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Call to RPers.

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  • Call to RPers.

    I am Hanashibi, I am a Mythra and I am alone in the world, all there is are robots rank and file, grind and stomp grind and stomp, no soul or perpose, they live to congregate and smash, nothing else, they speak in strange manners and see no perpose of the world.

    I am calling to those who have a story behind themselves to come and help in an effort to make a strong group of people dedecated to working together in Vana'diel, for those who seek to interact and be as a person in this emmersive world filled with stories of old kings and heroes many generations past.

    Those who see a deeper perpose behind entering battle beyond simply a chore of day.

    I need you people to help, we will work together be a group together, tell stories, aid each other in battle, and help each other through this strugglefilled world.

    What I am asking is for RPers to respond to this thread and gather together and to start a Linkshell.

    I may not be the highest level person, I may not even have the Gil to start a Linkshell but I know this much, Final Fantasy is about Plot and Character, about the gathering of interesting people and a plotful adventure.

    What I propose is gathering together and making our need for more then a storyless pointless grind into somthing productive.

    We can RP we can have fun, write backstories about our characters and interact and make actual legends out of ourself.

    Now I understand when we need to OOC speak durring a battle and such, but I am just sick of the tired upward grind with nothing to do in character.

    I AM SICK of being 'another' pointless grinder on a long list of pointless grinder, and if I am counting my beans, then chances are, some of you are the same as well.

    I mean why not, we can do all the whole help each other thing, and we can RP, we can build In Character bonds, plots and such.

    We can even have our good times and bad times.

    By bad times, I mean those character building moments or those arguements that people have over there differences.
    (Drama will have to be plotted out before it happens and done In Character.)

    I mean Renoa and Squall fell on hard times, same with almost everyone did in some way or another, and they pulled through and came together as friends.

    Let us do the same.

    If you are interested then post a way to contact bellow.

    Character Name:
    Server: (Most will say Fenrir.)
    How to Contact:
    What time online:

    And we can get together.

    Character Name: Hanashibi
    Server: Fenrir
    How to Contact: I can be contacted as Hanashibi when I am on, my handle in the Play Online thing is Godlord Bane.
    What time online: I am on Random Times durring the day, gaining levels, looking for RP.
    Last edited by Hanashibi; 10-13-2007, 12:37 AM. Reason: It gave me some jargon on URL somthing, there are no URLs in this.

  • #2
    Re: Call to RPers.

    Please don't crosspost threads into multiple forums. Most users browse the site by New Posts so they see all new threads no matter where they are, which makes crossposting unnecessary.

    Good luck on your linkshell.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone

