/ma "Cure" ????? then you press f1-f5 to select
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what is the macro that cures ppl?
Re: what is the macro that cures ppl?
/ma "Cure V" <stpc> or <st> (<st> is just select any target, NPC or PC. Usefull if you use your NPC buddy much or fight undead and use cure spells on them)
<stnpc> for selecting a mob.
<bt> Battle target, really a bad idea to use this in a macro, will often screw up if you have a link. Use it primarily when puller is comming /target (or /ta) <bt> to target the mob incoming.
Also, you can type the name of a person in the command, like /ma "Cure V" Mrpopo. That way if you have a tank that blinks often, you can have a seperate cure macro for him to avoid losing a target or mistargeting.
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Re: what is the macro that cures ppl?
-> http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Macros
PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
When ignorance reigns, life is lost
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