As a few of you may recall, on my leaving post I stated that I was tired on logging in each and every day to find "dissapointment". I will now elaborate more on what I ment: In my past 3 Linkshells I was nothing more then a tool. Each day I would log in and be required to help with a LS event of some sort like camp Cerberus to get DRK#23 his Agol, or other HNMS like Fafnir, Behemotn, or Aspid, Farm Sky, etc. Whenever I asked for help with even a small thing however, I was ignored. Even after claiming Cerberus nothing happened. It was always "Sorry Neo, I am crafting now. I'll help you when I'm done." 10 min later, "Woops got invited to a merit party, mabye tomorrow." Etc. Not 1 gil came my way. Shouting in Jeuno or Whitegate netted nothing either. After 4 months of this straight and not one step closer to Zenith Mitts or one person voulenteering to even try to help with RoTZ/CoP/ToAU missions, I actually got yelled at for not getting Sea after I was in the LS for over 3 months. At this point I just quit.
Now I notice that, for a fee, you can switch servers. My sister is actually paying me to start up FFXI again so she can talk to her old FFXI buddies, and I figure this might be a good time for another go. I don't want to pay $25 for the same senario to happen all over again however, so I am turning here. Does anyone have some sort of Linkshell or a static group I could join? Zenith or stuff like that would be nice, but what I am really looking for is a group to do CoP or Aht Urgan missions with. Currently I am a 71 BLM on CoP 7-4(the three NMs before Tenzen) and the first NM fight after AU 29, I think its 32 but I'm not sure. I can probably solo to 75 but it would also be really nice if there was a static leveling group or something I could join. I miss the ond SC-MB parties from my lv 50 days and youy can't really fidn those pickup anymore. It's Meleeburn or Manaburn.
Now I notice that, for a fee, you can switch servers. My sister is actually paying me to start up FFXI again so she can talk to her old FFXI buddies, and I figure this might be a good time for another go. I don't want to pay $25 for the same senario to happen all over again however, so I am turning here. Does anyone have some sort of Linkshell or a static group I could join? Zenith or stuff like that would be nice, but what I am really looking for is a group to do CoP or Aht Urgan missions with. Currently I am a 71 BLM on CoP 7-4(the three NMs before Tenzen) and the first NM fight after AU 29, I think its 32 but I'm not sure. I can probably solo to 75 but it would also be really nice if there was a static leveling group or something I could join. I miss the ond SC-MB parties from my lv 50 days and youy can't really fidn those pickup anymore. It's Meleeburn or Manaburn.