I've had quite a bit of time to do limbus now and I've been looking at the Brutal earring for a while now. Thing is, I can't seem to justify getting one for my COR and its the heavy useage of my earring slots that are mostly to blame.
First off I guess I should mention my ranged macro, it consists of O Hat, Dusk Trousers, Suppanomimi (for sword melee), Fenrir's Earring (dual benefits, +10 Attack for day, +10 Ranged Attack for night), then War Boots on the feet. So its a nice, balanced accuracy and attack set up there.
Then there's the Quick Draw macros. All the aforementioned gear is swapped out by AGI or magic attack gear for the same slots. Drone Earrings x2 for Light and Dark shot. Drone + Moldy for all other elemental shots. Moldavite earring for those because MAB boosts the damage of the other elemental QDs. War Brais go in for pants, Crimson Greaves for feet and Corsair's Tricorne back on the head.
Then there's my Joyeuse. COR is only job outside of WAR and PLD that really uses this thing in EXP/Merit. Its application is as obvious as any RNG who's lucky enough to have a Ridill or K Club - its to melee for TP for Slug Shot and its honestly the best thing COR can do for TP at merit level.
I'm not trying to talk myself out of the Brutal, I think it would be excellent for my BST or BLU down the road, but I just can't seem to find a place for it on my COR. It seems that unlike the Rajas Ring or Suppanomimi that it would be a marginal boost considering I generally go /RNG to most things and /mage to others.
Loquacious earring? Same problem. Reward earrings for Apocalypse Nigh seems to be the same issue as well.
Should I just hold off and get this stuff for my BLU later? Just kinda sucks its seems like there's really nothing of worth for a COR in Limbus. There's really not much beyond AF hands for RNG, either. Not that I mind doing some advance work for BLU, I do that already, just kinda lacking for what I have levelled now.
First off I guess I should mention my ranged macro, it consists of O Hat, Dusk Trousers, Suppanomimi (for sword melee), Fenrir's Earring (dual benefits, +10 Attack for day, +10 Ranged Attack for night), then War Boots on the feet. So its a nice, balanced accuracy and attack set up there.
Then there's the Quick Draw macros. All the aforementioned gear is swapped out by AGI or magic attack gear for the same slots. Drone Earrings x2 for Light and Dark shot. Drone + Moldy for all other elemental shots. Moldavite earring for those because MAB boosts the damage of the other elemental QDs. War Brais go in for pants, Crimson Greaves for feet and Corsair's Tricorne back on the head.
Then there's my Joyeuse. COR is only job outside of WAR and PLD that really uses this thing in EXP/Merit. Its application is as obvious as any RNG who's lucky enough to have a Ridill or K Club - its to melee for TP for Slug Shot and its honestly the best thing COR can do for TP at merit level.
I'm not trying to talk myself out of the Brutal, I think it would be excellent for my BST or BLU down the road, but I just can't seem to find a place for it on my COR. It seems that unlike the Rajas Ring or Suppanomimi that it would be a marginal boost considering I generally go /RNG to most things and /mage to others.
Loquacious earring? Same problem. Reward earrings for Apocalypse Nigh seems to be the same issue as well.
Should I just hold off and get this stuff for my BLU later? Just kinda sucks its seems like there's really nothing of worth for a COR in Limbus. There's really not much beyond AF hands for RNG, either. Not that I mind doing some advance work for BLU, I do that already, just kinda lacking for what I have levelled now.