimu.

                        If you don't understand game dynamics at level fifty, it's not because you've had a PL or two. It's because you didn't care to learn, because it's not that difficult.


                        • #13
                          Re: PLs

                          Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
                          I personally can't stand the idea of powerleveling. It's just a pet peeve of mine. If you're too lazy to level your job right, don't level it. There's plenty of other people playing your job who'd love to have your spot in the party.
                          I agree, its a act of lazyness, if you dont have the time to level, then dont level untill you do have the time. It's that easy people!!
                          "I'm lost without you, without you I am lost."
                          "Life is but a dream, you can only go so far."

                          - Mfume


                          • #14
                            Re: PLs

                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            by that logic almost nobody in a party is having any freakin' fun at all.
                            FFXI jobs are so bastardized there's no point trying to play "as it's meant to be".
                            Oh Feba, you know what I meant. I didn't say "as SE meant it to be."
                            Originally posted by Feba View Post
                            as long as the person is competent enough to play that job independent of outside assistance.
                            And that is why I stated NEW players. New players are learning the dynamics of the job so p/l'ing can hinder that. Too many times I've had tanks in a non-p/l'd pt in the lower lvls that didn't know they were supposed to provoke or use other job abilities for hate because they "never had to do it before". I don't mind someone having a person stand by for a link or a raise or such, but changing the entire dynamics of the pt by taking away the risk just doesn't give new players the experiences they need to learn.
                            It's just like real life. My g/f was coddled all her life and when we got an apartment together we had some real disasters. Dish soap in the dishwasher >< Turned the refrigerator up to its highest setting cause "I like my milk cold" so most of the food was nearly frozen and ruined >< Didn't know how to use a plunger and the toilet was plugged and she had a party and they just kept using it AND the bathtub (she figured I'd fix it when I got home) >< People need to have experience in things in order to handle situations when they arise, in game and out.

                            Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
                            I've had a PL in Buburimu.
                            If you don't understand game dynamics at level fifty, it's not because you've had a PL or two. It's because you didn't care to learn, because it's not that difficult.
                            At lvl 50 I had a pt with a blm that didn't know how to make a macro. How did we know this? Because we wanted him to burst with Freeze and say in his macro when to go. He expressed that he didn't have a macro and we said we'd wait till he made one. We even told him the /wait time to put in. Five minutes later we were wondering wth was going on and he finally admitted he had never made a macro before because he'd always had a p/l 'er. >< We talked him through the macro process and 15 minutes later we started fighting only to find that he couldn't burst either.........guess why? Yep...cause he never had to do it before because he'd always been p/l'd. ><
                            Originally posted by Feba
                            But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                            Originally posted by Taskmage
                            God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                            Originally posted by DakAttack
                            ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                            • #15
                              Re: PLs

                              I didn't say "as SE meant it to be."
                              And who the hell decides what FFXI jobs are 'meant' to be?

