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  • #31
    Re: PLs

    I got to agree, I run into just as many high level bad players that got to where they are without Powerleveling. I think many people see lazy players and assume PLing.

    I also think PLing in FFXI is very limited, and a party with a PLer can perform identical to a normal party, If the party does not get lazy. If the best PL parties are usually the ones where the pary work effeciently on its own, and the PLer just reduces thier downtimes.

    Now WOW is different story, take a 70 Protection Paladin and jump instance to instance and you'll have a level 70 of whatever in 2 days... thats abuse, and no way anyone is benefitting
    75SMN\5XWHM\37BLM\37RDM\the rest 15+

    80 PLD\80 DRU\60Mage\60 Shamen\the rest 30+

    lvl 75 - EE\CMPE\CMPSCI


    • #32
      Re: PLs

      I hate having a main healer PL while I'm WHM/RDM with no communication. Of course I'll be enfeebling to help the PT somehow if the PL is healing everyone. And then, the F N PL goes AFK and I get blamed. Just don't like it... Happened once or twice before.
      Current Server: Asura
      Current Home Nation: Bastok (Rank 10)
      Race/Sex: Elvaan/Male
      Main Job: 75 DRK / 37 SAM,RDM,NIN,WAR,WHM
      Main Craft: 73 Cloth

      (Read this at a normal pace...)
      Tihs Msseage Connat Be Raed By Nromal Huamn Biegns. Pelsae Ntoify Yuor Firedns Taht If Tehy Can Raed Tihs, Taht Tehy Aenr't Namrol...Cnovrresly, Atmpetnig To Raed Tihs Msasege At Nmaorl Pcae And Bineg Albe To, Cna't be Namrol Etiehr...If Yor'ue Albe To Raed Tihs, Tehn Mybae Yur'oe Not Nrmaol.


      • #33
        Re: PLs

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        No, being lazy and retarded makes you lazy and retarded.
        PLing doesn't make you lazy and retarded, however, it helps people who are already lazy and retarded get farther than they would without the PL. FFXI, like EQ and unlike WoW, punishes stupidity firmly enough that slackass morons are more often weeded out when they actually have to work for their levels.

        I request two things of PLers. 1) Make sure the person/people you're helping don't suck because they'll make my game unfun later. 2) Don't hog all the damn spawns, you dickweed. You're making my game unfun now.

        You shouldn't help stupid people get ahead just because you have the power to do so. There's a whole political argument I could start here but I won't. Also, if you have the power to help someone in a way that doesn't screw with everyone else (ex: fighting in areas too dangerous for normal groups but not for someone with a PL) then do so. It's called being respectful of others. I realize that this is the internet and anonymity magically allows everybody to treat everybody else like crap but, again, just because you can doesn't mean you should.


        • #34
          Re: PLs

          it helps people who are already lazy and retarded get farther than they would without the PL.
          So does partying with stupid people at all. There are tons of fuckwits that got to 75 without PLs or buying their account.

          Unless you suggest SE require an intelligence test in place of genkai 1, we're fucked no matter what we do.


          • #35
            Re: PLs

            Feba has issues, so does this topic! I think that their are more important things to worry about in this game, basides PLing.
            "I'm lost without you, without you I am lost."
            "Life is but a dream, you can only go so far."

            - Mfume


            • #36
              Re: PLs

              Originally posted by CroweMidgard View Post
              Now WOW is different story, take a 70 Protection Paladin and jump instance to instance and you'll have a level 70 of whatever in 2 days... thats abuse, and no way anyone is benefitting
              Man, it took me two days just to get to the first instance.


              • #37
                Re: PLs

                I made a buff bot\Instance mule on girlfriends account. The fact that I leveled a character from 12-40+ in less than week of farming without really trying actually was the nail in the coffin for my hardcore WOW playing. Now I just play with static and thats it.

                Seriously whats the point if anyone can make a character that fast, they may as well just add a /level XX command.
                75SMN\5XWHM\37BLM\37RDM\the rest 15+

                80 PLD\80 DRU\60Mage\60 Shamen\the rest 30+

                lvl 75 - EE\CMPE\CMPSCI


                • #38
                  Re: PLs

                  Originally posted by CroweMidgard View Post
                  Seriously whats the point if anyone can make a character that fast, they may as well just add a /level XX command.
                  Would be nice...


                  • #39
                    Re: PLs

                    I'm against them unless I'm playing a random DD or black/red mage. If you're a tank it takes away from your skills when the PL takes too much hate, and as a whm its annoying to not be getting enough healing skill ups because some guy is curing your party with cure IV's not giving you a chance to heal any HP.
                    Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


                    • #40
                      Re: PLs

                      It's not that big of a deal, just switch to DD mode. WHM and PLD can in fact be decent DDs when they want.


                      • #41
                        Re: PLs

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        No, being lazy and retarded makes you lazy and retarded. I've had plenty of PLs, both with and without parties, and never have trouble adjusting back to soloing or partying without one. PLing is just another type of party, saying that it makes you suck is like saying a THF that parties with PLDs sucks. It's just not true.

                        I've been pl'd. I was pl'd before I had my subjob even, years ago. Guess what? I'm still a damn good healer, I 'grew up' to be a damn good healer, and I take pride in being able to keep my party alive. If people took 5 minutes to read even a basic guide on their job, then they'd pick up the basics, regardless of being pl'd or not. The 'intricacies' of a job come to you over time, and being pl'd or not being pl'd has less to do with it than if said person is a total fucking retard or not.

                        Powerlevlling gets me out of boring fucking jobs (read: Warrior for my Dragoon, eventual ninja on my taru for bst) quicker, and I couldn't care less if someone wants to help that along.

                        My tarutaru is levelling White Mage currently. We had a pl in the jungles. As a rule, I try to still heal, even with a pl, and just let them be there more for when the puller is a dumbfuck. But he insisted I skill up Divine, so I did. If I cured, he got upset, so I let him cure, and I nearly capped Divine. Enfeeb has been capped every level from doing blm first. XD Doesn't take much to recap it each ding.

                        So I was actually happy. I gained some good Divine skill ups for when I get to actually dedicate time to bst.
                        "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                        ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                        • #42
                          Re: PLs

                          Originally posted by Evion View Post
                          I hate having a main healer PL while I'm WHM/RDM with no communication. Of course I'll be enfeebling to help the PT somehow if the PL is healing everyone. And then, the F N PL goes AFK and I get blamed. Just don't like it... Happened once or twice before.
                          Of course, a PL does not make a party WHM incapable of curing. Got a PL but your tank is getting dangerously low on HP? Throw a cure. This happened this week to me in the dunes as I was levelling SCH. I had Cure I & II available, was the only healer, and we had a PL. They said "don't cure the tank" and at the beginning of each fight wanted to let the tank get into dangerously low health before throwing a big cure to get hate. However, there was no way I was gonna let the health of my tank get so low that a crit might take them out. Since the PL was only using Cure III (for 200ish) and the tank had ~400 HP, I would keep the tank in the 150-200 range until the PL cure bombed. This kept the tank relatively safe from the stray-crit-death and still allowed the PL to take hate with a big cure at the beginning (and of course, lose it to my Dark Arts chain nuking at the end of the fights).

                          Also, what is it with people assuming that a PT cannot function normally with a PL. There is no reason a tank can't be a tank even when a PT has a PL. "Don't voke off of the PL" is a bunch of crap. The only thing that accomplishes is loose hate on the PL, and the BLM taking a beating when they over-nuke, and then death... Really, how can a big DD job learn to walk the hate line when no hate line exists?

                          Let's try this instead: next time you find yourself in a PT with a PL, insist on trying to keep party dynamics normal. Let your tank try to keep hate: 'voke every 30 seconds, use JAs, etc. Don't allow enmity to slip to a point where a mage takes hate from a single high-powered nuke near the end of the fight. Doing this actually makes it easier for the PL (since they don't have to tab around to find out who is taking the most damage), and less dangerous for the rest of the PT. This would also allow the WHM or healer to maintain their function, since they could agree that the PL will keep the tank healthy, and leave the rest of the PT's health to the PT WHM or healer.

                          If the tank tries very hard to keep hate, then the PL can focus on just that one person. The PT healer can then focus on buffing/debuffing the PT as well as healing everyone else in the PT. In this manner, the WHM (or whichever healer you've got) still learns how to remove ailments from their PT members, the tank still learns how to tank (and more power to 'em if they can pull it off if they've got a 75 cure-bombing), and the big DD/spike damage guys don't have to worry about pulling hate at the end of the fight because enmity got out of control.

                          I have been on all sides of the PL. I have been the "don't voke off me" PL, the "I'm just here to clean up messes" PL, the "I'll top everyone off so the healer can rest MP" PL, the "I'll handle links and raises, otherwise I'm AFK" PL, and the "if the tank won't try to keep hate off of me then I wont PL" PL.

                          I really think that keeping party mechanics intact regardless of the PL is definitely the most efficient way to make use of a PL and PT healer, while still allowing everyone to learn how to do their jobs.

                          WHM99 - RDM99 - WAR99 - BRD99 - MNK99 - BLM99 - DNC99 - SCH 99 - BST 99
                          WorldSlayers ~ Asura


                          • #43
                            Re: PLs

                            Almost everyone has been PL'ed at some point. From 10-30 it's hard to avoid, actually, and sometimes even later than that. -.-

                            Do I PL? Rarely. From time to time I will PL a friend if I've got nothing better to do, also one time I was in a party in Qufim with no main healer, when our PL left and some of our members were close to leveling I went back to change jobs and PL them to their level so they could disband happy. Generally, I don't PL though.

                            Every once in a while (and back when I had my ex's computer after he moved out) I would dual box PL myself.
                            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                            ~I has a blog~~
                            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                            • #44
                              Re: PLs

                              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
                              Every once in a while (and back when I had my ex's computer after he moved out) I would dual box PL myself.
                              Lol, I actually do that everytime I level a low level job. I just hop on my best friend's whm and switch between my ps2 and computer. Granted, it's really hard to play ninja while doing this, but at least nobody's dying! x.x
                              ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


                              • #45
                                Re: PLs

                                I would never attempt to dual box PL myself in a party. Generally it's easy to set the other character on /follow and just mash a cure macro over and over when necessary. Definitely not gonna mess with targeting multiple people.
                                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                                ~I has a blog~~
                                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

