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New and dont know what to do (please help)

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  • #16
    Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

    If you're going to be a mage, I'd start in Windy seeing as NPCs there sell cheap mage gear, where as gear in bastok and sandy are more for DDs. Also, if you're going to be a taru, even more of a reason to be windhurstian! You get a ring with certain stats if you choose the nation the race you chose should belong in. (taru/mithra in windy, elvaan in sandy, hume/galka in basty)

    Also, for starting out, I'd find the npc in the nation you choose that sells a cheap fishing rod and bait and fish up moat carp in the cities. N. Sandy, B. markets, most areas of windy are good places for this. Selling moat carp by the stack won't make you a millionaire but it will cover the expenses of your first few sets of gear or spells.

    Once you level enough to farm successfully, if you're in windy, kill crawler's for the silk thread they drop and sell that, in basty kill the saplings for the grain seeds, sandy.. well.. bats for bat wings maybe? None of these things will make you amazingly rich but they'll see you through until you level up and find something better to farm for yourself.

    Oh and as for names, if you're having trouble deciding on a name go for books or films you like, maybe idols you have, names of artists anything you like.


    • #17
      Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

      Originally posted by Jarre View Post
      whats wrong with us Galka?????
      your to big for my standerds lol.....

      Edit: Ah ok so all start fishing I guess, also what guilds are in Sandy??
      Last edited by Hinder; 07-04-2007, 05:37 AM.


      • #18
        Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

        Originally posted by IfritnoItazura View Post
        Well, you're not limited to just one job or even a few jobs... For the most part, you can freely switch between all jobs without any penalty.

        You can select any name not already taken, as long as it's not offensive. If at a loss, you can have an auto-generated name. (I think--I always pick my own, so not sure.)

        There really isn't any easy way. What you can do is to level all six Standard Jobs to Lv.7-10; the Gil you would get from selling all the drops from killing those monsters will help you buy some decent equipment and food you'd need; should be enough to get you to Lv.20 on one job, if you spend wisely.

        At that point, you should know the game well enough to figure out how you can continue to fund your character.
        Ah that sounds like a good idea I might just level all my jobs, that could also come in handy for subjob leveling too I guess.

        Also I would like this thread to be locked, I already started and I already got all the information I need, thank you!


        • #19
          Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

          One thing that nobody has mentioned yet for farming ... crystals! Get Signet and crystals will drop, they sell steadily on the AH if you don't overprice.


          • #20
            Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

            Originally posted by Jarre View Post
            whats wrong with us Galka?????
            You're ugly.

            To be fair, so are Elvaan.
            I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

            HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



            • #21
              Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

              Dont throw anything away. AT this point you wont be exactly pushed for space, so keep everything until you have a stack (12 or 99). Then flog it.

              Tip: ALways check NPC's for armour and spells before the AH. 9/10 times they are cheaper.

              Tip: Keep beastmen seals - once you have enough seals you can fight special monsters, and if you win, you have the chance for some VERY profitable drops.


              • #22
                Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                Originally posted by hongman View Post
                Dont throw anything away. AT this point you wont be exactly pushed for space, so keep everything until you have a stack (12 or 99). Then flog it.
                Tip: ALways check NPC's for armour and spells before the AH. 9/10 times they are cheaper.
                Tip: Keep beastmen seals - once you have enough seals you can fight special monsters, and if you win, you have the chance for some VERY profitable drops.
                Just a few days ago, I threw all of my 2 stacks of beastmen seals away, (in the interest of the o.p. these stack to 99) simply because I have been hoarding them for FAR too long in my mog house, and never got the chance to use them, especially since the BCNM battles they are tied to, all seem to be capped at certain levels, (well as far as I know) thus needing a group to go into them, and personally for me...... I've never found it so easy to find a group at all to go into any of these....... not EVER!

                And now with my current LS declining rapidly in numbers day by day, it's getting even harder to group for such battles.

                So everytime I get a seal drop now, I just think..... what the hell and chuck it away! How pointless is this?! /sigh! (I guess it's just plain bad luck on my part)

                But having said that.... just because I get rid of mine, I don't want to encourage the new player to do the same. On the contrary, he may find it much more easier than me to get groups and make plenty of friends to go into these battles with him on plenty of occasions. So I wish him all the best of luck with that, and all his other adventures throughout Vana 'diel too.
                Last edited by Snowball; 07-04-2007, 07:57 AM.
                (\ /)
                ( . .)


                • #23
                  Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                  Treasure and Tribulations - can be done at level 1 with silent oils and prism powders, can be done on your own. If you are going to just chuck your seals because you can't get friends together to do other BCNM do this one instead.

                  Not that it's the best option to use your seals for but if you are going to just chuck them away.....
                  Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                  • #24
                    Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                    Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                    Just a few days ago, I threw all of my 2 stacks of beastmen seals away, (in the interest of the o.p. these stack to 99) simply because I have been hoarding them for FAR too long in my mog house, and never got the chance to use them, especially since the BCNM battles they are tied to, all seem to be capped at certain levels, (well as far as I know) thus needing a group to go into them, and personally for me...... I've never found it so easy to find a group at all to go into any of these....... not EVER!

                    And now with my current LS declining rapidly in numbers day by day, it's getting even harder to group for such battles.

                    So everytime I get a seal drop now, I just think..... what the hell and chuck it away! How pointless is this?! /sigh! (I guess it's just plain bad luck on my part)

                    But having said that.... just because I get rid of mine, I don't want to encourage the new player to do the same. On the contrary, he may find it much more easier than me to get groups and make plenty of friends to go into these battles with him on plenty of occasions. So I wish him all the best of luck with that, and all his other adventures throughout Vana 'diel too.
                    That post makes me say "Lawl." Guess I missed the part where you could just continue to hold on to these until that day comes along when you decide you want/need to do a BCNM. Ha, whatever though. Play the game however you like.

                    even more of a reason to be windhurstian!
                    You can't be something that doesn't exist.
                    Last edited by Ameroth; 07-04-2007, 09:47 AM.

                    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                    • #25
                      Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                      I guess I could collect a few to do that one which "Saren" mentioned, (above) but with my luck, it's only EVER going to be the only one I will EVER be able to do throughout my ventures in this great game.
                      (\ /)
                      ( . .)


                      • #26
                        Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                        Originally posted by Saren View Post
                        Treasure and Tribulations - can be done at level 1 with silent oils and prism powders, can be done on your own.

                        If you are going to just chuck your seals because you can't get friends together to do other BCNM do this one instead.

                        Not that it's the best option to use your seals for but if you are going to just chuck them away.....
                        Now that I've just had a look through that link, I'm thinking.... how on earth can ANYONE do this BCNM at level 1?!
                        It's capped at level 50, and any wearble equipment items you win from it, are all level 50 too. (so what' the point there? You cannot do anything with them, well apart from sell them I guess, but I tend to think they will come in handy for level 50, and you might not get another chance to get that item again if you sell it)

                        Any of the other items for crafting with, are level 50 and above too. (well the light spirit pact, and the Astral Ring are about the only good low level items there, but with lots of things in this game being so random, what are the chances that you would ever get one of these 2 items, if at all?)
                        So what's the point in soloing this BCNM before level 50, plus the fact that you cannot wear any gear of that level before then, so there isn't going to be any good protections there either!

                        I have a good feeling that I'll only get swiped to death in trying to solo this BCNM unfotunately! (infact, isn't that the BCNM used for one of the Sandy missions at 2 or 3? I was lucky enough to grab a few players in help for that about 2-3 years back, but that was then, and I guess it won't be at all easy for solo now)

                        So again...... as with all BCNMs in this game, they're all the same, and I'll never get to do ANY of them! So for me..... all beastmen seals are completely and utterly........

                        (\ /)
                        ( . .)


                        • #27
                          Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                          Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                          Now that I've just had a look through that link, I'm thinking.... how on earth can ANYONE do this BCNM at level 1?!
                          It's capped at level 50, and any wearble equipment items you win from it, are all level 50 too. (so what' the point there? You cannot do anything with them, well apart from sell them I guess, but I tend to think they will come in handy for level 50, and you might not get another chance to get that item again if you sell it)
                          Any of the other items for crafting with, are level 50 and above too. (well the light spirit pact, and the Astral Ring are about the only good low level items there, but with lots of things in this game being so random, what are the chances that you would ever get one of these 2 items, if at all?)
                          So what's the point in soloing this BCNM before level 50, plus the fact that you cannot wear any gear of that level before then, so there isn't going to be any good protections there either!
                          I have a good feeling that I'll only get swiped to death in trying to solo this BCNM unfotunately! (infact, isn't that the BCNM used for one of the Sandy missions at 2 or 3? I was lucky enough to grab a few players in help for that about 2-3 years back, but that was then, and I guess it won't be at all easy for solo now)
                          So again...... as with all BCNMs in this game, they're all the same, and I'll never get to do ANY of them! So for me..... all beastmen seals are completely and utterly........
                          Treasures you win or you loose, there is no fighting if you do it this way. You see 3 treasure coffers. If you pick the real treasure coffer, you win and get items. If you choose the wrong one a mimic spawns that you won't kill solo, but thats why you go as level 1, you won't loose any EXP.

                          Most BCNM's are done by people needing income, they sell the drops they don't keep them. It doesn't matter what level the gear is.
                          I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                          HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                          • #28
                            Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                            Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
                            Treasures you win or you loose, there is no fighting if you do it this way. You see 3 treasure coffers. If you pick the real treasure coffer, you win and get items. If you choose the wrong one a mimic spawns that you won't kill solo, but thats why you go as level 1, you won't loose any EXP.

                            Most BCNM's are done by people needing income, they sell the drops they don't keep them. It doesn't matter what level the gear is.
                            Ahh.... okay. I understand that bit now. As a level 1 player, you cannot lose any exp, because you haven't levelled up to be able to lose any in the 1st place. Understood.

                            I was completely confused as to why the silent oils and prism powders were to be needed too, since I thought you were supposed to go into battle here, and not to avoid this, but your reply has helped me to understand that.

                            Just something I am unsure of though.
                            If you choose the wrong coffer by accident, and you spawn a mimic instead, (it's okay. No one need explain to me what these are. I've seen them before, and know what they are. They resemble chests and coffers, but in an evil NPC form that you can fight) then how do you get out of the BCNM area of the battle?

                            Do you have to run around in invis and sneak mode and wait until the timer for the battle is over, (hoping you don't get caught by the mimic) or alternatively, just let the mimic kill you, and you end up outside the battle ring, (well you know what I mean) back in Giddeus?

                            Or is there another way to make your way out whenever you want to?

                            Also, is this the only BCNM in the game where you can go into it solo at level 1, and go through this procedure, or are there any others like this too?
                            (\ /)
                            ( . .)


                            • #29
                              Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                              Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                              Now that I've just had a look through that link, I'm thinking.... how on earth can ANYONE do this BCNM at level 1?!
                              It's capped at level 50, and any wearble equipment items you win from it, are all level 50 too. (so what' the point there? You cannot do anything with them, well apart from sell them I guess, but I tend to think they will come in handy for level 50, and you might not get another chance to get that item again if you sell it)

                              Any of the other items for crafting with, are level 50 and above too. (well the light spirit pact, and the Astral Ring are about the only good low level items there, but with lots of things in this game being so random, what are the chances that you would ever get one of these 2 items, if at all?)
                              So what's the point in soloing this BCNM before level 50, plus the fact that you cannot wear any gear of that level before then, so there isn't going to be any good protections there either!

                              I have a good feeling that I'll only get swiped to death in trying to solo this BCNM unfotunately! (infact, isn't that the BCNM used for one of the Sandy missions at 2 or 3? I was lucky enough to grab a few players in help for that about 2-3 years back, but that was then, and I guess it won't be at all easy for solo now)

                              So again...... as with all BCNMs in this game, they're all the same, and I'll never get to do ANY of them! So for me..... all beastmen seals are completely and utterly........

                              Your glass is half empty, huh?

                              Just something I am unsure of though.
                              If you choose the wrong coffer by accident, and you spawn a mimic instead, (it's okay. No one need explain to me what these are. I've seen them before, and know what they are. They resemble chests and coffers, but in an evil NPC form that you can fight) then how do you get out of the BCNM area of the battle?

                              Do you have to run around in invis and sneak mode and wait until the timer for the battle is over, (hoping you don't get caught by the mimic) or alternatively, just let the mimic kill you, and you end up outside the battle ring, (well you know what I mean) back in Giddeus?
                              That's kind of the logic behind going as a Lv1 job. When you pick wrong, you are almost certainly going to die. Sneak/Invisi items are needed to get to the BCNM because it's quite obvious that a level 1 job running around Giddeus will get get agrro'd.

                              PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                              Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                              When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                              • #30
                                Re: New and dont know what to do (please help)

                                Read my blog.
                                Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
                                Entry 32: Death to Castro

