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Ingame User Interface

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  • Ingame User Interface

    Hrm, well I played FFXI ages ago. I had it preordered and was playing it the day it released. I had stopped a few monthes later and started playing WoW because of the increased playability. (Human beings that can jump and swim, imagine that!). Anyways, I always think about returning to FFXI, because I miss the people, the atmosphere and the environments, but the gameplay issues still nag me.

    The use of menus is probably the most glaring when trying to rattle off abilities with haste. THe combat seems to crawl when sifting through menus and menus because the hotkeys are awkward.

    Does anyone feel the same? There is no doubt in my mind that I would return to FFXI if they enacted a system similar to WoW's UI. THe playability is so much smoother and fluid.

    Anyways, I didn't come here to bash FFXI, I love it and its players. I just wanted to see how other people felt. I threw up a petition about it at about 10 minutes ago. If you feel the same, who knows maybe we can get something changed! Unfortunately this message board prevents me from posting URLs, which is good I guess.

    PM me for a link if you are interested, otherwise just post your thoughts. I've always wondered how other players felt about the UI.
    Last edited by Montre; 07-04-2007, 06:55 PM. Reason: System Error

  • #2
    Re: Ingame User Interface

    You actually can't even send links through PM either until you "qualify" :/

    But anyways, I don't actually own the game yet so I can't give too much feedback. But what I can say is that the atmosphere and environment of this game is what made it stand to me from other MMORPGs. I have always been a fan of Final Fantasy, and even though this game has its differences, it still has the good old FF spirit in it. I personally don't care if the gameplay in WoW is better or not. It just doesn't have the same feel that this game has. And I like the characters too. They seem to have done a pretty good job with creating a positive environment.

    So yeah, that's mostly all I have to say. Can't really comment on the part of your post about the menus.


    • #3
      Re: Ingame User Interface

      The user interface for FFXI works fine for most of us. Trying to make it like WoW's (or any other game) is a waste of time.


      • #4
        Re: Ingame User Interface

        Originally posted by Montre View Post
        Hrm, well I played FFXI ages ago. I had it preordered and was playing it the day it released. I had stopped a few monthes later and started playing WoW because of the increased playability. (Human beings that can jump and swim, imagine that!). Anyways, I always think about returning to FFXI, because I miss the people, the atmosphere and the environments, but the gameplay issues still nag me.
        The use of menus is probably the most glaring when trying to rattle off abilities with haste. THe combat seems to crawl when sifting through menus and menus because the hotkeys are awkward.
        Does anyone feel the same? There is no doubt in my mind that I would return to FFXI if they enacted a system similar to WoW's UI. THe playability is so much smoother and fluid.
        Anyways, I didn't come here to bash FFXI, I love it and its players. I just wanted to see how other people felt. I threw up a petition about it at about 10 minutes ago. If you feel the same, who knows maybe we can get something changed! Unfortunately this message board prevents me from posting URLs, which is good I guess.
        PM me for a link if you are interested, otherwise just post your thoughts. I've always wondered how other players felt about the UI.
        There is nothing "wrong" with the interface, it was designed to work best with a controller, and it sounds to me like you are using a keyboard and mouse.

        They made this game menu based, to stick with the FF stile, and it works fine, you just have to get used to it, like playing any other game.
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


        • #5
          Re: Ingame User Interface

          Other than looking at the map, and sorting my items from time to time, I find I don't use the menus very much during party activities (fighting, missions etc). I configured the game to play using a Gamecube controller since they are my favourite of the console controllers, and I just love how well it fits with that.

          Since I play as Damage Dealer class (MNK, RNG, NIN etc), I can fit all the actions I need to do quickly into 20 Macro slots, meaning I only need to press either the back left or back right button on my joypad to bring up each set of 10 macros. A quick move of the yellow joystick and a press of the big green A button gets me to complete the action. I love the way I can customise the position and exactly what happens in each macro. Best of all I can sit back into my reclining chair most of the time, only leaning forward to the keyboard if I need to chat to the party.


          • #6
            Re: Ingame User Interface

            I don't use a controller and the only time I ever had issues with it was when I changed from full-size keyboard to compact when I got my laptop. It's really not that bad, it takes time to get used to the controls and such in any game, just like in every FF they seem to switch the 4 main buttons around and I get confused thinking I'm playing FF9 controls when I'm on FF8 or something.

            You may say WoW is better but if you gave FFXI some time you'd probably get the hang of the controls and find them just as easy in their own way.

            I played WoW for a short time and actually found their UI more awkward but I put that down to the fact I was used to FFXI and not WoW.

            As for the menus, I like them, they're classic FF and seeing as this is FFXI we're talking about they deserve to be there.
            Last edited by fallenintoshadows; 07-05-2007, 06:07 AM.


            • #7
              Re: Ingame User Interface

              Macros Macros Macros


              • #8
                Re: Ingame User Interface

                haha yeah, I understand they used the menus to keep with the FF style. I'll have to give it another go now that I can be a pirate! Arrr!

                Maybe I can swap out my mouse + keyboard for a controller that I can hook up to my PC and use that to give that even more classic FF Console gaming feel :D.

                Right on, glad I got some opinions on the UI and now realize I'm the one thats screwed up and not the UI Just gotta get used to it again I suppose.

                Happy adventuring!


                • #9
                  Re: Ingame User Interface

                  To be honest I hate the UI in WoW I played it for like 4 days (before I got this) I didnt like it at all the controls were weird to me, and it just seemed to easy to me. I am also used to playing FF games with Menus though..and for the most part when u click on the monster you have a mini-menu wich is really all you need in battle in the first place just like every other FF game. SO I dont get how its confusing lol....


                  • #10
                    Re: Ingame User Interface

                    Thinking about it, I'm not entirely sure because I've never felt the need to, I'm pretty sure you can change some of the commands/controls but it might be only if you're using a keyboard. It's in config somewhere, under Misc. 2 I believe.

                    I'm not sure if that'll help or not since you said you'd most likely get a controller but at least the option's there.


                    • #11
                      Re: Ingame User Interface

                      Twenty Macros isn't enough. (Damn you, RDM!!!)

                      But it works. The system, for the most part, works, and the game was designed around the limitations/benefits of the system. So it's functional.

                      I actually think that FFXI is a streamlined game, and wish that there was more information available on screen, or at least given the option.

                      Like having an active Mini-Map would be nice (and don't mention MapMon, that thing stopped working before the April Update T_T )..
                      The Tao of Ren
                      FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

                      If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
                      Originally posted by Kaeko
                      As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


                      • #12
                        Re: Ingame User Interface

                        I've heard Wow is just way too easy....I mean most of us here would probably get bored with it very quickly...and even some casual plaers can get 70 in WoW in 1-2 months(boring!)

                        As for me I've been playing on the PS2 edition since it came out and I've never really had control issues. I like the controler alot and when I tried the PC edition that's waht I had to do: configure a dual shock 2 style controler with the PS2 controls. After I got it fixed up it worked great but my dad's PC has a strange glitch when it comes to games so...
                        Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                        (have fun MMO players ^^)
                        Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                        • #13
                          Re: Ingame User Interface

                          Read my blog.
                          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                          Entry 32: Death to Castro


                          • #14
                            Re: Ingame User Interface

                            Originally posted by Legal Fish View Post

                            that does not even have anything to do with the interface. Besides SE is adding this to the PC version so people want have to use Windower anymore, or they said they where going to -.-
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #15
                              Re: Ingame User Interface

                              Originally posted by Kailea View Post
                              that does not even have anything to do with the interface. Besides SE is adding this to the PC version so people want have to use Windower anymore, or they said they where going to -.-
                              Using Windower usually leads towards .dat swapping, and you can .dat swap the interface. Plus it's just helpful all around, and makes the game more user-friendly.

                              Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D

