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ways to remove petrification?

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  • #16
    Re: ways to remove petrification?

    That was like a WHM who asked me why she couldn't Silena herself. /dies.
    ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
    ~I has a blog~~
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    • #17
      Re: ways to remove petrification?

      I'm not the one that gets petrified, I stand far enough away. It's our puller and tank that gets petrified. It doesn't happen too often in full parties, but since forming parties at 33 blows ass we trio a lot. I'm WHM, and the other two are RNG and WAR. So, we'll be in the middle of trioing Tabar Beaks and everyone but me gets petrified. So they're stuck and I get to touch myself and wait for it to wear off of both of them. As I'm 33, I don't get stona for like 6 more levels.

      Anywho, wasn't too big of a deal, guess we'll just have to find some better mobs for now...

      Thanks for the help, tho ^^
      I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
      -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

      Check out my blog! =>


      • #18
        Re: ways to remove petrification?

        You can try Barstonra to minimize the time that your party will be petrified, though its effects are minimal it does help the resist rate a little bit on Petrify.
        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
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        • #19
          Re: ways to remove petrification?

          You can trio in Bibiki Bay:
          Lv.33-36 Eft
          Lv.34-37 Marine Dhalmel
          Lv.34-38 Island Rarab
          Lv.36-38 Raven

          Nothing with terrible status effect your WHM can't handle, though you'd probably want RNG and WAR both to go with /NIN if you trio there, as Rarab has Whirlwind Claws and Dhalmel has Berserk.

          Leave the Tabar Beaks alone... ^_^;
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #20
            Re: ways to remove petrification?

            Oh, you're trio'ing. That explains it.

            Since Tabars don't have any other serious status ailments, or any elemental attacks, you may as well leave Barstonra up. You'll hardly ever get a full resist, but you'll at least get partial resists to shorten the duration.

            Give your trio partners a lesson in mob TP gain and TP use. That'll help you avoid accidents.
            - Every time the mob hits someone, it'll get TP according to its delay (6.4 TP for 240 Delay in the case of most mobs, Tabars included.)
            - Every time someone hits the mob, it'll get that person's TP gain +3 (so about 18 TP per hit if the WAR is using a Great Axe.)
            - Every time someone casts a spell that does damage (not DoT, damage) on the mob and it lands for more than 0, the mob gets 10 TP (subject to Subtle Blow.)

            With that, you can more or less keep track of how much TP the mob has. Don't have to use precise numbers, a rough estimate will do (e.g. counting 20 TP every time the WAR hits. If you keep in mind it actually has a bit less, it's still close enough.) Mobs use TP under these conditions:
            - HP > 25%: At each attack round, there's a random chance that the mob will use its TP move (assuming that it has enough TP, of course.) The chance is relatively low but then again it gets a chance every 4 secs (subject to slow.)
            - HP <= 25%: Mob uses TP as soon as it's available. No exceptions.

            That means that by 50%, if the mob still hasn't used a single TP move, there's a good chance one is on its way very soon. And if the mob has TP, and it's close to 25% of its HP, it'll use its TP as soon as a hit takes it below 25%. Baleful Gaze has a long enough charge-up time to turn around if you pay attention and watch the mob. If you turn around, it'll have no effect.

            But Itazura brings up a good point: Tabar Beaks suck and on top of that hit harder than the average mob. I'd look for something else if I were you.


            • #21
              Re: ways to remove petrification?

              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
              That was like a WHM who asked me why she couldn't Silena herself. /dies.
              Ok....that was my laugh for the night! Ty ^^
              Originally posted by Feba
              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
              Originally posted by Taskmage
              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
              Originally posted by DakAttack
              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


              • #22
                Re: ways to remove petrification?

                Originally posted by Armando View Post
                Tabar Beaks suck and on top of that hit harder than the average mob. I'd look for something else if I were you.
                Yeah, they did kinda suck...actually, all of the mobs we were fighting sucked (fights either too long or crap exp) but as we were in Jeuno trying to put together a full party, we didn't want to go too far away, in the event we could actually get a party together at some point in the night.

                We managed to get a party last night (thank god), and even though we lost our tank 10 minutes after we got to camp in eastern altepa desert (which makes me wonder why that person even bothered to run all the way out there with us if he/she was gonna dip so soon, how annoying) we still managed to 5-man it and get to 35. It was actually a really good party. We were WHM RNG DRG DRK WAR, and actually managed to get some decent chains on the beetles and anticans out there. The only down side, really, was we only had one voke, and since the RNG DRG and DRK are such heavy hitters hate management was a real pain in the ass, I was tanking on my first cure 2, which is always a good time. It wasn't anything I couldn't handle, but our WAR was quite frustrated ^^

                Anyways, thanks for the advice everyone...gonna try and get my teleport scrolls today in preperation, looks like it might be a little ugly but I can't wait to telewhore all over vanadiel ^^
                I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                Check out my blog! =>


                • #23
                  Re: ways to remove petrification?

                  A Lv.35 WAR who can't keep the critters from flying to WHM? How odd.

                  A decently geared WAR/MNK with Great Axe, using Provoke and Boost every time they are up should have little trouble, really...
                  Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                  yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                  Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                  leaving no trace in the water.

                  - Mugaku


                  • #24
                    Re: ways to remove petrification?

                    Well, to be honest, me spamming Cure II and III to keep the DRK, DRG, and RNG alive prolly didn't help him secure hate, either. RNG and DRK had NIN subbed, and DRG had THF, so we only had the 1 voke. Since WAR was the "tank", he was rolling with H.Axe and Shield, but he just couldn't keep up with the mega damage the other 3 were doing. He did voke every 30 seconds, and also boosted, but it just wasn't enough.

                    He prolly woulda done better with G.Axe, but his skill is low since he's been mainly tanking in our trio. His G.Axe skill is definitely something on our "to do" list, though...we're gonna go skill up one of these days soon, so hopefully won't be an issue for too much longer...
                    I'm a slow motion accident, lost in coffee rings and fingerprints...
                    -Frou Frou, "Hear Me Out"

                    Check out my blog! =>

