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What makes a player unique?

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  • #31
    Re: What makes a player unique?

    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
    This is the wrong place for a hentai request.
    What exactly made you think I was requesting for hentai material? (Not that I would complain if I got some good pics mind you)

    And about the OP I think it's pretty obvious what makes a player/individual both unique and common at the same time.

    In the end the main issues are all about self-knowledge and confidence in yourself. Finding your place and the reason why you exist among so many other beings in this universe is something each and every person has to respond by themselves.

    That also applies to the topic of uniqueness as an online character, nothing really that difficult to understand if you ask me.
    Last edited by Raydeus; 09-10-2007, 08:48 AM.
    "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
    Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



    • #32
      Re: What makes a player unique?

      Well, what makes the 8 (or so) players on my /blist unique is that they're a rare breed of individuals who could actually get under my skin in the 3+ years I've been playing this game. It's rare to find people who irritate me that much, especially on the internet. So those people have that very difficult to find quality.
      ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
      ~I has a blog~~
      ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


      • #33
        Re: What makes a player unique?

        Originally posted by Murphie View Post

        Man, it's right there by my post.

        Though to be fair, I use Murphy everywhere else.

        Anywho! I don't even know what would make a unique player. This game thrives on sameness.
        Oops ;;


        • #34
          Re: What makes a player unique?

          Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
          Well, what makes the 8 (or so) players on my /blist unique is that they're a rare breed of individuals who could actually get under my skin in the 3+ years I've been playing this game. It's rare to find people who irritate me that much, especially on the internet. So those people have that very difficult to find quality.

          Aksannyi has more people on her blist then I have on mine, that is wrong.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #35
            Re: What makes a player unique?

            your unique...just like everyone else.

            regarding game...

            i can push 800+mp on drk/whm (i'm hume)
            avesta can solo gods

            Regardless of those examples...that doesn't make that person unique. With some fine tuning, any one can push 800+ mp on drk. Same applies for avesta...if people had the same gear as he does...they could. Sure, they might fail a few times but they would eventually be able to pull it off.

            Want to know the sad truth? everything you can and will do...someone has or will do it better then you -_-;

            unique doesn't's a false illusion brought about the comparison of normal and abnormal. The more comparisons..the more your inclined to say your unique. However, that's not the case...since there are like 6 billions people on this planet. Seems rather mighty to think that your the only one capable of pulling some feat. or your the only capable of achieving a certain result in the test called life.

            The only thing that really matters is how much of a impact you have on others. Cause in the end you'll be forgotten...hopefully, you were able to make a impression on someone...and hopefully they'll remember you. Thus, your memory will be carried on.

            Generally, people are inclined to remember bad players or experiences with bad players. So...does this mean we should behave in such a manor to live on in society's memory? I'll leave it at that x.x


            • #36
              Re: What makes a player unique?

              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
              Aksannyi has more people on her blist then I have on mine, that is wrong.
              I got you both beat. 21 on my Blacklist and counting.

              On topic, I will agree that this is a game where individuality is difficult to manifest. It was designed around a very communal manner of thought; everyone doing for each other to get the job done. And as was stated before, the playerbase thrives on niches carved out for every role. Add to that the limited customization options for characters and gear, and the paths you trod through the storyline--the exact same paths as everyone else.

              The truth is, in this game, we as player characters are nothing more than extras in a big movie. The only truly unique characters are the NPCs you encounter in the storylines.

              That said, the only thing you really can do is inject your personality into your character as you play. Take time to get a feel for your personal tastes and displeasures, find out how you like to play the job(s) you like.
              Last edited by BurningPanther; 09-10-2007, 03:25 PM.


              • #37
                Re: What makes a player unique?

                Unique doesn't mean you're the only person capable of something. It means you're fundamentally different from others you compare yourself to. Considering almost all the 6 billion or whatever people in the world have entirely unique genetic makeup, and even the people who have exactly identical genes are distinguishable due to differences in their life experiences and choices, I don't see how an arguement can even be made for there being no such thing as uniqueness. There are vast groups of people who are very similar depending on the criteria on which you judge them, but that doesn't mean that there are not differences.

                In regard to the game, what makes a character unique in the most literal, demonstrable sense are their gear and merit choices. Setting merits aside, you could say that everyone playing a particular job has the same max limits for gear. Technically one could collect a full set of HQ relic, a relic weapon, abjuration sets, relic sets, assault and salvage sets, or to be more particular only the best pieces from each relevant set for the job, but the fact is that very few people actually do. Each of the activities that those various gear sets are obtained from take up large amounts of time, and even if two players were to somehow find enough time in their lives to participate in all of them and still feed themselves, they would not progress at the same rate in the same way.

                On a deeper, perhaps more meaningful level, skill at various aspects of a job varies from player to player. To broadly categorize my proficiencies as a rdm, I am top notch in a support/healing role, above average as a kiter, and probably still above average as a blink tank, though that isn't saying much since I consider the average player's skill as a blink tank very poorly. I'm friends with a lot of red mages, and their skills and experience are significantly above or below my own in each area. In a given situation, you absolutely could not swap out myself or any of my rdm friends with eachother and expect to achieve the same results. Even in situations where are skill levels are similar, we play with different styles that alter the result of the fight. Avesta and Amunaptra both soloed Bune for example. Avesta soloed him using a melee technique and two years lated Amunaptra used a kiting technique. Because they both achieved the result of Bune dying, does that mean their accomplishments and thus their characters are not unique? Of course not. The details and contexts of each event were unique, as were the people behind them.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #38
                  Re: What makes a player unique?

                  Originally posted by Shinosuke View Post
                  I was wondering what other players thought, and I thought it was a kind of interesting topic...
                  If you think about it, every player has potential to become something in Vana'diel. We all have limits, and those limits are the same. Does this mean it is possible, that there is a point where eventually no matter what, anyone can attain a certain level of power and skill, and everyone is the same in the end?
                  Does this mean no one in particular is special? That you are just another face in the crowd? Or is there ways a player can truly be unique? With so many names being taken, and not alot of variety when it comes to designing a character that doesn't look like the one next to you, limits of power and skill, and difficulty doing anything can a player truly be unique? There are ways I am sure are possible...but what really makes a unique player?
                  Personality? The way they Role Play? Their skill in battle? The Merit system? Their LVL? Their LS? The Armor they choose? Their Strength? Their strategies?
                  Question 1: Does this mean it is possible, that there is a point where eventually no matter what, anyone can attain a certain level of power and skill, and everyone is the same in the end?

                  Answer: It depends. If you are a SMN7/WHM3 andd you lvl to SMN8/WHM3, then level your sub to WHM 4 and go to SMN8/WHM4, your stats will be close to the regular stats of a SMN8/WHM4, but not exactly since you lvled it gimped before. Meaning, at 75 your stats will be different. So basically, lvling with a gimp subjob is not good for your stats.

                  IGNORE ANSWER 1

                  Question 2: Does this mean no one in particular is special?

                  Answer: No.

                  Question 3: Are you are just another face in the crowd?

                  Answer: When it comes to the faces of races, yes. When it comes to true uniqueness, it depends how you play, your attitude towards what you're doing, andd the gear. To add to that, the current mission you're on and the number of jobs leveled.

                  Question 4: Is there ways a player can truly be unique?

                  Answer: Yes. You answered it in your question from questions 7-15

                  Question 5: How can a player truly be unique?

                  Answer: See question 4.

                  Question 6: What really makes a unique player?

                  Answer: See question 4.

                  Question 7: Personality?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 8: The way they Role Play?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 9: Their skill in battle?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 10: The Merit system?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 11: Their LVL?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 12: Their LS?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 13: The Armor they choose?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 14: Their Strength?

                  Answer: Yes

                  Question 15: Their strategies?

                  Answer: Yes
                  Last edited by Rain_Blade; 09-10-2007, 06:10 PM.

                  Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                  I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                  • #39
                    Re: What makes a player unique?

                    Originally posted by Rain_Blade View Post
                    It depends. If you are a SMN7/WHM3 andd you lvl to SMN8/WHM3, then level your sub to WHM 4 and go to SMN8/WHM4, your stats will be close to the regular stats of a SMN8/WHM4, but not exactly since you lvled it gimped before. Meaning, at 75 your stats will be different. So basically, lvling with a gimp subjob is not good for your stats.
                    Uhh, that's not true. One smn8/whm4 will have the exact same stats of another smn8/whm4 assuming both are of the same race and no merits. Your race, main job, and sub job each have a rating for each attribute. The game plugs each rating into an equation and adds the three totals together to get your final stats. It does not track whether or not you ever leveled with an underleveled subjob.
                    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                    • #40
                      Re: What makes a player unique?

                      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                      Uhh, that's not true. One smn8/whm4 will have the exact same stats of another smn8/whm4 assuming both are of the same race and no merits. Your race, main job, and sub job each have a rating for each attribute. The game plugs each rating into an equation and adds the three totals together to get your final stats. It does not track whether or not you ever leveled with an underleveled subjob.
                      Ah my apologies then. I remember asking 2-3 people about it one time and this is what they said, but meh. I apologize for posting wrong info.

                      Aaliyah is more than a woman and she graduated with a 4.0 GPA (she only had 1 "C" grade ever in her life).

                      I bolded and underlined the "is" just for you, Malacite.


                      • #41
                        Re: What makes a player unique?

                        Originally posted by Amele View Post
                        so you would claim that Feynman, Gödel, Aristotle, Michaelangelo, Turing, and Schrödinger were all not-unique and therefore irrelevant to the overall course of western civilisation?
                        Well, Schrödinger may or may not have been...


                        • #42
                          Re: What makes a player unique?

                          Well, Schrödinger may or may not have been...
                          Oh, hohohoho. You deserve some sort of medal for this.


                          • #43
                            Re: What makes a player unique?

                            lol, nice one Nuriko


                            • #44
                              Re: What makes a player unique?

                              I find that, from a capability perspective, my performance in FFXI is directly tied to the people around me. I am fortunate that my best friends in the game, and in my linkshell, are all seasoned and experienced players who just like to have a good time playing with one another. We bring out the best in each other when we play together, and that means more than anything I can do individually.



                              • #45
                                Re: What makes a player unique?

                                Originally posted by Nuriko View Post
                                Well, Schrödinger may or may not have been...
                                well played.

                                although I would claim it's only his current state that is indeterminate!
                                Grant me wings so I may fly;
                                My restless soul is longing.
                                No Pain remains no Feeling~
                                Eternity Awaits.

