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  • Linkshell

    Okay, I've been playing the game for a couple months now, and during that time I've been invited into a few different linkshells. However, I usually get that "fifth wheel" feeling and end up spending 90% of the time on my own, doing my own thing.

    So for a while, I've thought about just making my own linkshell. But I guess there are a few things I'm wondering about. Like for example, every once in a while I'll see someone mention "linkshell events." What kind of events do linkshells have?

    I've already talked with linkshell distributers that explain the whole thing about linkshells, linksacks, linkpearls, all that stuff. So I would like it if people didn't dive into that too much unless you have more to say.

    Again, the question above was just an example. More information than just that would be nice.

  • #2
    Re: Linkshell

    LS events are whatever the organizer (usually the leader) cooks up. Sometimes its things like a Zilart or CoP mission push, sometimes it's things like camping NM's for LS members.

    In short, an LS event is simply the LS doing something.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Linkshell

      If you're going to start a Linkshell, I'll offer my 2 cents worth:

      1. Linkshells live and die based on how active the LS owner is. If you start an LS, fill it with a bunch of people, and then take a month off of the game, don't expect to see much left of your LS when you get back.

      2. What is the purpose of your LS? Usually, the purpose revolves around a specific in-game activity, such as end-game, static groups, specific mission lines, etc. If you want an LS for something more general than that, you're probably looking to start a social LS.

      Which brings me to Linkshell events. I have mixed feelings about trying to run events for a social linkshell. You can't simply announce that you're holding some kind of event, and expect people in your LS to just show up. It's not enough that you've recruited them to your social LS. You've got to recruit them to participate in events as they come along. And this brings me to another point...

      3. /lsmes is a poor way to organize LS events. You have limited room to type out a message. You can only have one /lsmes at a time. If you have multiple pearl sack holders, they may have conflicting needs for /lsmes. If you really want to organize LS events, it's far better to use a 3rd party message forum (or you could try using FFXI's Linkshell Community resource).

      4. Don't let LS members guilt you into organizing events for them. Tell them to do the leg work on their own. They don't have to be a pearl sack holder with access to /lsmes. They just need to be able to form relationships with other LS members.
      lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
      Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
      Fishing 60

      Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
      Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
      Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
      Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


      • #4
        Re: Linkshell

        I found my first 2, and still current 2/3 linkshells from Allah I think.

        I checked the ragnarok link shell listings. Looked through for some groups that seemed to interest me (veteran returning but starting afresh on a new server)./ Checked their websites, and signed up.

        The thing with Social LS’s is that you have to give time to get to know people. You will always feel the 5’th wheel in a new Ls. I just signed up to a new ls, went on a dynamis run, my first ever run. I felt totally out of place. But I tried to put myself out there, toss a few jokes into Pt chat (Which no one used really)


        • #5
          Re: Linkshell

          It's great that you're thinking about starting up your own linkshell. But I'd like to start out by warning you that linkshells require a lot of hard work. You also need to be prepared to deal with linkshell drama, because linkshell drama can and will happen, no matter how close your members are, or how well you've formed your LS.

          You also need to be okay with kicking people out of your linkshell. And make it clear to your members that troublemakers aren't tolerated (I mean troublemakers as in people who like to purposely annoy other members, don't stop doing such and such a thing when asked, are rude, vulgar, etc). Sometimes it'll come to kicking people, which I'll admit, does suck, but some people won't change for anything. This is something I have a bit of trouble with myself, I hate kicking people out of anything, but thankfully my co-leader has no problem kicking people if he knows that a lot of the LS members are uncomfortable with them being around.

          As far as linkshell events go, some of the events I've held in my own ls are level one nakey races, where you go as a level 1 job, no equipment, no items, and run from for example, Jeuno to Sandy, and try not to get killed. Usually for these types of events, I have someone (usually me) running behind, raising people if they get killed, so they can continue the race.

          You can also hold events such as 20 cap ballista/brenner (20 cap seems to be the most popular in my linkshell, because there are people from all level ranges, and level 20 also lets people choose from more jobs, rather than just their main job).

          My linkshell has also held coffer/key hunts for AF armor, LB item hunts, missions, and other things that I can't think of right now. One of the biggest events that I have held in my linkshell was the one year anniversary event I held this past February to celebrate the linkshell being around for a year. We had a level 1 nakey race from jeuno to sandy, 20 cap brenner, a rabbit hunt (kill bunnies outside sandy as a level 3 or lower job and see who can collect the most skins in a half hour period, actually more fun than it sounds, lol) a semi-hide and seek to end the race, and prizes/fireworks/raffle as a wind-up.

          One major thing I will put out there about planning events, is make sure you give members enough time beforehand when you announce the event. Sometimes even a week isn't enough time to plan. When planning an event, I like to start at least 3 weeks before the event will start, to let everyone know when it will be, and to try to work around everyones schedules so that most members can show up. I planned my one year event at least 2 months in advance, and still only around 10 members were able to show up, but we still had fun.

          Also, I wanted to address something another poster said:

          Originally posted by LyonheartLakshmi View Post
          1. Linkshells live and die based on how active the LS owner is. If you start an LS, fill it with a bunch of people, and then take a month off of the game, don't expect to see much left of your LS when you get back.
          I will agree that this is very true in some cases, but I believe it all really depends on how long your linkshell has been around, and/or how close the members are with the rest of the members.

          My linkshell is pretty tight-knit, and has been around for a year and a half now. When my linkshell was only around 9 months old, I had to take a forced break for a little over a month, and also the co-leader had to as well. When I came back, the core group of members was still there, and a few new members as well. I will agree, however, that if you started up a linkshell, and three weeks later leave on a long break, yes, the linkshell would probably be dead when you got back. It all depends on the community you create within the shell, whether or not it can survive without the leader being around all the time.

          I hope this post wasn't too long-winded and it was actually helpful. O_o I tend to ramble sometimes.
          Tuatha - Tarutaru (Remora)
          Linkshell - PanicMotion
          Windurst Rank 10 - San d'Oria Rank 10 - Bastok Rank 10
          Sky [ x ] Sea [_]
          PLD AFv2 5/5!


          • #6
            Re: Linkshell

            Although more targeted at people who are looking for linkshells (and wondering why the linkshell they are in aren't so great), you may find this somewhat interesting anyway: "Can I have an LS pearl?" (Thoughts on Linkshells)
            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
            leaving no trace in the water.

            - Mugaku


            • #7
              Re: Linkshell

              Hey Ifritno, you should just create a guide to your guides and put the link in your sig, then it will always be available. =p

              Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

              Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

              80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


              • #8
                Re: Linkshell

                Originally posted by Tuatha View Post
                You also need to be okay with kicking people out of your linkshell. And make it clear to your members that troublemakers aren't tolerated (I mean troublemakers as in people who like to purposely annoy other members, don't stop doing such and such a thing when asked, are rude, vulgar, etc). Sometimes it'll come to kicking people, which I'll admit, does suck, but some people won't change for anything. This is something I have a bit of trouble with myself, I hate kicking people out of anything, but thankfully my co-leader has no problem kicking people if he knows that a lot of the LS members are uncomfortable with them being around.
                Now there's something I didn't think about. I'm almost certain I'll have trouble with kicking people, especially if it's a social linkshell and I'm friends with some of them. A co-leader like you have would be helpful.

                I do have some experience with being a guild leader on some other online game, so this whole linkshell thing isn't completely fresh for me. If anything it seems like it would be easier.


                • #9
                  Re: Linkshell

                  Yes, a co-leader is definately nice to have around, lightens the load of decision-making a bit.

                  Thankfully though, you'll find that *most* people are pretty well-behaved. I've only (or other sack-holders, with my permission) had to kick maybe three people from the linkshell. And that's in over a year and a half.
                  Tuatha - Tarutaru (Remora)
                  Linkshell - PanicMotion
                  Windurst Rank 10 - San d'Oria Rank 10 - Bastok Rank 10
                  Sky [ x ] Sea [_]
                  PLD AFv2 5/5!

