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WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

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  • #61
    Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

    Top dog on anything will always be a target. Why? cause its most known and used. If Mac was the leading OS, more viruses to it than Windows, same would apply for Linux in the same example. I've recalled seeing an imitation for Mac OS a while ago when I was looking up something that could mod an OS GUI similar to WinBlinds.

    And while cheap shots are thrown. Know the material before speaking it, not to go on high-horses deffending something that would more than likely be the correct reason.

    Feba: Speaking of that, what version of Linux you recommend that works best with most out there downloadable software and multimedia players?
    <.< I'm having a bit of trouble of finding the flavor for me v.v; PCLinuxOS and Knoppix wasn't to my complete liking D:
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #62
      Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

      Top dog on anything will always be a target.

      That does not mean that any of those attempts will come close to succeeding, however. The attacks that non-Windows OS are vulnerable to are things that aren't related to the OS, they social engineering (tricking people into downloading and running a dangerous program, phishing, etc.); not huge gaping holes the user gets just by using the default install. This means that they propagate much less, especially given that other OS actually encourage you to learn them correctly, instead of acting like anyone can use them.

      Know the material before speaking it,
      Good advice. Please follow it.

      As far as linux OS, again I recommend Ubuntu, but everyone will have their own preferences. Ubuntu does have restricted packages that are pretty good for getting media files working easily, and is the most popular distro.


      • #63
        Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

        Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
        Sorry, but I'd rather be in full control of what-this-shoved-down-our-throats-for-majority-of-games-and-programs-OS-does-than-let-it-be-on-the-back burner.
        Day mac and/or linux gets ffxi is the day microsoft gets a boot to the head for good. >_>;
        Then I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you, but you don't run as administrator in Macs or Linux, either. That's the core tenet of their security. Which makes it hugely ironic that people are bashing on Vista for the 'use a non-admin account and elevate your privileges to admin as necessary' security model, when OS X and all of the *nixes do the exact same thing. Which is no coincidence, given that Vista and OS X both stole the idea from the Unix family.

        Practicing the rule of least privilege in user accounts is not a Windows thing, it is the single best practice that a user can follow for any and every computer. If you are wise, you'll learn it.


        • #64
          Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

          Feba you always come in and try to start bitch fights with people.....

          for your information, I have tried both Linux and MacOS, and is why I can say, in my own opinion, I dont like them. So I use Windows, its fine if others dont want to use Windows, but just because you dont like it, does not mean is utter crap.
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #65
            Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

            Originally posted by Feba View Post
            This means that they propagate much less, especially given that other OS actually encourage you to learn them correctly, instead of acting like anyone can use them.
            I call shenanigans on this statement. Apple is the absolute worst company on the planet in the 'acts like anyone can use the OS' department. OS X is faaaaaaar from the 'oh, you just plug it in and it does your taxes and walks your dog and emits radiation that ends world hunger!' that Apple makes it out to be in all of their filthy-lie commercials. By coincidence, I have two service calls scheduled for the next two days from customers who are in over their heads with new Macs and need help getting things set up. Head over to Apple's support forums and check out all of the people who are having problems with Leopard (and are getting their threads locked and deleted by the helpful Apple mods) if you want to see how much they're encouraging their customers to learn to use the OS.

            As for the Linuxes, they're an odd duck. If you know enough to seek out the forums for whichever Linux flavor you use, you'll find a bunch of really helpful people. If you're too much of a computer newbie to understand the intertubes and know to look for support forums, Linux will devour your soul, steal your lunch money, and make you cry. If by 'encourages the user to learn to use it' you mean 'forces the user to learn how to fix a script on their own before it works', then yes, Linux fits the bill. I enjoy playing with Linux, but I'm a giant computer geek and not the average user; I doubt that they find the playing as fun as I do.


            • #66
              Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

              Which makes it hugely ironic that people are bashing on Vista for the 'use a non-admin account and elevate your privileges to admin as necessary' security model,
              Very, very wrong. That model is a good thing. It is Vista's implementation, UAC, that is horribly done. There is a giant difference between controlling user rights and annoying your user to the point where most of the people who are technically inclined enough to care disable it.

              Which is no coincidence, given that Vista and OS X both stole the idea from the Unix family.
              OS X didn't steal it, OS X is based on Unix. (And Leopard is actually considered a UNIX OS, tm symbol and all)

              for your information, I have tried both Linux and MacOS,
              Oh boy, you tried them! I'm sorry Kailea, that changes everything! Of course you know all about how Linux and OS X work, you've tried them! That gives you all the knowledge you need to accurately critique the way the system functions. I shouldn't have doubted you.

              but just because you dont like it, does not mean is utter crap.
              Never said it did. It's utter crap completely independent of my opinion of it.

              btw, commas do not do what you think they do.


              • #67
                Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                your really trying to start something huh, starting to pick out my punctuation now? Yes I tried them, off and on for about 6 months, and in the end, I did not like them. Besides where did I say I knew all about them, or anything close to that? I didn't -.-

                I tried them.....
                did not like MacOS interface....
                did not like how Linux was designed.....

                how hard is this to understand?
                Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                • #68
                  Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                  Apple is the absolute worst company on the planet in the 'acts like anyone can use the OS' department.
                  You misunderstand. That statement is talking about the ability of the computer to be used out of the box, not ease of use. Apple moved away from the "just plug it in and go" advertisements long ago. Take a look at their website, they encourage that people go into workshops to learn how to use it.

                  If by 'encourages the user to learn to use it' you mean 'forces the user to learn how to fix a script on their own before it works', then yes, Linux fits the bill.
                  If by "forces the user to learn how to fix a script on their own before it works" you mean "forces the user to fix other people's shit that they downloaded that has nothing to do with the OS" then maybe. I've never seen a linux distro that doesn't actively show people where they can go for help. You might have a point that people that don't know how to use the internet might have problems-- it is not up to the OS to teach the users Computers 101. There are plenty of books and classes out there to show people how to do that, which is the far better option regardless of OS.

                  I doubt that they find the playing as fun as I do.
                  Probably not. I'd be curious as to what distro you're using, however, as it doesn't sound like any of the ones that are meant to be user friendly.

                  I've got two members of my family running Ubuntu, one of them has quite probably never used a computer before in his life, let alone owned his own, and even he could be told how to do a task (in this case, adding a launcher, which was more complicated than it needed to be because I had butchered the install) over the phone. He had more problems figuring out how to spell words than he did any of the technical things, and he's like 12. The other has had no problems with it that weren't caused by some weird problem with Windows and Wubi.
                  your really trying to start something huh, starting to pick out my punctuation now?
                  I'm merely recommending that you do yourself some learning and find out how they work. You don't need to get angry because you cannot argue with my statements.

                  did not like how Linux was designed.....
                  Odd, since you say you know nothing about it.
                  Last edited by Feba; 12-12-2007, 09:47 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                  • #69
                    Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                    Originally posted by Feba View Post
                    Very, very wrong. That model is a good thing. It is Vista's implementation, UAC, that is horribly done. There is a giant difference between controlling user rights and annoying your user to the point where most of the people who are technically inclined enough to care disable it.
                    The implementation of UAC is not horribly done, what was horrible was that Microsoft made the first user account on Vista an admin by default, and doesn't prompt the user to create a second, non-admin account. Most people don't know that you avoid the 'popup every ten seconds' stuff if you run under a standard user account, and thus don't know to create a standard user account. Which is why I go out of my way to mention the fact as often as possible to try and spread the word.

                    OS X didn't steal it, OS X is based on Unix. (And Leopard is actually considered a UNIX OS, tm symbol and all)
                    OS X is based on FreeBSD, which puts it at a step removed from Unix, just as it would be if they'd based it on Linux. But yes, I knew that; I've had to pop open the console and sudo now and then on my iBook. 'Stole' in the case of OS X is 'took the entire OS and stuck a shiny wrapper on it' rather than 'copied a feature'.
                    Last edited by Greyfist; 12-12-2007, 09:48 PM. Reason: Fixed tag.


                    • #70
                      Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                      what was horrible was that Microsoft made the first user account on Vista an admin by default,
                      That is not the only problem with it, but that is still part of the implementation.

                      OS X is based on FreeBSD, which puts it at a step removed from Unix,

                      OS X is UNIX. OS X == UNIX. It doesn't deny it, it promotes it, as the strength it is.


                      • #71
                        Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        btw, commas do not do what you think they do.
                        Princess Bride extrapolation.

                        Insta thread win.
                        "If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan

                        ~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~


                        • #72
                          Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                          Originally posted by Feba View Post
                          That is not the only problem with it, but that is still part of the implementation.
                          OS X is UNIX. OS X == UNIX. It doesn't deny it, it promotes it, as the strength it is.
                          "The Mac OS X kernel at the heart of Darwin is based on FreeBSD 5 and Mach 3.0. Apple
                          has extended this time-tested Mach/BSD foundation with a number of powerful new
                          features, including:

                          OS X == FreeBSD. FreeBSD =/= UNIX, OS X =/= UNIX
                          (OS X == UNIX) == Apple Marketing Speak


                          • #73
                            Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                            Mac OS X is licensed by The Open Group to use the UNIX® trademark by virtue of being compatible with the Single UNIX Specification (specifically, UNIX 03) when run on Intel processors and paying The Open Group a licensing fee. Ergo, Mac OS X is UNIX.

                            Don't you just love Holy Wars?
                            Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
                            How to ask smart questions:

                            Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


                            • #74
                              Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                              Dont most websights contain spyware, adware, and trojans?
                              "I'm lost without you, without you I am lost."
                              "Life is but a dream, you can only go so far."

                              - Mfume


                              • #75
                                Re: WARNING - Somepage linked to account hijackings

                                Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
                                Top dog on anything will always be a target.
                                Target does not equate to exploitable, and popular does not mean vulnerable. Apache is by far the most popular HTTP server, IIS is exploited much more often.

                                Then I hate to be the bearer of bad news for you, but you don't run as administrator in Macs
                                First user on OS X is an administrative user. Not root, administrator.
                                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


