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The Game Itself

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  • The Game Itself

    is this game slowly dieing do you think or is it growing? and why do you think this

    75 Summoner
    37 White Mage

    75 Red Mage
    37 White Mage

    Rank: 7
    Currently Leveling: WHM

  • #2
    Re: The Game Itself

    no ffxi is lik totaly aliv lol.

    i men itz the greatst MMO EVAR LOLLOLOLOLOL.


    • #3
      Re: The Game Itself

      you think so? i really want to get back on there now but have to wait for my City Of Heroes account to run out before reactivating -.- community there just doesnt seem big enough

      75 Summoner
      37 White Mage

      75 Red Mage
      37 White Mage

      Rank: 7
      Currently Leveling: WHM


      • #4
        Re: The Game Itself

        Originally posted by Feba View Post
        no ffxi is lik totaly aliv lol.

        i men itz the greatst MMO EVAR LOLLOLOLOLOL.
        Quoted for truth.


        • #5
          Re: The Game Itself

          nice to know that its still growing, also what server is the biggest do you rekon?

          75 Summoner
          37 White Mage

          75 Red Mage
          37 White Mage

          Rank: 7
          Currently Leveling: WHM


          • #6
            Re: The Game Itself

            All about the same, i'm on Hades.


            • #7
              Re: The Game Itself

              Who said FFXI is growing? >_>

              The population has hovered around 500k for the past two years, though, so it's hardly dying. (In 2006, that figure is enough to make FFXI the 4th largest MMO with monthly subscription on this planet, I think.)

              As for which World ("server"), just pick one. If you have real-life friends on one, that would be a great reason to go there. If not, pick a name you like, or see if anyone wants to offer a new player a Linkpearl (membership to a Linkshell--called "guild" in other games).

              Having a Linkshell community join is a nice way to start, though most people do not stay with their first LS. Exploring the game on your own isn't bad, either, since it makes each new discovery that much more precious.

              There is no official data on which World has the most population, to my knowledge. "Ifrit" is nice enough of one, though I can't say how it compares with others--never been elsewhere.
              Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
              yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
              Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
              leaving no trace in the water.

              - Mugaku


              • #8
                Re: The Game Itself

                I'll offer you friendship on Hades. A linkpearl too if you want it.


                • #9
                  Re: The Game Itself

                  woot got my member id back off playonline services :D should beable to start playing soon, are you able to choose your server now? or do they just dump you on a random server...

                  75 Summoner
                  37 White Mage

                  75 Red Mage
                  37 White Mage

                  Rank: 7
                  Currently Leveling: WHM


                  • #10
                    Re: The Game Itself

                    Able to choose.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Game Itself

                      woot now i can join the bahmut server :D awsome... thanks a bunch ^^ im also going to try and become an active member on these forums i love it here

                      75 Summoner
                      37 White Mage

                      75 Red Mage
                      37 White Mage

                      Rank: 7
                      Currently Leveling: WHM


                      • #12
                        Re: The Game Itself

                        Originally posted by emeraldpearl View Post
                        woot now i can join the bahmut server :D awsome... thanks a bunch ^^ im also going to try and become an active member on these forums i love it here
                        So how big is Bahamut now?
                        I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                        HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



                        • #13
                          Re: The Game Itself

                          hehe its about to get 1 player bigger or i may join hades as jrgsubzero has offered me a linkshell ^^

                          75 Summoner
                          37 White Mage

                          75 Red Mage
                          37 White Mage

                          Rank: 7
                          Currently Leveling: WHM


                          • #14
                            Re: The Game Itself

                            It hasn't really grown that much. I'm not online right now so I can't check, but of course, it's not prime time right now anyway.


                            • #15
                              Re: The Game Itself

                              Why is bahamut so overrated anyway?

