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choice between 2 head pieces

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  • choice between 2 head pieces


    Shortly (or so I hope) I'll be obtaining some Homam gear. My question is about whether lotting the head piece would be worth it over current options.

    Currently I use: Walahra Turban (+30HP/MP, +5% haste)

    vs using: Homam Zucchetto (+22 HP/MP, +4 ACC, +4 MACC, +3% haste)

    My biggest draw to the Homam piece is the +acc, but I am curious if the loss of haste makes the trade worth it. Assume I am going for an overall haste build.

  • #2
    Re: choice between 2 head pieces

    All depends on your current gear/merits/food you have. Also you looking to substitute your turban for merit/missions/gods/ets?
    Thanks Kazuki.
    Dragoon Equipment


    • #3
      Re: choice between 2 head pieces

      I guess I'd like to subsitute out the turban for a more general use. Merits to assaults to gods basically. Part of it is I'm not overly fond of the way the turban looks, but the other part of me appreciates usefulness over looks. So if the turban looks like a more solid overall piece, I'd keep it until Ace's Helm (whenever that blue moon shines of course)


      • #4
        Re: choice between 2 head pieces

        You're looking at a trade-off of -2% Haste for +2% hit rate. Haste is more powerful the more of it you have, so if you're going for a Haste build I'd keep the Turban.

