Re: And you are outta here! (WoTG shipping delay)
Well after calling 8 gamestops around my house I've just decided to give it a rest. Heres some bitter sweet irony for you though, I waited in one store for 30 mins for them to open the last shipment only to find out they only had the 360 and ps2 versions. I bought 360 version. But my Xbox360 is away at the "Red light of doom" factory being repaired atm. So yea, atleast I can stare at the box art for a day or two =P
Well after calling 8 gamestops around my house I've just decided to give it a rest. Heres some bitter sweet irony for you though, I waited in one store for 30 mins for them to open the last shipment only to find out they only had the 360 and ps2 versions. I bought 360 version. But my Xbox360 is away at the "Red light of doom" factory being repaired atm. So yea, atleast I can stare at the box art for a day or two =P