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Server Specific Information

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  • Server Specific Information

    Alright, I know SE has data stored like with the 7th Vana'diel Census, but the information is not server specific. Would it be helpful if they displayed data for each server? And no, I don't mean they for the sensus, but for character creation. And they wouldn't need to put all of the information. I'm thinking just race and job distribution, since those are the only two important aspects of your character when you first create them. When people join, a lot of times they just pick a server because of it's name, because they already know someone in that server, or just random. It seems like it might be nice if people had a little more to go off of when picking a server. And it might be helpful with avoiding situations like this.

    Not a necessary change, but just a thought.

    Edit: Oops. Posted this in the wrong section. Request this to be moved to Ask SquareEnix Questions.

    Edit: Or not.
    Last edited by Silent Howler; 07-03-2007, 04:24 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Server Specific Information

    This shouldn't be moved to the Ask SE Questions section because it doesn't follow the rules for posting in that section.


    • #3
      Re: Server Specific Information

      Originally posted by Murphie View Post
      This shouldn't be moved to the Ask SE Questions section because it doesn't follow the rules for posting in that section.
      Well, in a way, I was kind of asking a question. I guess I was wondering if they would/could do something like this. But since I didn't actually ask a question, I guess it doesn't really belong.

      But whatever. I'll let the mods do what they want with this. Either way, discuss?


      • #4
        Re: Server Specific Information

        I'm not really interested in what races and faces people are, or what jobs they happen to be leveling. I can find a mix of any on every server without really any trouble.


        • #5
          Re: Server Specific Information

          What I'm thinking, it wouldn't include faces, just jobs and races. And I don't doubt there wouldn't be enough diversity when it comes to race, but for jobs, sometimes it becomes more of an issue.

          Not everyone would use the information, but some might find it useful. It wouldn't hurt.

          And again, just a thought. Not strongly for or against this idea.


          • #6
            Re: Server Specific Information

            Race is never an issue for jobs except in the first few levels, or with people who are idiots.


            • #7
              Re: Server Specific Information

              a smart man once posted, play the job you want, not the job that's in demand.

              my addendum to that thought would be, the job system is flexible enough for you to change your mind... many times

              Thanks Yyg!


              • #8
                Re: Server Specific Information

                It would be interesting having real time server information like this, although I dunno if it would be of any use.

                A FFXI AH kinda thing would be nice though, but nothing that would merit the effort.
                "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                • #9
                  Re: Server Specific Information

                  Originally posted by neighbortaru View Post
                  a smart man once posted, play the job you want, not the job that's in demand.

                  my addendum to that thought would be, the job system is flexible enough for you to change your mind... many times
                  True. And I can see from looking at the character information on a lot of people here that they often try out both melee and mage type jobs. Few players stick totally to one side.


                  • #10
                    Re: Server Specific Information

                    Honestly, noone really cares what you character looks like other than the player. Pick one you are going to be happiest staring at their backside for here on in.

                    And I would rather they fix the problems with the game, than spend time providing data like this at a glance.

                    Originally posted by Aksannyi
                    "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."

