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What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

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  • #16
    Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

    Originally posted by DakAttack View Post
    The lack of zones will hinder the enviromental art. There isn't enough room for realistic transitions between the different areas. Blizzard's transitions are like black and white, they don't make any sense. The zones give the artists freedom to create unique landscapes.

    I like the intro idea, I've had a similar thought.
    Blizzard's transitions were made purposefully like that:

    1. Need to accomodate 56K users (Unlike FE, which required broadband, one of many reasons why it didn't take off in Japan)

    2. They expected their servers to play host to well over 25,000 players (About 10,000-12,000 active at any one time), unlike here, where during peak times, most FFXI servers are only churning 3K tops.

    I bet if FFXI had even 5 million subscribers, they'd either have to expand their number of servers to the point that they will have to raise the monthly fees to cover this enormous infrastructure (Around the clock staff, hardware, internet bandwidth, robust download servers + community servers + registration servers) or even take their axe to their graphics and I can guarantee Besieged wouldn't even exist.


    • #17
      Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

      Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
      Instancing of large-scale events(I'm looking at YOU, Dynamis), a complete rewrite of notorious monster spawns. That 21-24 hour shit has gotta stop.


      I really don't like how everything is so static and dull inside the towns. It'd be nice to see NPCs moving about more. For instance take the goldsmithing guild in Bastok Markets.

      During the day the doors would be open (no need to freaking click them ever again) until it's time to close up shop, when you'd see the NPC's behind the counter move away and someone (probably that hume girl outside) would come and shut the doors. Anyone still inside would be instantly booted out of the building.

      The same goes for the general townsfolk. Why are the same NPCs always in the same spot, saying the same damn thing regardless of your Rank or time of day?

      Why should city missions be limited to linear story events? What's the point of being a high ranking citizen? Not much.

      The player driven economy is wonderful thing, but it'd be great if these nations would actually interact with each other and have their own real economies that are mostly maintained via NPCs with player influence here and there.

      As much as it would suck, it would be cool to see say Jeuno somehow fall into a depression, requiring the players to step in and help out it's citizenry. And since Jeuno is such a huge trading center, it would be in the players' best interests to do so quickly.

      Conquest doesn't seem to mean jack all either. Aside from regional goods and setting your homepoint or cheaper outpost warps we really don't benefit much from controlling a region. I'd like to see a massive overhaul of this system to reflect each nation's influence and especially the beastmen.Speaking of which, wtf is with places like Fort Gheslba and the like. These are beastmen outposts, and yet they have no real influence on the game. It's just another zone.

      ToAU was a start in the right direction with Besieged, but SE needs to take it to the next level.



      • #18
        Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

        You do realize if FFXI had 5 million subscribers they'd be making a lot more subscription revenue in the first place, right?

        Anyway, this thread isn't about Blizzard, it's about what people would want to see in another Vana'diel


        • #19
          Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

          One problem you will see is that Zoning saving lifes. Without zones, people will just die, consider how much monster in this game chase you down for.

          Zones prevent people from MPKing also removing monster from areas, like blizzard's WoW, some guy pulled the HNM (raid boss) from a high level zone right back into a major city. This boss regen 15% of his HP whenever someone near him die. You can guess what happen since that major city usually have 100 level 1s running naked. I will leave that to your imagination.

          of course, this could be fix. But i still prefer zones.
          -add later-


          • #20
            Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

            One problem you will see is that Zoning saving lifes. Without zones, people will just die, consider how much monster in this game chase you down for.

            Zones prevent people from MPKing also removing monster from areas
            Reading is your friend.


            • #21
              Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

              Zoning isn't required to save your hide. One of the MMOs I used to play (don't laugh) was EQOA on PS2. Once a moe persued you past a certain point, its just lost interest in turned around and went home.

              Its not like a Gnoll is going to want to run into the middle of Queynos anyway.


              • #22
                Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                Originally posted by BurningPanther View Post
                Instancing of large-scale events(I'm looking at YOU, Dynamis), a complete rewrite of notorious monster spawns. That 21-24 hour shit has gotta stop.
                Nah, the overly long spawn timers for NMs needs to stay or u end up with mass instancing like WoW, and tons of rare mobs outside that drop crap!
                Gotta keep the similar formula and not make another easy-ass MMO! They do however need to make a ton more BCNMs that drop sellable versions of rare drops still, to slow down the RMTs.
                ...and damnit, only having 2-3 major instances is all thats needed....just make a larger world, larger dungeons/caverns/etc so more ppl can fit in them at one time! I do-not like takes away the enjoyment of playing with everyone else, even if fighting over the mobs comes into play.
                Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                The same goes for the general townsfolk. Why are the same NPCs always in the same spot, saying the same damn thing regardless of your Rank or time of day?
                Its all because of Sony and their PoS2 technology that held FFXI back, still to this day!
                Last edited by Shota; 08-27-2007, 01:39 AM.


                • #23
                  Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                  No, the 21-24 HNM spawns are something that gladly needs to leave any and every future MMO. Its a soul-sucking timesink that doesn't belong and turns MMORPGs into work instead of fun.

                  I prefer the progressive designs of Limbus and Assault, they're high level content that lets me improve my character and face big challenges without the bullshit.

                  While Dynamis and Salvage are handled a bit differently, even those feel more progressive than camping an HNM.

                  More instanced content is the way to go. Endgame content with tangible returns is good for everyone.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 08-27-2007, 01:51 AM.


                  • #24
                    Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                    I dislike Endgame, why can't it be all about during the climb....make it really tough, but alot of fun while doing it. Having lvls take several days or weeks to earn besides a few hrs of grinding for each, but make em really fun and entertaining.

                    A few extremely huge dungeons or zones that would take weeks/months to get through comes to mind, with checkpoints u can save ur progress at, and return to and cont. on within a period of time, or u lose the checkpoint and have to start over. Course if u earned lvls outside these getting back to said checkpoint wouldn't take as long.

                    Another idea I've always loved was having loss of items upon death, either stolen by the enemy or player that killed u. Add several super rare items throughout the course of the game at all lvls, that only so many of each exists, that way not everyone can have one. Only way is to kill said player that has it and obtain it upon their death or if its lost to an enemy u have to hunt that mob down and take it from him.

                    Course mobs will equip and use the items u lost against u or others when trying to get them back. ...and add an insurance method that u can buy on select pieces or all ur gear to ensure u don't have that item stolen from ur corpse! When u die, all insurance is removed and has to be re-bought though...


                    • #25
                      Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                      why can't it be all about during the climb...
                      hi, korea is that way


                      • #26
                        Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        hi, korea is that way
                        Nah their MMO's suck, yeah they are major XP grinds, but have a severe lack of items and fun. Everyone is always wearing the same stuff at every lvl!


                        • #27
                          Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                          . . Have you played FFXI?


                          • #28
                            Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                            What would I like to see in FFXI-2? An exp system that is a little kinder to casual gaming than what we currently have. On the vast majority of jobs in this game, you have to get into a 6 man party to even have a chance (still not a guarantee) of making some kind of progress.
                            lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                            Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                            Fishing 60

                            Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                            Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                            Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                            Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                            • #29
                              Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                              I like alot of febas ideas.... god I can't believe I said that. Oh and my ps2 read all that and hung it self. I guess that is one way to stop PS2 Support.
                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                              • #30
                                Re: What do you want to see in FFXI-2?

                                1. Set up a shop where you can sell your stuff, your prices, tax applied, lots of functions. Pay rent for the shop, people can access it in some sort of market place. Upon entering you are given lots of options to find stuff you want. Remove the AH because it's just a pain, not knowing exactly what price things are doesnt make much sense to me anymore. And what the hell is up with being able to sell only 7 thigns at once? If my suggestion isnt the best, just completely rethink how to buy and sell stuff ingame because it is just such a chore and a bore to buy and sell your wares with the current system.

                                2. Linkshell halls or houses, and your own house, bring people in. Able to Summon people into the linkshell hall. Able to cast teleportation spells in the hall, give people some fun stuff to do in the hall, minigames and other stuff even if just to pass the time while waiting for a linkshell event to take place or just hang out.

                                3. Better crafting system, faster synths, more ingame information about crafts, able to note recipes ingame, able to tell % of failure, just usefull information so that people feel at ease with the game. That way you make it so people dont need windowers too. Its all in their power to make things better.

                                4. Clever damage displays, show the numbers in big digits somewhere on the UI, no more numbers popping about the mob's head, when there's 18 people hitting the same mob, it becomes worthless and you cant rely on the log either because its just gonna fillup in the blink of an eye.

                                5. Speaking of log, make it better. Actually, try and learn from other games to make the whole UI better, customizable INGAME (no third party scripting >.>), with lots of functions to make things better and to give everyone a pleasing interaction with the game.

                                6. HELMing needs to be completely redone, dont designate zones and spots, make HELMing possible all over the place, grass grows everywhere, theres rocks everywhere... create random pops on all areas, and make them plentifull and for christs sake why did my sickle break while cutting grass? Was it made of play dough? HELMing should be in a much larger scale, its so meaningless it looks like it was a waste of time programming it.

                                7. Fishing needs to be redone too, all these patchups SE gave to it are annoying, give me an idea of how long it'l take until im tired enough to stop fishing, let me note what fish i can get where, more information please!

                                8. Let me draw on the map, let me write notes, let me share these notes and drawings, let me have a minimap too, and let me draw on the minimap like in Guild Wars. How MUCH would we benefit from these on Dynamis and... EVERYTHING else?

                                9. Do not make hume's BLM casting animation look like im humping someone.

                                10. Instead of having Storage and Mog Safe, give me boxes where i can store stuff, I could store my armor in one box, my materials in a shelf, my weapons in a weapon rack, i could see where things are without having to open up an inventory window too, display the items i have onscreen, its very possible for next gen hardware.

                                11. Chat boxes.

                                12. Swimming, jumping, dashing, rolling, straffing, ledges, ropes. Action elements are fun. Roll through a small passage to get to the other side, climb a rope to get to the top, then jump and dive into the water, climp up out of the water. Sounds fun. Dashing is someone even a baby can do, everyone should be able to run for a bit, Stamina stat? "Flee" would just be a faster dash. Many possibilities here.

                                13. Real chocobo races like in online racing games, even if it would take a seperate server just for that because of lag issues... think of a way to make it work, youre the programmers after all.

                                14. More camera options, cinematic cameras, ovni camera, a way to be able to view things from above or just a different prespective.

                                15. Voooooices! And more music for bards.

                                16. Casting of AOE's on an actual spot, not requiring a target for it to be cast.

                                17. Some more skills, like Taunt (kid of like provoke), Tumble (special dodge for extra nimble classes, like Bards and Puppetmasters and others), Identify (Spell to idenfity items), Monkey Grip (2h Weapon on one hand) and so many things you can ripoff of D&D based games! XD

                                18. Board to post things, like items you will pay someone for, or a quest you need help with.

                                19. Intuitive macroing system.

                                20. Gear sets, bindable to keys.

                                21. The option of voice chat, for whoever wants it, should be there.

                                22. Able to find a party that is forming up so you can ask them to join.

                                23. I know this falls down on players more than game mechanics, but let's please have more stuff for soloing, duoing, trioing, and everything else, up to 6 players.

                                24. I know this may break or make the game, but no job should be ABSOLUTELY required, should simply be very beneficient to a party. Give every job hate management means, hate gaining and hate shedding. Perhaps this could make the game less original and unique though... make it work! D: I mean, how many times did you get the perfect party setup, with a great camp all opened up to you, but... no tank! D: /cry, now you can't play because the game doesn't let you win without a tank on most situations, and you're still paying for it lawl, while sitting around doing nothing while you wait for a damn paladin to show up.

                                25. Payment methods, pay per play, not monthly payment, pay for a day, pay for a week... no?

                                ... o.o

                                Wow. I could go on and on.
                                signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine

