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new leveling areas!!

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  • #16
    Re: new leveling areas!!

    Originally posted by Caspian View Post
    All other bomb type mobs blow up as far as I am aware, so I can only assume that these new ones do as well.
    I believe someone somewhere said the lower level stuff in the zones just outside of cities are good for parties around lvl 15.
    those purple bombs, djinn have an annoying aoe bio (II?).
    Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
    ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


    • #17
      Re: new leveling areas!!

      I really have high hopes that some of these new camps will have a decent EXP camp for something OTHER then meleeburn... The higher-level Beastmen seem promising....

      Aside from that, anyone found any lv 75 Worms?
      Originally posted by Ellipses
      Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
      Originally posted by MCLV
      A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
      More Sig:


      • #18
        Re: new leveling areas!!

        Originally posted by Onionsoilder View Post
        I really have high hopes that some of these new camps will have a decent EXP camp for something OTHER then meleeburn... The higher-level Beastmen seem promising....

        Aside from that, anyone found any lv 75 Worms?
        lvl 75 worms would be awesome... but i want to go back to the bomb djin. I wonder if they're worth killing? Does anyone know what they drop or what kind of exp they give? Does it depend on the area? Probably... but come on, it's every bsts dream to go out in a trio, grab a few pets, and let them wail on a bomb and wait for it to blow up and get like 300 exp for the kill... come on, i love that!
        But in all seriousness... i wonder if there's anyplace to charm pets to stand up against such a high lvl monster or even if the djin are worth killing item wise and exp wise.... guess it depends on your lvl for the last one


        • #19
          Re: new leveling areas!!

          Originally posted by Kerio View Post
          lvl 75 worms would be awesome... but i want to go back to the bomb djin. I wonder if they're worth killing? Does anyone know what they drop or what kind of exp they give? Does it depend on the area? Probably... but come on, it's every bsts dream to go out in a trio, grab a few pets, and let them wail on a bomb and wait for it to blow up and get like 300 exp for the kill... come on, i love that!
          But in all seriousness... i wonder if there's anyplace to charm pets to stand up against such a high lvl monster or even if the djin are worth killing item wise and exp wise.... guess it depends on your lvl for the last one
          Well about the blowing up, apparently the djinn bombs only explode if they are hit with an elemental damage attack, like a spell, enspell, elemental WS, corresponding to the current day. The explosion is on a very short timer, much shorter than normal bombs exploding and does a lot of damage (also darkness based).

          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


          • #20
            Re: new leveling areas!!

            I checked stuff all the way to Bastok Markets [S] when I first went there last night with my 31 Monk (my girlfriend and her 32 Red Mage helped a lot for Sneak/Invs).
            About 75% of the stuff was IT+/++ with some of it being DC and even EM.

            Outside of town we are leveling my level 17 Bst and her level 18 Smn and the monsters we run into outside the gate are around EP worms and saplings to DC and EM birds. past the northern side of the river there are IT+/++ Worms and Caps, near the Maw there are Spiders (did not check them), on the hill there are IT++ Goblins and sheep I did not check.

            So from what I can see if outside the towns in the past there is a good range for leveling lower levels as well.

            I am thinking we will be able to level to 25+ in this area alone.


            • #21
              Re: new leveling areas!!

              Originally posted by Gobo View Post
              Well about the blowing up, apparently the djinn bombs only explode if they are hit with an elemental damage attack, like a spell, enspell, elemental WS, corresponding to the current day.
              Does that mean that doing so unlocks their ability to explode or it makes them do it on command? If it's on the spot then that sounds like Summoner or Bst/Nuke solo candy. Disposa-tank, a forced pop, rinse and repeat. I wonder if you could sub ninja and trigger the bomb with crappo-jutsu partial resists.

              The woman and I just crested to 40, spose we'll poke around in some S zones, see if there's any good, mid-level camps.


              • #22
                Re: new leveling areas!!

                Originally posted by ioshua View Post
                Does that mean that doing so unlocks their ability to explode or it makes them do it on command? If it's on the spot then that sounds like Summoner or Bst/Nuke solo candy. Disposa-tank, a forced pop, rinse and repeat. I wonder if you could sub ninja and trigger the bomb with crappo-jutsu partial resists.
                The woman and I just crested to 40, spose we'll poke around in some S zones, see if there's any good, mid-level camps.
                From what I've read it triggers an automatic explosion, much like Razon in the ENM "Fire in the Sky", though the ENM mob is a random element, while these explode corresponding to the day.

                PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                • #23
                  Re: new leveling areas!!

                  Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                  From what I've read it triggers an automatic explosion, much like Razon in the ENM "Fire in the Sky", though the ENM mob is a random element, while these explode corresponding to the day.
                  Depends on the day? So the Djinn blow up depending on what element you cast which depends on which day you're on? Can you explain that? Like say it's firesday and you cast fire... it explodes?
                  Either way.. that's total candy! I throw a pet (i'm a bst) at the little bugger, let it stick with hate, throw a fire at it, and the lvl 80 or so djinn just goes and dies??
                  Is that how you're saying it works?


                  • #24
                    Re: new leveling areas!!

                    Originally posted by Kerio View Post
                    Depends on the day? So the Djinn blow up depending on what element you cast which depends on which day you're on? Can you explain that? Like say it's firesday and you cast fire... it explodes?
                    Either way.. that's total candy! I throw a pet (i'm a bst) at the little bugger, let it stick with hate, throw a fire at it, and the lvl 80 or so djinn just goes and dies??
                    Is that how you're saying it works?
                    If what I read is correct, then yep that what it does. I'm too chicken to try it myself since I've also read reports of the explosion, Nocturnal Combustion, doing well over 2000 damage.

                    PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                    • #25
                      Re: new leveling areas!!

                      While I can't verify this exactly, I can say that one of these blew up at 95% the first time I fought one, right after I first smacked it...I'm a RDM, so more likely than not I had an enspell on, and if it was a day other than lights/darks it would've have matched the current day, so this theory may have something going for it...bastard 1-shotted me within 2 seconds of pulling it...

                      I actually need to farm some of these for Djinn Ash this week, I'll test a few things out and see if I can confirm this theory or not...I'm thinking if it's true, I might be able to stay barely in casting range, Bind/Grav, and then toss out a nuke to make it blow and bail out of range. I'll post w/ results later this week.
                      Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                      Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                      Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                      • #26
                        Re: new leveling areas!!

                        Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                        If what I read is correct, then yep that what it does. I'm too chicken to try it myself since I've also read reports of the explosion, Nocturnal Combustion, doing well over 2000 damage.
                        I solo'ed a Djinn the other day, it was the first monster I ever fought in the WoTG areas. As a 71 BLM, I was spamming nukes on it, as well as some melee(It's melee attacks were rather pathetic - and I'm a BLM. I have a note to find more later). It decided to blow at ~33% and I thought "Oh crap...", Stun was down, started running for no apparent reason, then it blew.

                        52 Damage.

                        That hurt. My pinky finger.

                        EDIT: I think I figured out why the difference in damage was so extreme.

                        As most start people would know, when you fight any fire-based monster, you better take off those Bomb Queen Rings or your toast.

                        Now, what is the most popular Melee ring ever?

                        Sniper's Ring +1.

                        Now as it just so happened, I belive I has a Dark Staff on at the time.
                        Originally posted by Ellipses
                        Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
                        Originally posted by MCLV
                        A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
                        More Sig:


                        • #27
                          Re: new leveling areas!!

                          Well got off my ass and tested it myself:

                          Seems they at least need 100% TP to use Nocturnal Combustion, since it took a few more hits from both the mob and avatar to get it to fire. But as long as they have been hit with the appropriate elemental damage, it will be used once they get TP.

                          More results showing elemental damage corresponding to day=Kaboom


                          Lower half of page
                          Last edited by Gobo; 12-03-2007, 07:03 PM.

                          PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                          • #28
                            Re: new leveling areas!!

                            Any good lowbie grind spots for the early teens? I'm gonna go check old Ronfaure now.

                            Yeah, early teens in the north end anyway.
                            Last edited by Patchinko; 12-03-2007, 10:25 PM.
                            There will be cake.


                            • #29
                              Re: new leveling areas!!

                              Originally posted by Gobo View Post
                              Well got off my ass and tested it myself:

                              Seems they at least need 100% TP to use Nocturnal Combustion, since it took a few more hits from both the mob and avatar to get it to fire. But as long as they have been hit with the appropriate elemental damage, it will be used once they get TP.

                              More results showing elemental damage corresponding to day=Kaboom


                              Lower half of page
                              That's excellent Data! Thank you so much! I"m going to try that out tonight so i can see for myself!


                              • #30
                                Re: new leveling areas!!

                                Originally posted by Sabaron View Post
                                There's a little "dingle" in Sauromugue Champaign [S] @ (G-8) that has 5 Diving Beetles in it all nicely spaced.. Might be nice depending on the beetles' level and repop rate.
                                As it happens, that's there in the present too, tagged as an 18-21 camp by campsitarus.

