Sorry if this is in the wrong area.
Ok here is the story. I have just turned level 40 and already i have been shouted at for not having a brown belt. Seeing as the belt is 700k+ on Caitsith i decided to quest it. First by getting the Dodo skin of the Deadly dodo.
Camped the spawn area for deadly dodo for 3-4 hours by killing the placeholders. Just about to give up when i see a deadly dodo chewing on my back so i decide to try and take it. I call my NPC buddy and 2h its ass. Took its HP to half then i was eating dirt.
While in jeuno i try ask some people for help. One 70 BLM agreas to help and of we go, but as we get there a lvl 59 THF i asked has already claimed it for "The hell of it" and laghed at me as it hit the floor. So i was a little pissed, but not to botherd.
Day two!
This time i had a 73 SAM/THF helping me out. After about 3 hours i see a 75 MNK and a 75 BRD turn up. MNK already had black belt so i dont see why he wanted the item, only for gil. Another 30mins and we get a spawn. I go to run up to it and i get agroed by the damn goblins so i let my mate try take it. As he gets there the 75 MNK who was "AFK" takes it, after me and my mate have done all the hard work killing the placeholders.
After this i just logged and tried to not let my anger out onto my computer.
As i see it i should have got that NM as the 75 MNK didnt do a thing to get the NM.
Please let me know if im being unreasonable.
Ok rant over
Ok here is the story. I have just turned level 40 and already i have been shouted at for not having a brown belt. Seeing as the belt is 700k+ on Caitsith i decided to quest it. First by getting the Dodo skin of the Deadly dodo.
Camped the spawn area for deadly dodo for 3-4 hours by killing the placeholders. Just about to give up when i see a deadly dodo chewing on my back so i decide to try and take it. I call my NPC buddy and 2h its ass. Took its HP to half then i was eating dirt.
While in jeuno i try ask some people for help. One 70 BLM agreas to help and of we go, but as we get there a lvl 59 THF i asked has already claimed it for "The hell of it" and laghed at me as it hit the floor. So i was a little pissed, but not to botherd.
Day two!
This time i had a 73 SAM/THF helping me out. After about 3 hours i see a 75 MNK and a 75 BRD turn up. MNK already had black belt so i dont see why he wanted the item, only for gil. Another 30mins and we get a spawn. I go to run up to it and i get agroed by the damn goblins so i let my mate try take it. As he gets there the 75 MNK who was "AFK" takes it, after me and my mate have done all the hard work killing the placeholders.
After this i just logged and tried to not let my anger out onto my computer.
As i see it i should have got that NM as the 75 MNK didnt do a thing to get the NM.
Please let me know if im being unreasonable.
Ok rant over
