Hello Everyone
I'm going to compile some of the information I've found out so far. I hope this helps you guys when you guys start.
You'll want to head to the Cavernous Maw in Battilia Downs Located at H-5. Once you enter, you'll get a CS and then be taken randomly to either the Cavernous Maw in Sauromungue Champaign, Rolanberry Fields, or Battilia Downs.
From here on you can goto whichever nation you'd like to get a Recommendation Letter which works like the following. . . .
Windurst: Crawler's Nest
Talk to Kalsu-Kalasu for Key Item: Green Recommendation Letter. You can find Kalsu-Kalasu on a platform to the right once you zone into Crawler’s Nest. It’s about a 30 second walk. Can’t miss him. Afterwards head to Windurst.
Bastok: Eldieme Necropolis
Talk to Turbulent Storm for Key Item: Blue Recommendation Letter. You will find him within 30-45 seconds of walking straight from entrance of Eldieme Necropolis @ J-10. Now head to Bastok.
For Bastok People, here is a really nice guide from someone at Blue Gartr
San d'Oria: Garlaige Citade
Talk to Randecque for Key Item: Red Recommendation Letter. Randecque is found on the 2nd floor or GC @ I-6. You will reach the 2nd Floor by heading towards I-7 of the first map. Now Head to San d’Oria . You will need to talk to Mainchelite in Southern San d'Oria. He is near the AH of old Southern San d'Oria or if you want the position is I-9. He will tell you to find 3 ??? in East Ronfaure. You can find them at . .
H-8 by the Campaign Fort (in those burned holes)
I-8 in the water under the mini-waterfall
J-7 in the top left cornor of the square on the map. The ??? is in vegetation
Afterwards, head back to Mainchelite to finish up.
Welcome to campaign. You now have access to sigil, Allied Notes, Campaign Ops and all other Campaign related features along with. . . .

The effect remains even if you take them off.
Duration: 60 mins
Goes Away when you attack or become attacked
Doesn't stack with BRD movement songs
Recharable Unknown BUT you can purchase another one for 980 Allied Notes
Note: I would advise you to do the Map quests as well while your in these dungeons/safeholds. Look below for directions.
Further Campaign info can be found here
To Obtain a Map of Grauberg:
You will need to to talk to the NPC at J-10 ofBattilia Downs right before you enter Eldieme Necropolis. He will ask that you find a map that is torn apart. It is split into 3 sections like the following . . .
Left Map: Sacophogus I-9
Middle Map: On the Gravestone at H-8 next to the big room of I-8 (directly across from the NPC you see in that room)
Right Map: Talk to NPC in H-7 next to the flame
Note: Clicking on the Flame and choosing to go further will cause you to be teleported out to Batillian Down
To Obtain a Map of Fort Karugo-narugo
Talk to Naiko-Paneiko, who can be found right after entering Crawler’s Nest under a wood structure with 3 hanging bags. He is a bit further then Kalsu-Kalasu. If he’s not there you need to wait for Campaigne to be over. You’ll get a CS and afterwards you need to head to G-9 of Rolanberry Fields. If you follow the road, you should see a hill with a fence. On the hill are two tarutarus on top of a cannon. One of them is Rakula-Motakula. Talk to him and you’ll get a CS. He will ask you questions. Keep in mind if you get it wrong you will have to redo the CS with Rakula-Motakula. The Answers for me were 4 leafed mandies, 4 black mandies, 5 flowered mandies. Go back and talk to Naiko-Paneiko to get your map
To Obtain a Map of Vunkerl Inlet
You will need to goto the 2nd floor of Garlaige Citadel (when I mean 2nd floor, I mean the area where you enter right after you go through banishing gate #1 in the present). You can get to the 2nd floor by opening the gate behind Randecque and procedding forward. Head towards I-6 of 2nd floor and you should come across a storage room. Enter and talk to the NPC named Rarcasmeault. He will tell you to find some Firesand. You will find some if you head to the Storeroom @ G-7 (this is around the area where Old-Two Wings spawns). Next head back to Rarcasmeault and he will give you your map. Please keep in mind if I tell you to go somewhere on this map, do it please. It’s not that I’m lying to you , but rather there are parts where the map doesn’t show the structures.
Note: For all these quest, if you DO NOT see the NPC it’s not b/c my directions is wrong. I assure you with 100% certainity they are right, but it’s because there is a campaign going on and these NPCs disappear.
Note2: For these map quest I only needed Sneak as a lvl 75 for Quadavs, Slimes, and Gobbues. The Bats didn’t aggro me even though they were easy prey. Just keep Sneak on though to be safe.
Cavernous Maws:
You can only access the Cavernous Maws that you used to get back from the Past.
Enter Past by Batillia Downs, Exit Past by Rolanberry Fields will allow you to access the Cavernous Maw in Rolanberry Fields
Currently there are 9 known Cavernous Maws and their location is the following . . ..
Along the way to San d'Oria . . . .
Along the way to Windurst . . .
Along the way to Bastok . . .
Getting Scholar:
Talk to Bluffnix iin Lower Jeuno @ H-9. He will want the following item for each gobbiebag quest.
The Gobbiebag Part VII
The Gobbiebag Part VIII
Note: Some items are better off being purchased. I would advise doing the quests for the Angel/Deathstones. Also you must wait 1 game day to do the Angelstone quest after the Deathstone quest
* Pixies will heal and/or Raise 3 you O.o
Well that is all for now, I hope this helps everyone. Thanks go out to the fourms and Blue Gartr and FFXIwikipedia.
Updated #1: Added more details in "Getting Started". Added 2 more Map Quests. Fixed the Rolanberry mistake. Added Misc
Updated #2: Cut off a section of Getting Started to "Starting Campaigne" since that's what it really is. Went further into San d'Oria and specified Rewards for 1st mission.
Updated #3: Added a Gobbiebag discovery and section.
Updated #4: Cleaned things up, hope it's easier to read for you guys
Updated #5: Completed most of Gobbiebag Quests.
I'm going to compile some of the information I've found out so far. I hope this helps you guys when you guys start.
Getting Started:
You'll want to head to the Cavernous Maw in Battilia Downs Located at H-5. Once you enter, you'll get a CS and then be taken randomly to either the Cavernous Maw in Sauromungue Champaign, Rolanberry Fields, or Battilia Downs.
Starting Campaign:
From here on you can goto whichever nation you'd like to get a Recommendation Letter which works like the following. . . .
Windurst: Crawler's Nest
Talk to Kalsu-Kalasu for Key Item: Green Recommendation Letter. You can find Kalsu-Kalasu on a platform to the right once you zone into Crawler’s Nest. It’s about a 30 second walk. Can’t miss him. Afterwards head to Windurst.
Bastok: Eldieme Necropolis
Talk to Turbulent Storm for Key Item: Blue Recommendation Letter. You will find him within 30-45 seconds of walking straight from entrance of Eldieme Necropolis @ J-10. Now head to Bastok.
For Bastok People, here is a really nice guide from someone at Blue Gartr
San d'Oria: Garlaige Citade
Talk to Randecque for Key Item: Red Recommendation Letter. Randecque is found on the 2nd floor or GC @ I-6. You will reach the 2nd Floor by heading towards I-7 of the first map. Now Head to San d’Oria . You will need to talk to Mainchelite in Southern San d'Oria. He is near the AH of old Southern San d'Oria or if you want the position is I-9. He will tell you to find 3 ??? in East Ronfaure. You can find them at . .
H-8 by the Campaign Fort (in those burned holes)
I-8 in the water under the mini-waterfall
J-7 in the top left cornor of the square on the map. The ??? is in vegetation
Afterwards, head back to Mainchelite to finish up.
Welcome to campaign. You now have access to sigil, Allied Notes, Campaign Ops and all other Campaign related features along with. . . .

The effect remains even if you take them off.
Duration: 60 mins
Goes Away when you attack or become attacked
Doesn't stack with BRD movement songs
Recharable Unknown BUT you can purchase another one for 980 Allied Notes
Note: I would advise you to do the Map quests as well while your in these dungeons/safeholds. Look below for directions.
Further Campaign info can be found here
To Obtain a Map of Grauberg:
You will need to to talk to the NPC at J-10 ofBattilia Downs right before you enter Eldieme Necropolis. He will ask that you find a map that is torn apart. It is split into 3 sections like the following . . .
Left Map: Sacophogus I-9
Middle Map: On the Gravestone at H-8 next to the big room of I-8 (directly across from the NPC you see in that room)
Right Map: Talk to NPC in H-7 next to the flame
Note: Clicking on the Flame and choosing to go further will cause you to be teleported out to Batillian Down
To Obtain a Map of Fort Karugo-narugo
Talk to Naiko-Paneiko, who can be found right after entering Crawler’s Nest under a wood structure with 3 hanging bags. He is a bit further then Kalsu-Kalasu. If he’s not there you need to wait for Campaigne to be over. You’ll get a CS and afterwards you need to head to G-9 of Rolanberry Fields. If you follow the road, you should see a hill with a fence. On the hill are two tarutarus on top of a cannon. One of them is Rakula-Motakula. Talk to him and you’ll get a CS. He will ask you questions. Keep in mind if you get it wrong you will have to redo the CS with Rakula-Motakula. The Answers for me were 4 leafed mandies, 4 black mandies, 5 flowered mandies. Go back and talk to Naiko-Paneiko to get your map
To Obtain a Map of Vunkerl Inlet
You will need to goto the 2nd floor of Garlaige Citadel (when I mean 2nd floor, I mean the area where you enter right after you go through banishing gate #1 in the present). You can get to the 2nd floor by opening the gate behind Randecque and procedding forward. Head towards I-6 of 2nd floor and you should come across a storage room. Enter and talk to the NPC named Rarcasmeault. He will tell you to find some Firesand. You will find some if you head to the Storeroom @ G-7 (this is around the area where Old-Two Wings spawns). Next head back to Rarcasmeault and he will give you your map. Please keep in mind if I tell you to go somewhere on this map, do it please. It’s not that I’m lying to you , but rather there are parts where the map doesn’t show the structures.
Note: For all these quest, if you DO NOT see the NPC it’s not b/c my directions is wrong. I assure you with 100% certainity they are right, but it’s because there is a campaign going on and these NPCs disappear.
Note2: For these map quest I only needed Sneak as a lvl 75 for Quadavs, Slimes, and Gobbues. The Bats didn’t aggro me even though they were easy prey. Just keep Sneak on though to be safe.
Cavernous Maws:
You can only access the Cavernous Maws that you used to get back from the Past.
Enter Past by Batillia Downs, Exit Past by Rolanberry Fields will allow you to access the Cavernous Maw in Rolanberry Fields
Currently there are 9 known Cavernous Maws and their location is the following . . ..
Along the way to San d'Oria . . . .
- Batallia Downs: H-5
- Jugner Forest: H-11 (look at the San d'Oria link in Starting Campaign)
- East Ronfaure: H-4
Along the way to Windurst . . .
- Sauromugue Champaign: J-10
- Meriphataud Mountains: K-6
- West Sarutabaruta: H-9
Along the way to Bastok . . .
- Rolanberry Fields: H-6
- Pashow Marshlands: K-8
- North Gustaberg: K-7
Getting Dancer:
- You will want to head to Upper Jeuno and talk to the Hume Dancer girl you'll get a CS and choose the appropriate answers.
- Afterwards you'll need to talk to the Mithra Dancer.
- Now you will need to head to Southern San d'Oria's Lion Spring Tavern and talk to the Old Elvaan Male behind the counter to perform on the stage. Next you can choose any random motion you want (I personally choose one of each and then an extra one).
- Now head back to talk to the Mithra Dancer.
- You will now need to head back in time to the Past Jugner Forest and head to the lake @ I-5. Browse the shorelines to find a Glittering Stone, check it and get a CS.
- Now head back to present day Upper Jeuno and talk to the Hume Dancer and you'll now be able to become a Dancer
Getting Scholar:
- Make your way to Eldieme Necropolis @ j-10 of Batillia Downs.
- Head down to the split at J-8 and look for a NPC named Erlene. If she is not there that means there is a campagin going on and you'll have to wait till it's over. When she appears, talk to her.
- You will need to obtain 12 Vellum Cloths. There are three ways to go about this.
A: Buy from AH
B: Crafted- 1x Dark Crystal
- 1x Sheep Leather
- 1x Rollanbery
- 1x Gold Dust
C: Talk to a NPC named Tuker in Past Crawler’s Nest @ K-8. You should have Scholar quest flagged now. You can trade him 4 stacks of Rolanberries with each trade for a maximum of 3 trades before he runs out. This is how you get 12 Vellum Cloths from him. Any other method would result in less then 12 Vellum Cloths. - Once you get your 12 Vellum Cloths make your way back to Past Eldieme Necropolis as either a RDM or BLM.
- Trade her your 12 Vellum Cloths.
- Activate either Chainspell or Manafront and talk to her again. Now you'll be able to become a Scholar
Gobbie Bag Quests
Talk to Bluffnix iin Lower Jeuno @ H-9. He will want the following item for each gobbiebag quest.
The Gobbiebag Part VII
- Lynx Leather
- Adaman Ingot
- Rainbow Cloth
- Deathstone (Quest for it is here)
The Gobbiebag Part VIII
- Smilodon Leather
- Electrum Ingot
- Square of Cilice
- Angelstone ( Quest for it is here)
Note: Some items are better off being purchased. I would advise doing the quests for the Angel/Deathstones. Also you must wait 1 game day to do the Angelstone quest after the Deathstone quest
* Pixies will heal and/or Raise 3 you O.o
Well that is all for now, I hope this helps everyone. Thanks go out to the fourms and Blue Gartr and FFXIwikipedia.
Updated #1: Added more details in "Getting Started". Added 2 more Map Quests. Fixed the Rolanberry mistake. Added Misc
Updated #2: Cut off a section of Getting Started to "Starting Campaigne" since that's what it really is. Went further into San d'Oria and specified Rewards for 1st mission.
Updated #3: Added a Gobbiebag discovery and section.
Updated #4: Cleaned things up, hope it's easier to read for you guys
Updated #5: Completed most of Gobbiebag Quests.