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FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

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  • #76
    Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

    Originally posted by Olorin401 View Post
    Hmm.. well then perhaps I have things backwards then? He got access to the Gmail account first through the known exploits, then used the same password on the FFXI Wiki Forums and Paypal?
    Eh.. either way it comes to the same end.
    eh. once you have the email account, you can go click 'forgot my password' everywhere else that you have the username (and since he was a sysop it was pretty easy to identify his username.)

    for that matter, if you had my gmail account, you could get my passwords for here and BG too (but not my paypal since that's linked to another more secure location.)
    through the same process.

    the hard part is getting into gmail; from there you've basically got the keys to the entire cottage, so to speak.
    Grant me wings so I may fly;
    My restless soul is longing.
    No Pain remains no Feeling~
    Eternity Awaits.


    • #77
      Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

      I considered FFXIclopedia to be one stop source of FFXI-ness. I edited articles, and contributed where I could. I participated and contributed under the assumption (lulz @me) that this was community-based, and not-for-profit. Nowhere was it posted that they were going to make money of the effort of the community. Ganiman, Meirin & Gahoo didn't really contribute much to the content of the Wiki. And now they are profiting off of everyone else's work.

      I don't condone what Taj did. If he gets caught, he's likely to go to jail. I do respect him for bringing this to light. This cleared up my misconceptions of FFXIclopedia & Wikia.

      The reason why I'm angry at this whole mess is that, those three are profiting off the content of the contributors, while contributing little themselves.

      They never said this was a business. They always acted as if this were a community based organization. I was wrong, and I hope they lose everything they made on this deal.

      So, I need a new home now I guess. I'm not a BG supporter and I don't like Allakhazam's or BG's attitude. I like FFXIclopedia because they tended to be drama free. I guess it was all building up to this moment. Hopefully, FFXI-Online will be a new home.
      Last edited by Rylan Hart; 09-17-2007, 11:07 AM. Reason: Forgot something
      "Death is the final and ultimate liberation...It is better to die in hope than to live in despair...let me be your liberator"
      Yunalesca, Final Fantasy X



      • #78
        Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

        He wont be going to jail.
        Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
        ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


        • #79
          Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

          I like how SevIfrit's quote-a-thon's all boil down to the other person "didn't read it" simply because he does not agree with them and, ironically, he doesn't read thier posts, either. He just dissects them down into numerous quotes to distort the original intent fo the post.

          That's not reading, that's selective reading coupled with shoving words in people's mouths. At least Amele proves that even in disagreement, she can take a point in context and discuss it, whether she's right or wrong.

          I've never liked BG as a community. Not since the day I started reading thier forums early in the game. While there are plenty of people there that provide good information with good intention, the community of BG has a collective habit that is essentially no better than the "Allazites" they like to frown on - shoving thier ideals down our throats. They have no right to try and distinguish themselves as upper-crust when they're the same as "Allazites." Just because the forum is strictly moderated to avoid Alla-like spam questions doesn't change this fact.

          There are people that recognize that and that is why they don't like BG. I didn't like BG well before they decided to attack LBR or FFXIC. Taj made the post, he's hardly even big poster there, BG made it their cause to attempt to ruin and vandalize the wiki. Don't say they didn't, they were encouraging it within that very thread. Go back and "read the thread."

          That's not what people taking the high ground do. Hell, I gotta go deal with one of my own for "pledging to the cause" of causing trouble on FFXIlopedia, which unfortunately does make this my problem. But I'd give them shit if they wanted to cause problems for BG, too. As much as I may dislike one side, no one deserves the trouble being caused right now. Nobody.


          • #80
            Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

            Originally posted by Omni View Post
            He wont be going to jail.
            I quite agree. I don't think anyone will be going to jail to be honest.

            In any case the most likely candidate for that would be Ganaiman, and the evidence that would be used is tainted by the fact that it was obtained illegally.
            Host of #FF14 - TheAfterLife XI & XIV LS
            Olorin (Ramuh): BLM75 BRD78 WHM75 RDM75
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            • #81
              Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

              Originally posted by Rylan Hart View Post
              I considered FFXIclopedia to be one stop source of FFXI-ness. I edited articles, and contributed where I could. I participated and contributed under the assumption (lulz @me) that this was community-based, and not-for-profit. Nowhere was it posted that they were going to make money of the effort of the community. Ganiman, Meirin & Gahoo didn't really contribute much to the content of the Wiki. And now they are profiting off of everyone else's work.
              I don't condone what Taj did. If he gets caught, he's likely to go to jail. I do respect him for bringing this to light. This cleared up my misconceptions of FFXIclopedia & Wikia.
              The reason why I'm angry at this whole mess is that, those three are profiting off the content of the contributors, while contributing little themselves.
              They never said this was a business. They always acted as if this were a community based organization. I was wrong, and I hope they lose everything they made on this deal.
              So, I need a new home now I guess. I'm not a BG supporter and I don't like Allakhazam's or BG's attitude. I like FFXIclopedia because they tended to be drama free. I guess it was all building up to this moment. Hopefully, FFXI-Online will be a new home.
              Even tho It is not under the best situation /welcome to the site. BGwiki will not be connected to BG forums so it may just keep with what you thought the old wiki was, don't know how the allawiki will be. We have alot of knowledge around here, hope you enjoy the community. As you can see we have our petty fights now and then as well as anyone does.
              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



              • #82
                Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                history won't judge him a villian
                When my kids read about Taj and his glory in school, I will tell them the truth!
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • #83
                  Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                  Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                  When my kids read about Taj and his glory in school, I will tell them the truth!
                  lol. sort of the point. they won't be reading about Taj and his -anything- in school. which is part of why I stated what I did (I would maintain that Ganiman isn't a villian either.)

                  I guess maybe the core difference between Mhurron and my opinion is that I think it takes alot to be a villian (or a hero).

                  and BBQ! I'm a boy D:< (although I get the girl mistake alot - part of it is the character is female, and I post under my character handle to simplify things)
                  Grant me wings so I may fly;
                  My restless soul is longing.
                  No Pain remains no Feeling~
                  Eternity Awaits.


                  • #84
                    Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                    Quote-a-thon incoming all right!

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    I like how SevIfrit's quote-a-thon's all boil down to the other person "didn't read it" simply because he does not agree with them and, ironically, he doesn't read thier posts, either. He just dissects them down into numerous quotes to distort the original intent fo the post.
                    Seeing that much of the people I had quoted and said read the second thread before commenting on the matter, actually didn't know their was a second thread, they really didn't read. I do read all of your posts as well as every post in a thread. I break them apart where you stop your thoughts, if your thoughts in any post can not stand on their own, then your thought fails.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    That's not reading, that's selective reading coupled with shoving words in people's mouths. At least Amele proves that even in disagreement, she can take a point in context and discuss it, whether she's right or wrong.

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    I've never liked BG as a community. Not since the day I started reading thier forums early in the game. While there are plenty of people there that provide good information with good intention, the community of BG has a collective habit that is essentially no better than the "Allazites" they like to frown on - shoving thier ideals down our throats. They have not right to try and distinguish themselves as upper-crust when they're the same as "Allazites."
                    There are people that recognize that and that is why they don't like BG. I didn't like BG well before they decided to attack LBR or FFXIC. Taj made the post, he's hardly even big poster there, BG made it their cause to attempt to ruin and vandalize the wiki. Don't say they didn't, they were encouraging it within that very thread. Go back and "read the thread."
                    The whole point about you not liking bg is the same thing you throw at other people most of the time. But for this case:

                    -You do not like Bg so you are biased against bg's side

                    -I like bg and I admit I am biased for bg.

                    BG took the info and wanted answers, FFXIC would not reply until the movement of the first thread got out of control and still did not account for all the questions. When a second thread came to terms with a problem that deals with the community you think people who were already riled up were gonna not jump on it?

                    I said BG was not 100% saying hey TAJ way to hack great man we are so happy you stole someone's personal info. No most of us again thanked taj for the info, you don't say me going HACKING FTW!!!!

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    That's not what people taking the high ground do. Hell, I gotta go deal with one of my own for "pledging to the cause" of causing trouble on FFXIlopedia, which unfortunately does make this my problem. But I'd give them shit if they wanted to cause problems for BG, too. As much as I may dislike one side, no one deserves the trouble being caused right now. Nobody.
                    No if it crossed into real life seeing his address and name etc were posted if it crosses into real life attacks, no one deserves that even tho he stole rl money, or misfigured it etc. If you start shit in a close knit community they will bite back we all know this, especially on the internet were the recourse is slim to none.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #85
                      Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                      Originally posted by Omni View Post
                      He wont be going to jail.
                      If he's caught he will.
                      "Death is the final and ultimate liberation...It is better to die in hope than to live in despair...let me be your liberator"
                      Yunalesca, Final Fantasy X



                      • #86
                        Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                        Originally posted by Rylan Hart View Post
                        If he's caught he will.
                        Half of the evidence used to track him dow, including his name why they would suspect him etc, to launch this investigation, is the same evidence Ganiman/Wikia would need to discredit to keep themselves clean.

                        Is there a chance he could go to jail? Yes

                        Is it likely any legal action will be taken any way? No

                        Did SE already cover that they are paying Ganiman? Yes
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #87
                          Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                          Originally posted by Amele View Post
                          in a negative manner.
                          If that's what you intended, you failed miserably.

                          I would argue that less than 20 words of over a 400 word post is pratically the definition of "out of context" (being that it was missing 380+ words of context) but have it your way.
                          So if I were to form an opinion on The Count of Monte Cristo, and publish that opinion, in order to use quotes to support that opinion I would have to quote the entire work in order for you not to think they were out of context? You're entire post was not about this exact subject so there is no reason why I would have to quote the whole thing just to talk about the last point.

                          [/quote]apparently, having respect for someone and sympathizing with their cause means pedestal around here [/quote]That's pretty much the definition of putting someone on a pedestal.

                          not relevant to the discussion, but yes. I think the average citizen will find it harder to successfully register a domain, load all the necessary software, and start a wiki than they will in putting a reel to reel on the right shelf.
                          people with less than a high school education and IQ's under 80 have been doing the latter for decades.
                          Yes, TD Ameritrade hired morons to manage how their backups are handled, but a Wiki admin knows all.

                          Dirty little secret - Most people running websites don't know their ass from their elbows, this includes wiki admins.

                          [/quote]and again; my statement is merely that a sufficient subset of sysops are sufficiently capable of having more than one password for important things that getting their password to a game wiki will not immediately give you their password to their personal email address not a sure thing. (hence; gamble.)[/QUOTE]
                          No, your statement was anyone who can setup a wiki knows enough to follow good security practices. A monkey can set up a wiki so the statement is false.

                          Originally posted by Sevv
                          Now saying Taj did do this on his own, and everything he is credited with. You really think he is dumb enough to leave this huge trail back to him? Come on mhurron I know your not that dumb.
                          Do you know Taj did it? There's footsteps in that snow.

                          If he's caught he will.
                          No money was lost as a result, so no prosecution will occur. He won't be going to jail even if he walked up to a judge and said 'I did it, send me to jail.'
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #88
                            Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                            Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                            When my kids read about Taj and his glory in school, I will tell them the truth!
                            Will this be read from the LOLinternet History books? Anyone outside of the MMORPG community is probably laughing thier asses off at BG and other FFXI sites right now.

                            Seriously, though, this is shit thrown into your lap if you're an admin or moderate on any FFXI-related site. Its not something I wanted to deal with, but now I have to. A lot of forums have unavoidable ties to both BG and FFXIlopedia and vice-versa. We're all linked.

                            But what is the worst about this from BG is thier community is already trying to make it political, which makes it even more miserable to deal with. Soon it will be lolAllaWiki from them.

                            In other words, par for course on BG.
                            Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 09-17-2007, 11:46 AM.


                            • #89
                              Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                              Originally posted by Rylan Hart View Post
                              I considered FFXIclopedia to be one stop source of FFXI-ness. I edited articles, and contributed where I could. I participated and contributed under the assumption (lulz @me) that this was community-based, and not-for-profit. Nowhere was it posted that they were going to make money of the effort of the community. Ganiman, Meirin & Gahoo didn't really contribute much to the content of the Wiki. And now they are profiting off of everyone else's work.
                              I don't condone what Taj did. If he gets caught, he's likely to go to jail. I do respect him for bringing this to light. This cleared up my misconceptions of FFXIclopedia & Wikia.
                              The reason why I'm angry at this whole mess is that, those three are profiting off the content of the contributors, while contributing little themselves.
                              They never said this was a business. They always acted as if this were a community based organization. I was wrong, and I hope they lose everything they made on this deal.
                              So, I need a new home now I guess. I'm not a BG supporter and I don't like Allakhazam's or BG's attitude. I like FFXIclopedia because they tended to be drama free. I guess it was all building up to this moment. Hopefully, FFXI-Online will be a new home.

                              thats kind of a dumb reason to leave a site.....
                              its not like these 3 people have planed from day one

                              for the site to say open, they had to sell it to Wiki, plain and simple
                              Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                              • #90
                                Re: FFXI Wiki.. hacked?

                                Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                                Will this be read from the LOLinternet History books?
                                It's a travesty if it's not.

                                I think everyone can agree, what Skoal said is funny as hell.
                                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


