well i want to know from you guys (yeah this seems like the most usless topic ever!) is it worth me joining back to final fantasy 11? i have a lvl 31 SMN with fenrir etc but what i want to know is, is the community big enough now? i hear they have 500k subs, and the game is 7 years old. is it dieing? or growing? oris it in a state of staying the same?
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worth joining back?
Re: worth joining back?
Originally posted by emeraldpearl View Postwell i want to know from you guys (yeah this seems like the most usless topic ever!) is it worth me joining back to final fantasy 11? ... i hear they have 500k subs, and the game is 7 years old. is it dieing? or growing? oris it in a state of staying the same?
Is it worth to come back... That depends on whether you want to spend the effort to make friends, I think.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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Re: worth joining back?
I stopped playing for a year or so and I'm back. You have to try it yourself, people in the game have gone through different things so they have different opinions.Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
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Re: worth joining back?
I really don't see how five hundred thousand people is too few people to make a decent experience party of 6 out of. (Yah I know they're spread across servers, but still) It always stumps me when people ask if there's too few people to level efficiently.
Currently the big barrier in the means of leveling is people's attitudes, not their numbers, IMHO.
Of course, of we're going to go into my opinion, leveling is perhaps the most boring part of the game. There's no story to it, no events, no major turning points really. It would be different if more people ROLEPLAYED a character, but nobody does that to my knowledge. Rather be doing a long and involved quest any day...
But some people love leveling, to the point were when they reach 'full' on one character they'll start a new one just so they can level up some more. I ran into a girl in Yhutanga jungle the other day who said she had four characters with all jobs to 75. Believe her I do not, but, she must LOVE the exp grind if that's what her fantasy for herself is.
Yes, it was inspired by the Simpsons
If you know how to download and use VRS, I am interested in being tutored.
*There is a high likelihood anyone who tutors me will recieve mucho artses*
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Re: worth joining back?
i wont play a game if the only goal i had is to reach the highest level, i love to put work into a game. thank you for helping me decide, if any of you play on titan prepare for the return of emeraldpearlthanks
75 Summoner37 White Mage
75 Red Mage
37 White Mage
Rank: 7Currently Leveling: WHM
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Re: worth joining back?
my goal is just to beat the story missions...but my friends are really busey. I have Zilart(sky missions), COP(only on 4-1) and TAOU(got lots of this to do) so I'm good for awhile.
I level jobs that seem fun or might be usefull in doing the missions...or just what I feel like that day XDShadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
(have fun MMO players ^^)
Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl
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Re: worth joining back?
My goal is to overcome each obstacle SE can throw at us with people I enjoy being. That's why I'm paying for this game monthly and looking forward to each update and expansion.
Also playing each job makes it fun too as I can start to see things from each jobs perspective and perhaps finally have a more clear vision of how Vana'diel works.
If your goals are similar then feel free to return as there will ALWAYS be something to do. The problem is which to do first.
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