Well, server maintenance ...
So this isn't a "zomg your choice in merits is WRONG" thread, just something for us to sit down and talk about what we want to do to make our characters better kind of thing.
As of right now, I have:
Dia III (capped)
Slow II (level 1)
Elemental Magic (2/8)
Enfeebling Magic (2/8)
From here, I'm going to work on capping elemental magic. Why? Because I'm leveling BLM, and less resists = happy Aksannyi. After that, I'll push enfeebling magic to the max because everyone wants RDMs to have that capped for endgame.
Following that, I will probably finish Slow II.
Following that, it will either be Convert recast or Thunder accuracy. Why thunder accuracy? Because I duo with my BLM friend, and I get tired of resists, and I do more nuking and chainstunning as a RDM anymore than I do enfeebling, sad to say.
I might throw some MAX MP merits in there, and maybe some INT or MND ones if I'm up to it, not sure I can't just take care of that stuff with gear. Maybe spell interruption rate before I level BLM, so I can solo more efficiently? Haven't decided yet, the enfee. and ele. skills are top priority though.
THEN comes WHM or BLM, which ever gets to 75 first - probably WHM but who knows I still can't afford that noble's.
WHM: Devotion, Protectra V, Shellra V. No question there, really.
BLM: Burst II and Freeze II, Thunder and Ice potency.
I have a lot planned for my character over the next few months or so, notice I'm not messing with EMN + or - as I might decide to level a tank job one day and I wouldn't want to have lowered emnity for that.
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So that's that, those are my goals, and this is more of a place for me to just record them and keep track of them than to really discuss, feel free to write your own future meriting plans (and feel free to go WAYYYYYYYYY into the future, as I have). Rip me apart for my choices if you must, I'm pretty set in my ways though.

So this isn't a "zomg your choice in merits is WRONG" thread, just something for us to sit down and talk about what we want to do to make our characters better kind of thing.
As of right now, I have:
Dia III (capped)
Slow II (level 1)
Elemental Magic (2/8)
Enfeebling Magic (2/8)
From here, I'm going to work on capping elemental magic. Why? Because I'm leveling BLM, and less resists = happy Aksannyi. After that, I'll push enfeebling magic to the max because everyone wants RDMs to have that capped for endgame.
Following that, I will probably finish Slow II.
Following that, it will either be Convert recast or Thunder accuracy. Why thunder accuracy? Because I duo with my BLM friend, and I get tired of resists, and I do more nuking and chainstunning as a RDM anymore than I do enfeebling, sad to say.
I might throw some MAX MP merits in there, and maybe some INT or MND ones if I'm up to it, not sure I can't just take care of that stuff with gear. Maybe spell interruption rate before I level BLM, so I can solo more efficiently? Haven't decided yet, the enfee. and ele. skills are top priority though.
THEN comes WHM or BLM, which ever gets to 75 first - probably WHM but who knows I still can't afford that noble's.
WHM: Devotion, Protectra V, Shellra V. No question there, really.
BLM: Burst II and Freeze II, Thunder and Ice potency.
I have a lot planned for my character over the next few months or so, notice I'm not messing with EMN + or - as I might decide to level a tank job one day and I wouldn't want to have lowered emnity for that.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
So that's that, those are my goals, and this is more of a place for me to just record them and keep track of them than to really discuss, feel free to write your own future meriting plans (and feel free to go WAYYYYYYYYY into the future, as I have). Rip me apart for my choices if you must, I'm pretty set in my ways though.
