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New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

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  • New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

    Tired of hardcore linkshells taking up all your time? Tired of your casual linkshell not going anywhere in endgame? Want to level on a completely different environment with others who want to reach endgame together? Look no further.

    IronTempest is a new linkshell looking to reroll on the CaitSith server. We plan to house both casual AND hardcore players by offering 2 endgame teams. 1 is designed for casual players and 1 is designed for hardcore players.

    Our goal is to make completely new characters and level together and experience everything as a linkshell.

    We have a leveling schedule designed to help our players level together so we can all experience endgame at the same time.

    We do NOT require you to attend all endgame events because we believe that real life is SO much more important than the in-game world.

    Sound like something you are interested in? Well hop on over to our forums at

    and fill out an application. The link is in my signature.

    We look forward to seeing you in game and hope to make this linkshell a success.

    Please direct all questions and inquiries to the forum.


  • #2
    Re: New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

    I don't know of very many people who will "reroll" after 5 years... but good luck...

    And, you might want to include a link to your forums.
    -Baka Inu!
    Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
    Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
    Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
    Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


    • #3
      Re: New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

      Forum mods: Can we get this thread moved to the Cait Sith server forum, please? Thanks.
      lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
      Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
      Fishing 60

      Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
      Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
      Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
      Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


      • #4
        Re: New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

        actually with the ability to choose your server, and the way the OP has worded the post, this is the right place to put it.

        The OP is reaching out to all servers and asking this question, heck the OP is from my server Phoenix, not even from CaitSith.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

          Most people here have been playing at least three years... I highly doubt much of anyone will actually want to leave their character for an LS with someone they don't even know.


          • #6
            Re: New Reroll Linkshell Recruiting On CaitSith!

            Veterans might want to restart when they come back after quitting, new players might want to join Feba.

