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The dreaded Error 3100 - TalkTalk customers affected

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  • The dreaded Error 3100 - TalkTalk customers affected

    Hello there, apologies if this is in the wrong place but I'm new and desperate.

    I was happily playing FFXI when I logged out and went for dinner, no problemos.

    Come back and for no reason unable to connect to the lobby, getting an error 3100"unable to connect to lobby". So i Just figured the server was down and something was wrong.

    Three days ain't the server. So I phone Playonline/Squenix for help. "It's not us, it's your ISP". So I call my ISP (the incredibly unhelpful talktalk). "Nothing to do with us, it's the game people"

    I am now at my wits end. I have temporarily disabled firewalls in case it is that, I have totally reinstalled everything- nothing. I have tried "tunnelling" with HTTP Tunnel Client (despite the fact it's over my head and I probably bungled it). Nothing works and im still unable to connect.

    The thing that gets me is that if I had done or changed something, I would be able to fix it but for no reason this error appeared, in the space of half an hour.

    So, is there *anyone* at all that can lend some kind of assistance? I would be very grateful.

  • #2
    Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

    Is this the error where you start to log onto your character and only get the "Downloading data ... " message?

    If so, I usually get this error once a month. One way to fix this is to log onto your character from another PC and change zone. For some crazy reason, that usually fixes it for me. Otherwise I've been able to get it to stop if I temporarily change router (luckily I have two computers and a box of routers).


    • #3
      Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!


      The bar loads halfway. Gets stuck on "Connecting to lobby server" and then gives me: "FFXI Error:3100 Unable to connect to lobby server"

      It's so frustrating :'(


      • #4
        Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

        This isn't the first time we've seen this sort of error. A quick search online indicates that error 3100 indicates a failure to connect to the lobby server. In the past, it's had something to do with problems with the connections between various ISPs, and thus I would imagine that this is something that has happened again.

        I don't think there's anything you can do at this point if you've already asked PlayOnline and your ISP about it.



        • #5
          Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!


          So all I can do is sit and wait and hope that TalkTalk fix it eventually?

          Either that or just not be able to play? (My parents would never change ISP).

          That seems highly unfair. Darn these computer companys


          • #6
            Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

            Well if it makes you feel better, you are not alone !!

            I have been attempting to get online now for 3 days, I have contacted SE, Talk Talk and Netgear (manufacturer of my DG834PN router)

            SE = ISP Issue, sorry we cant help

            Talk Talk = Not our problem, just because it started happening when we have been making changes to the equipment in the exchanges in the UK is pure coincidence.

            Netgear = 3 hour call, changing multiple port maps, MTU values, resetting router and repeating the same process 5-6 times =no joy.

            Just to make sure nothing on my system was causing a conflict I have formatted my PC after deleting the partition, re-installed FFXI + all expansions, re-updated and tried again = no joy.

            Im about to get back on the phone to talk talk customer services to lodge a complaint of there services

            Well all i can say is i cant wait till Warhammer Age of Reckoning is released so I can have another MMORPG to play without all the constant issues that this game has.

            After 2 hours on the phone to Talk Talk, the issue has been passed on the there "Concerns" department, this apparanlty is there top level complaints department.

            Talk Talk are also unable to reset the Line synchronisation for their broadband services. Only advice they could offer was to "try it again tomorrow"

            Thanks Talk Talk, that ther is some stella technical advice!
            Last edited by damnationawaits; 12-09-2007, 05:50 AM. Reason: New info


            • #7
              Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

              i also am getting this issue and i also am on talktalk. i think we can all asume its a problem on server side of talktalk and not our computers or setups.

              talktalk fucked up and just dont want to admit it.
              Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
              75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


              • #8
                Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                I'd bet it's your ISP. There was a time when, for one RoadRunner division, you couldn't connect to EQ1 if you had one specific modem paired with one specific brand of router (I think it was toshiba 1100 w/ any linksys router). Maybe borrow someone's router or see if your isp has other pieces of hardware you can use.

                The RR issue eventually got fixed when they worked with both linksys and toshiba to find the issue then patched the modem firmware with a fix. It took about four months and they were acknowledging an issue. Not saying you're having the same problem but I wouldn't rule it out either.


                • #9
                  Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                  changing router made no diffrence (tried 3 diff routers / modems).

                  my internet connection has now become very slow and degraded after i have logged a complaint, i guess they are looking into the matter, or making my internet worse just to amuse themselves..


                  • #10
                    Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                    im just gonna leave ff11 for a few days and see if it clears up. if it doesnt then ima get on the line to talktalk. if they wont fix the issue then ill just join another ISP. they are a dime a dozen. /shrug
                    Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
                    75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


                    • #11
                      Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                      1.) Remove your router all together.
                      2.) Reset your modem.
                      3.) Restart your computer.
                      4.) If you can get online....its not you isp.
                      5.) Check if Norton expired. (trust me)
                      6.) KEEP CALLING POL! You will get an answer to your issue through POL eventually. With these steps you can PROVE its not your isp so shove that in their face. I hate it when they blame that crap on us (i work a t comcast). It is there issue at that point and you have to be a little mean and very forcfull to get your issue resolved.
                      Originally posted by Raydeus

                      Other than that the only thing I'd like to see is SE changing Homam so RDM can use it, but the chances of that happening are the same as those of me winning the Mog bonanza.


                      • #12
                        Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                        well since it only seems to be effecting customers then ima have to say its the ISP fault not SE. or a combination of both. either way its NOT a client side problem.
                        Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
                        75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


                        • #13
                          Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                          It is the isp's fault in this instance, just because you work for a telecoms company does not mean that telecoms companys dont make mistakes.

                          Im a qualified network engineer, and trust me, telecoms comanys make more mistakes than you know.

                          powering down the router only resets the line sync on the local router, it does not effect the telecoms end, and will only remedy issues on the local machine or router.

                          We simply have to wait for Talk Talk to sort the issue out.


                          • #14
                            Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                            here is what i got when i sent in a internet chat:

                            Thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center, a representative will be with your shortly!
                            You have been connected to SEL Agent Camille.
                            SEL Agent Camille: Hello Dean, Thank you for contacting the PlayOnline Information Center. One moment please while I read your question. Thank You!
                            SEL Agent Camille: What is the problem exactly?
                            Dean Nadin : hello
                            Dean Nadin : basically i can log into pol just fine
                            Dean Nadin : i click play
                            Dean Nadin : the pol closes and the game opens
                            Dean Nadin : im asked to accept or decline the user agreement
                            Dean Nadin : which i accept
                            Dean Nadin : then the game hangs at "connecting to lobby server"
                            Dean Nadin : it then shows me the error
                            Dean Nadin : "Error Code: FFXI-3100 Could not connect to lobby server"
                            Dean Nadin : then i click ok and im kicked back onto pol viewer
                            Dean Nadin : it started since they did the maint on saturday morning
                            SEL Agent Camille: We would need more information about your connection. How are you connected to the internet? Who is your internet provider? Do you use a router?
                            Dean Nadin : i changed my router to see if that would remedy the issue. didnt work.
                            Dean Nadin : my ISP is
                            Dean Nadin : im connected using ADSL 8MBS i believe
                            Dean Nadin : ive reset my router a few times
                            Dean Nadin : powered it down completely then tried
                            Dean Nadin : tried connecting to ff11 using a proxy. didnt work
                            Dean Nadin : im fairly sure its not anything wrong on my end
                            Dean Nadin : as a few people have complained about this issue
                            SEL Agent Camille: Talktalk customers have had difficulties to log in since the end of last week.
                            SEL Agent Camille: It seems to be a temporary issue from Talktalk.
                            Dean Nadin : to log in to ff11 or log into the internet in general?
                            SEL Agent Camille: just to FFXI, I believe.
                            Dean Nadin : a few people have said talktalk have claimed to have no issues because they havent changed any of their hardware
                            SEL Agent Camille: I understand, buut there is definitely something coming from the path they provide.
                            Dean Nadin : well ill give it a few days and see if the problem resolves itself. if not ill just complain to my ISP
                            Dean Nadin : thanks for your time
                            Leader of Enmity LS ~ Shiva
                            75 BLM, 75 PLD, 71 RDM, 68 WHM, 67 WAR, 65 NIN, 44 SMN, 33 MNK


                            • #15
                              Re: The dreaded Error 3100 - desperate now! Pleeeaase help!

                              Ah, well I'm glad it's not only me.

                              I recall reading in another forum this happened with another ISP and it took a little while for them to get their act together. (or a million for talktalk)

                              If anyone manages to get it working, I would be most grateful if they could let me know.

                              Thanks :-D

