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How I would improve Pankration

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  • #16
    Re: How I would improve Pankration

    Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
    Balance =/= being the same.
    Oh my you are a clever one. When someones asking for game ballance between jobs they aren't usually asking for a WHM to be able to tank like a PLD. On the other hand saying every stat should be 'fairly' set out so every monster has a chance to kill every other monster is asking to remove individuality between them.

    A crawler should be easily squished by a buffalo. It's just the way things are.

    They're is an OP you know! Could comment on that...
    Fine. Since you require posting in direct reference to the OP instead of about the topic like every other thread on the internet, in the what, week? that this feature has existed there is no way you know enough about it to make an intelligent critique beyond 'this is what should happen so I can win more often.'
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #17
      Re: How I would improve Pankration

      Oh my you are a clever one. When someones asking for game ballance between jobs they aren't usually asking for a WHM to be able to tank like a PLD. On the other hand saying every stat should be 'fairly' set out so every monster has a chance to kill every other monster is asking to remove individuality between them.

      A crawler should be easily squished by a buffalo. It's just the way things are.
      If you don't mind, I'll start with the last comment first if you don't mind.

      I believe Crawlers are WAR/WAR in stats? Buffalo are PLD/PLD(or DRK/DRK)? There is nothing wrong with either beating either one. They both have decent WSes, especially a defensive Crawler with Cocoon and an evasive Buffalo with uh... that dance move thye do(Eva+ JA). The issue comes in when you remove sub jobs(and possibility stat advantages to begin with) and then you add in the FP system which let's you do some pretty crazy things. Basically, it's like a saying "Okay, Player A you get to equip a Scorpion Harness and a Lifebelt and have this weapon with Crit Rate+10%; Player B you get to equip this Spike Necklace and DEX ring". The idea is that Player B doesn't have to rely on equipment due to being stronger naturally.

      Now, it's funny you bring up those two species... neither have much of a problem I've seen. I'm talking about Corse with 17 FP and Chigoe with 70 FP and get two-shotted. I'm talking extremes. Please don't put words in my mouth.

      And yes, it's fair to compare them to jobs. You are basically saying difference should decide how useless/useful something is. Monsters should be able to excel at different things in a way that they compliment each other. May it be with speed and enspells or a heavy defense and outlasting a monster. Pankration isn't team based so let's not get started on job roles.

      Fine. Since you require posting in direct reference to the OP instead of about the topic like every other thread on the internet...
      Let me rephrase this. I meant the OP is longer than just one adjustment. It would be nice if the whole thing was considered.
      Read my blog.
      Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
      Entry 32: Death to Castro


      • #18
        Re: How I would improve Pankration

        I understand wanting to say that a buffalo would destroy a crawler or that a wivre would demolish a chigoe, but keep in mind, very little in this game is truly realistic.
        Fairly certain a dragon as big as fafnir could kill everyone in all of Aery in the span of two seconds. I should certainly be able to hit a giant crab with my sword while standing two inches from it. Not only that, it shouldnt take more than a hit or two with a big sword or a gun to kill anything other than the largest of mobs.
        If you want to apply logic to the fighting in this game, then you have to apply it to all aspects, not just randomly.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #19
          Re: How I would improve Pankration

          Originally posted by Caspian View Post
          If you want to apply logic to the fighting in this game, then you have to apply it to all aspects, not just randomly.
          No dice.

          Perhaps if you stack Chigoes with Evasion Bonus, Attack Bonus, and possibly Paralyzing Attacks? You might be able to find one with something like Viral Attacks innate. After enough fights the FS might level up enough to make a difference.

          Corse on the other hand, I believe, are Black Mages. If they don't come with Black Magic Scrolls innate that's pretty much FP wasted. Black Magic isn't even all that great. In one fight a Qutrub cast Stonega on me twice for 100+ damage each, yet I can't get mine to cast anything more than Poison and Water. Every once in a while I get a Drain, but it's weak.


          • #20
            Re: How I would improve Pankration

            Uh, Chigoe should be MNK I think... NIN maybe.
            Read my blog.
            Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
            Entry 32: Death to Castro


            • #21
              Re: How I would improve Pankration

              Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post
              Uh, Chigoe should be MNK I think... NIN maybe.
              Which is where the beauty of Pankration lies, right? Chigoe have a gigantic FP pool, as you've said, but crap HP. So use that excess FP, stack them up with EVA, give them Main Job: NIN and NIN Scrolls and whatever the NIN tool soul plate is. Use the Soul Plates to make up for the weaknesses innate in the species, rather than generify the mob species. Give your Blastoise an Ice attack to take out the grass pokemon that your opponent is sending your way, ya know?


              • #22
                Re: How I would improve Pankration

                Originally posted by Illuen View Post
                Which is where the beauty of Pankration lies, right? Chigoe have a gigantic FP pool, as you've said, but crap HP. So use that excess FP, stack them up with EVA, give them Main Job: NIN and NIN Scrolls and whatever the NIN tool soul plate is. Use the Soul Plates to make up for the weaknesses innate in the species, rather than generify the mob species. Give your Blastoise an Ice attack to take out the grass pokemon that your opponent is sending your way, ya know?
                Um, uh, but it doesn't work that way. Chigoe still have very small HP pools compared to most monster. Same could be said for Detectors I guess. And when you fix 4-7 monster types that border on extremes, you aren't making every monster the same.
                Read my blog.
                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                Entry 32: Death to Castro


                • #23
                  Re: How I would improve Pankration

                  mostly I'd just like a bigger sign up sheet for the matches. I mean 15 per pit is not enough!

                  I want a giant sign up sheet with a timer...where you can talk to the NPC or have something like the marble bridge coaster: "You match will begin in XXX minutes realtime", "The current wait time to get a match is XXX minutes".

                  So you can just sign up and get on the giant waiting list....
                  Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                  (have fun MMO players ^^)
                  Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                  • #24
                    Re: How I would improve Pankration

                    I'd settle for some balance in the pairing.

                    I got to use my level 6 manticore for the first time today, every other time I've tried the queue was full.

                    My first match was against a level 9 tiger. Not too bad but an obvious loss.
                    My second match I was paired up against a level 50 wyvern. WTF!

