It seems FFXl is under maintenance yet again!
We only had it a few days ago, (presumably to fix a few bugs here and there) so why is it happeneng again!? HMPHH!
I have plants in my mog house waiting to be checked on!! I sincerely hope they're not going to be wilted again for the 2nd time either!!
How long is this darn thing going to last?! I shall be quite annoyed if I find my plants have wilted when I get back to them!!
Ill check up at 9pm. (my time - GMT) I hope the servers are back up and running by then! /sigh!

I have plants in my mog house waiting to be checked on!! I sincerely hope they're not going to be wilted again for the 2nd time either!!

Ill check up at 9pm. (my time - GMT) I hope the servers are back up and running by then! /sigh!