yea so i went and got my copy of WoTG today at Best Buy, and they didn't even have it on the shelves or anything so i had to ask someone and they found a copy in the back. Frankly im dissapointed in the ammount of attention FFXI is given in stores. Maybe if they like just displayed the game it would get more buys, but no, you have to perposefully by hunting for the game in order to get it, and maybe that's why there aren't as many ppl playing as b4. I mean if you were just strolling around in the store you're not going to see it like you would WoW of course because it is advertised like crazy. yeh tell me what u think.
:O can't wait to play WotG but im on vacation right now XD oh well, at least by the time i start playing they will have ironed out some of the kinks
:O can't wait to play WotG but im on vacation right now XD oh well, at least by the time i start playing they will have ironed out some of the kinks
