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By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

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  • By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

    Thought I'd get the ball rolling on this subject since finding EXP spots in the new zones could be a point of interest for many. With the combined efforts of others here and I'll continue to post findings of my own, I hope to get an EXP locale guide going to provide users with alternative EXP zones within WotG.

    Be sure to list the following details, if you can:
    • Your level and job(s) used at camp
    • The zone
    • Whether this was solo, duo or a group.
    • What the mobs /checked to you vs. how difficult they really felt
    • Target mob and level of other respective mob types in the area
    • If BST, specify any potential monster correlation and which mobs you used against what. That way we can take some of this data and assimilate it into the Beastmaster Anthologies.
    • Average EXP per hour, specify if which EXP band was used if you used one
    • Rate whether or not you felt you came up this camp too early, too late or if it felt just right.
    • Campaign Warp Needed?

    Hopefully, by this data we can figure on how these mobs scale and see if these camps are hard or easy to get to.


    Fort Karugo-Narugo
    • SAM/RNG and DNC/NIN 29-30 (Duo)
    • Target Mob: Vorpal Bunny (Beast type)
    • Checked: DC to T/Low Evasion
    • Difficulty: Ts still hit really hard, but low in HP, SAM came back /NIN later and EXP sped up a bit.
    • Other mobs: Lycopodium (EP), Wandering Saplings (EP/DC) (Plantoid Type)
    • BST Data: Could probably send Lycopodium and Saplings againt Vorpal Bunnies or Bunny vs. Bunny, probably as early as level 25 or 26.
    • EXP per hour (with Empress Band): 3k an hour - Slow.
    • Rating: Late, probably could have started here at 26.
    • Campaign Warp: Not neccessary, EXP mobs aren't too far from West Sartuabaruta [S] zone line

    As more information comes in, I'll try to organize it by level range. From what I've eyeballed these camps seem to range Valkurm level to merit level, though the practicality of merit camps is presently unknown to me.

  • #2
    Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

    I did not try this, but it looks promising.

    East Ronfarue [S]
    -/checked "Tough" to my 43 WHM, so perhaps a good alternative to CN in the mid to late 30's
    -Not a whole lot else in the area, but I have not explored it fully yet
    -I would definitely have the E.Ron Maw for this one.
    FFXIV Balmung Server
    Tenro Matashi


    • #3
      Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

      North Gustaberg [S]
      @ 14, EP--, EP-, DC
      Tunnel Worms (10-12 according to Wiki)
      Don't know BST info.
      Exp / hr was slow - 40-50 XP per kill, had to rest after two. Don't have a number off-hand. I believe this area would be better suited for SCHs and BLMs at 9 or 10. 14 was just a little high.
      No Campaign warp needed - mobs are right outside Bastok Markets [S]
      Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
      How to ask smart questions:

      Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


      • #4
        Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

        WHM 19-20 solo
        North Gustaberg [S]
        Stone Eaters just east of the ramp

        These con DC to T at 19 and 20. Basically equivalent to Maze Makers, but in a wide open area without much threat from aggressive mobs.

        I get the feeling that the mobs were on average trending higher level than in Shakrami. I also was getting more frequent resists on Silence, I think, though I don't have anything hard to back this up, nor did I check for conditions that might have contributed...
        Last edited by Lunaryn; 11-30-2007, 08:54 PM.
        Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
        Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
        Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
        Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
        All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
        Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
        Clothcraft 24
        Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


        • #5
          Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

          Originally posted by Lunaryn View Post
          ...I get the feeling that the mobs were on average trending higher level than in Shakrami. I also was getting more frequent resists on Silence, I think, though I don't have anything hard to back this up, nor did I check for conditions that might have contributed...
          I and some others have noticed that a lot of the "EP to 75" crowd of mobs appear to be a bit more robust than comparable mobs in the present. They seem to have more HP, but it might just be one of those "feelings" that doesn't really have any substance. I am definitely leaning toward an overall increased defensive capability on WotG mobs in general, but unfortunately I don't really have hard numbers.


          • #6
            Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

            Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
            I and some others have noticed that a lot of the "EP to 75" crowd of mobs appear to be a bit more robust than comparable mobs in the present. They seem to have more HP, but it might just be one of those "feelings" that doesn't really have any substance. I am definitely leaning toward an overall increased defensive capability on WotG mobs in general, but unfortunately I don't really have hard numbers.
            Perhaps. I actually meant as far as the first sentence that I was finding T worms a lot more often than EM and DC, but the higher resists on Silence from time to time did get annoying. I didn't notice much in the way of resists on Banish, but my Divine Skill was pretty low in the maze and I actually capped it toward the end of the NGS leveling, so...
            Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
            Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
            Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
            Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
            All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
            Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
            Clothcraft 24
            Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


            • #7
              Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

              Savannah Rarabs in West Sarutabaruta [S] checked as VT to me solo as SCH9. Everything else there was IT. This might be a faster alternative to Tahrongi Canyon for soloists in the 13-16 range.



              • #8
                Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                Originally posted by Tsrwedge View Post
                North Gustaberg [S]
                @ 14, EP--, EP-, DC
                Tunnel Worms (10-12 according to Wiki)
                Don't know BST info.
                Exp / hr was slow - 40-50 XP per kill, had to rest after two. Don't have a number off-hand. I believe this area would be better suited for SCHs and BLMs at 9 or 10. 14 was just a little high.
                No Campaign warp needed - mobs are right outside Bastok Markets [S]
                I was soloing with lvl 14 dancer on tunnel worms in gusteberg-s they dinged ep-dc and with empress band I was getting mainly 67-75 exp for the DC ones. which ain;t too bad, I ahd to rest after 5-6 of them though until i dinged 15 and got curing waltz. Sapplings are dc-em but sprout smack is a pain.


                • #9
                  Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                  Lotta stuff, gonna eschew my formatting somewhat to cover it all quickly

                  Level 30 - Grauberg Rock Eaters near North Gustaberg [S] zone /checked T, they're kinda slow on the casting and they don't link at all by my observations. Great way to eventually ease into Attowah Chasm worm camp later for an easier time there. No elementals near, nuke and arrow away, my friends. Gravy solo camp.

                  Level 40 - East Ronfraure colibri and ladybugs checked IT+, these I went 40 BLM to check if colibri mimicked spells. They didn't and, well, I promptly died. For the level, I seemed to be taking a proper amount of damage. I believe someone said conned T/low eva at 45. Looks viable so long as you keep the stray ladybugs clear.

                  Ladybugs do have AoE Amnesia, not as fun as the colibri, but another comprable level target close at hand. I did play with the ladybugs there on 65 BST. Sending them against the colibri, they seemed to be on the same level. Good possible BST camp, too, that Amnesia would good against colibri when it takes. I'd say 42-44ish BST could do well here.

                  Friendly neighborhood pixie is plus to this camp, too.

                  Level 65 - Took a tour of Pashhow Marshlands [S] on BST while helping my friends get maws on the way to Bastok. Here's the rundown:

                  Snippers - DC
                  Bog Bunny - DC
                  Gadfly - EM to T
                  Quadav - mostly VT, some IT
                  Malaboro - IT+ (like you're gonna EXP on that one)
                  Lou Caroth (new slug mob) - T-VT
                  Electrumcaps - Need verification, didn't check these
                  New Lizard Mobs (forget the name) - IT+ to BST 65, VT to 75 COR and RNG
                  Goblin mobs - I think VT (don't recall, need verification or to recheck).

                  The south end with a ton of those new lizards looked like it could merit camp potential, as they all conned VT, but I've not fought one. Otherwise it looks likesome decent BST options there in the early 60s with the snippers, rabbits and eventially moving into gadflys at 65+, an alternative to Boyhada Tree at any rate.


                  • #10
                    Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                    North Gustaberg Tunnel Worms conned T to my level 9 SCH/WHM. Worst they do is silence you and spam Stone. Sigil for Regen, Refresh and Foob buff makes this a sweet camp with fast recovery, you could probably even arguably start at level 8 solo here. Just bring Rolanberriy Pies to have the MP for kills. I wish I had come here just a little sooner.


                    • #11
                      Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                      As I posted in another thread...

                      In west saratabuta-s I was fighting Savanna Rarab's with my 15 DNC and dinged 16 after 2 hour solo exping. to me at 15 they were working out as DC (lower) to EM higher) which to me works out at lvl 12-15. They hit alot harder than their equivilnents in the present. the little mandys (Tiny Lycopodium) were around lvl 10-12.

                      Crawlers registered VT high defense to my lvl 15 so i would say they are around lvl 18+ and carrion crows were IT+ so I think there around lvl 20+. None agro.

                      If you fight mobs around the gate to Windhurst-s and to the south of the map to the area of the MAW, I did not see any higher level mobs that could agro. So this could be a new dunes area for exp.

                      The only downside to lvling in the past is that your signet only gives you exp (no conquest points) and when resting your TP does reduce. Though in 3800exp of lvling I did not have to rest once thanks to curing waltz. Fighting rarabs with exp ring solo I was getting between 75 and 108 exp a mob solo, 50-67 on mandys.


                      • #12
                        Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                        Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                        The only downside to lvling in the past is that your signet only gives you exp (no conquest points) and when resting your TP does reduce.
                        Just a correction, but with Sigil You do keep your TP while resting. My Taru has been resting MP for 5 mins now, he still has the 100 TP I left him with.

                        Considering how dirt-easy Allied Notes are to get and that you can stack the three Sanction buffs AND keep your TP while resting, I'll accept the loss of not earning Allied Notes while I EXP. Something had to give.


                        • #13
                          Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                          Originally posted by Jarre View Post
                          They hit alot harder than their equivilnents in the present. the little mandys (Tiny Lycopodium) were around lvl 10-12.
                          No kidding. I attacked a DC lycopodium with my SCH and the darn thing hit me for almost a third of my HP every round, harder than the VT I had been fighting in a group earlier. Seemed to have more HP than it should too. I didn't stand a chance, heh.

                          I read that having Sigil on normalizes them somewhat, but I just wanted to fight one and see if it was worth leveling there.


                          • #14
                            Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                            In preparation for our Trio our PLD went around conning a series of mobs across several zones looking for mid-level camps options. I'm posting a list of what was found so far (all cons are to a 45 w/ high accuracy):

                            Batallia Downs:
                            Stalking Saplings, Sadfly - Too Weak
                            Ba, Clipper - Easy Prey
                            Smilodon - Tough (2 T, 1 T+, so these probably go down to 46)

                            Rolanberry Fields:
                            Death Wasp - Easy Prey
                            Midnight Wings - EP to DC
                            Death Jacket - EP to DC in equal measure (probably 42-43 or 41-44)
                            Poison Leech - EM to T
                            Coppertop - T to VT
                            Berry Grub - VT+ to IT+ (VT to 45 is 49)
                            Goobbue Farmer, Ochu - Incredibly Tough

                            Sauromugue Champaign:
                            Diving Beetle - DC to T (estimated 44-46)
                            Hill Lizard - EM-, T, T+
                            Lynx - T to IT+ (estimated 46-50 or 47-50)
                            Moon Bat - VT to IT+
                            Midnight Wings, Sauromugue Skink - IT+
                            Gnat - Incredibly Tough

                            Meriphataud Mountains:
                            Wandering Sapling - Too Weak
                            Stag Beetle - DC to T
                            Lynx - VT to IT+ (estimated 49-51 or 49-52)
                            Treant Sapling, Dragonfly - Incredibly Tough
                            Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                            Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                            Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                            Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                            All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                            Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                            Clothcraft 24
                            Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                            • #15
                              Re: By the level: WotG Zones, post your findings here

                              Tried Grauberg worms as both 30 and 32 SCH and it didn't work out so well for me. they conned T at 32 and have lots of HP, love to spam stoneskin whenever they get the chance.

                              These are much more advisable for level 30 BLM/WHM, RDM or BLU most likely. Any job with a silence and a subbable stoneskin at thier disposal is going to fare better here than I did.

                              Something's bugged about these worms, too, sometimes they stop casting mid-spell with no basis for stoping - no intimidation, not stunned silenced, they just stop. They also go unclaimed more randomly than any other mob I've seen.

                              Other than that it seems for some mage classes this is a viable alternative to Attowah Chasm at the same level, with no magic aggro or links to worry about.

