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Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

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  • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
    What word?
    Now your just actin' a fool.

    PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
    Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
    When ignorance reigns, life is lost


    • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

      Originally posted by Ameroth View Post
      Now your just actin' a fool.
      Yes I am. And I know. You didnt have to tell me.
      Everything has atleast 1 positive side and atleast 1 negative side. Please tell about both sides when answering.


      • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

        Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
        I got an idea for a reward....
        You can merit everything,
        Use every spell for pc's in the game,
        Wield Any weapon,
        Use any armor,
        Use every WS,
        Merit on any job,
        Never have to exp another job to 75,
        Oh wait nvm you wouldn't even get maat's cap for this because, you never said you beat him on every job, and you can do these already by having every job @ 75.
        Oh and before i forget and you say it is only because you are not doing it, I am lvling all jobs to 75 and beating Maat/Immortal/Corsair/Pup npc for every job.
        Originally posted by robinkle View Post
        I would agree If I was 12. This is rubbish.

        OK robin lets have some fun. Seeing you are 100% needing a reward for leveling all jobs to 75. Your selfish and misguided in this post. You say there should be a reward for leveling all jobs to 75.

        You get the maat's cap for leveling all pre-ToAU jobs to 66+ and beating maat on everyone of them. So there is one reward, Maat's Cap.

        You can't argue that a new item needs to be put in to make people actually do this, Ifrit has atleast 2 players with all 75 jobs, about a dozen people with maat's cap and a good 20-30 on the way to all 75's.

        You keep saying +1 maat's cap or more maat gear. Guess you forgot the fact where Blue Mage, Corsair, Puppetmaster don't fight maat. Note you say ALL jobs to 75, so i.e. it wouldn't fit with your own idea of it.

        You seem to more be trolling your own post then even, thinking and discussing the fact, maybe coming up with a good idea. You want something not ground breaking, Get a trophy for you mog house with storage +3.

        Please stop whooshing on this thread its just sad. What are your job levels btw? Or just a common person trying to get some post counts +1? Please stop wasting time and go level your damn jobs, you need to have them all 75 see you back in a couple years, remember every time you post here your losing exp for your all 75s.

        Originally posted by robinkle View Post
        What word?
        Originally posted by robinkle View Post
        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


        • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

          Originally posted by Hantz View Post
          Sir, I can assure you, I've never said that word in my life.
          I don't get it. You're the main one bumping your own thread for several days now, for an idea of an addition that most people feel is pointless. Tell me, why would somebody need an item for the sole purpose of showing everyone around them that they took all jobs to 75? Why is it not enough to know that you already had all jobs at the cap, and that you could use any of them for whatever you liked?
          Honestly, it is very unimportant, and everything to be said about it, has been said.
          It's just as important as the Nation Aketons, the Rank 10 Flag, the Craft guild gear, *every* holiday and event item and of course the Maats cap itself. It's a simple idea to get some sort of reward for doing something very rare and thats it. It's obvious some people may not like the idea, but the answer to how to deal with that is simple. Don't click the link. The majority of this topic isn't even about the idea, it's people taking pot shots at the OP for bad grammer, overpowered rewards and the very concept of taking all jobs to 75.

          The idea is simple, a useless but unique reward for doing something very rare. Which would be cool because there would be no reason for it to not be added.
          "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


          • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

            Originally posted by Ziero View Post
            The majority of this topic isn't even about the idea, it's people taking pot shots at the OP for bad grammer, overpowered rewards and the very concept of taking all jobs to 75.
            To be fair, he's giving as much as he's getting on that front. Sometimes more.

            And then he has the audacity to report people for doing the very thing he's doing right back at them.


            • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
              OK robin lets have some fun. Seeing you are 100% needing a reward for leveling all jobs to 75. Your selfish and misguided in this post. You say there should be a reward for leveling all jobs to 75.

              You get the maat's cap for leveling all pre-ToAU jobs to 66+ and beating maat on everyone of them. So there is one reward, Maat's Cap.

              You can't argue that a new item needs to be put in to make people actually do this, Ifrit has atleast 2 players with all 75 jobs, about a dozen people with maat's cap and a good 20-30 on the way to all 75's.

              You keep saying +1 maat's cap or more maat gear. Guess you forgot the fact where Blue Mage, Corsair, Puppetmaster don't fight maat. Note you say ALL jobs to 75, so i.e. it wouldn't fit with your own idea of it.

              You seem to more be trolling your own post then even, thinking and discussing the fact, maybe coming up with a good idea. You want something not ground breaking, Get a trophy for you mog house with storage +3.

              Please stop whooshing on this thread its just sad. What are your job levels btw? Or just a common person trying to get some post counts +1? Please stop wasting time and go level your damn jobs, you need to have them all 75 see you back in a couple years, remember every time you post here your losing exp for your all 75s.

              If people would stop messing up the thread I would be acting differently.
              And it includes you. If you don't like my idea, just suggest something new instead of messing up the thread with crap. If you dont like the thread then dont post in it. If you don't like me, stay away from me, would do us both good.
              Everything has atleast 1 positive side and atleast 1 negative side. Please tell about both sides when answering.


              • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                Originally posted by Ziero View Post
                It's just as important as the Nation Aketons, the Rank 10 Flag, the Craft guild gear, *every* holiday and event item and of course the Maats cap itself. It's a simple idea to get some sort of reward for doing something very rare and thats it. It's obvious some people may not like the idea, but the answer to how to deal with that is simple. Don't click the link. The majority of this topic isn't even about the idea, it's people taking pot shots at the OP for bad grammer, overpowered rewards and the very concept of taking all jobs to 75.
                The idea is simple, a useless but unique reward for doing something very rare. Which would be cool because there would be no reason for it to not be added.

                The only fact is that people want to voice their opinions, if they don't like the idea they can and will speak out against it. Grammar shots are just a side thing, that always happens, I know all too well. Rank 10 flags serve the purpose of extra cp, as well as the reward does not take, years upon years to complete (i'm talking about play time btw). Craft guild gear is purchased, you don't have to craft it at all. You could buy every item to trade in, also introduced more so of there will be alot more crafters then all 75 jobs. Holiday items are basically freely given away for ne one who is willing to relax in the game for an hour.
                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                  I've tried to follow this thread and it disturbs me on just about every level.

                  The online self-image thing has really gotten out-of-hand. I mean, you got people out there that actually sit and count thier merits, collect all the AFs, get Maat's Cap, god gear and that's not epeen enough?

                  Let me break it down for you.

                  A merit means one and only one thing - you grinded out 10k EXP. Now, lets say you have 200 merits. You think that's awesome, but what you fail to realize is that what you're really saying is that you've sank 200 hours of your life into a video game.

                  And if you're going to get technical on that and say you made it in less, you're just telling me how much psychiatric help you really need. Its not something I'd brag about at any rate.

                  There are enough rewards in the game. I've already seen people throw away thier lives on camping HNM and doing endgame, I don't think we need to encourage them any furthur.


                  • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
                    If people would stop messing up the thread I would be acting differently.
                    No one is really messing up "your" thread. It simply the fact you talk about any of the following: Buffing/Nerfing/New Items/"Why me?"/Rmts/Etc. people are going to have opposing views on here. Alot of our members will voice them you come back thinking its a personal attack welcome to the mess it is now.

                    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
                    And it includes you.
                    Ya i'm messing up your thread by posting my thoughts and keeping it very clean to date. Ask around I can be an ass I admit to it lol. Murphie will probably call me an ass.

                    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
                    If you don't like my idea, just suggest something new instead of messing up the thread with crap.
                    Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                    You seem to more be trolling your own post then even, thinking and discussing the fact, maybe coming up with a good idea. You want something not ground breaking, Get a trophy for you mog house with storage +3.
                    Hi2u look I did two min ago instead of reading the post you went into bitch mode tho.

                    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
                    If you dont like the thread then dont post in it.
                    I don't mind the thread had a chance to be a good idea but you /faceplanted too early.

                    Originally posted by robinkle View Post
                    If you don't like me, stay away from me, would do us both good.
                    You have yet to give me a reason to dislike you, your just failing to read and stay on your own topic.

                    PS-> So what are your job levels?
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                      He mentioned at one point having a few 75s. So he seems to be working towards this goal.

                      I don't think you're an ass, Sev. But you can be trying at times.


                      • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        I've tried to follow this thread and it disturbs me on just about every level.

                        The online self-image thing has really gotten out-of-hand. I mean, you got people out there that actually sit and count thier merits, collect all the AFs, get Maat's Cap, god gear and that's not epeen enough?

                        Let me break it down for you.

                        A merit means one and only one thing - you grinded out 10k EXP. Now, lets say you have 200 merits. You think that's awesome, but what you fail to realize is that what you're really saying is that you've sank 200 hours of your life into a video game.

                        And if you're going to get technical on that and say you made it in less, you're just telling me how much psychiatric help you really need. Its not something I'd brag about at any rate.

                        There are enough rewards in the game. I've already seen people throw away thier lives on camping HNM and doing endgame, I don't think we need to encourage them any furthur.
                        To make it short.
                        Yes, a reward for taking all jobs to 75, would encourage more players to get more addicted to the game. Its a good point.

                        But you could say that in many other threads as well. playing FFXI it self is not healthy when you are addicted. and you simply can't complete the game, because it keeps evolving(i'm not sure if thats the right word but w/e). That might be the reason it wont have any effect on addiction. What the reward is, would be the judge of it. If I would be able to use a 3rd sub job or anything that we call unrealistic, we would have a big increase in addiction indeed.

                        If its an aketon that gives you 12% movement speed in all towns, not much players wouldn't even bother thinking about it. Maat's cap +1 for example wouldn't be that much, unless it gives +99 on all stats. +8 on all stats would work.
                        Everything has atleast 1 positive side and atleast 1 negative side. Please tell about both sides when answering.


                        • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                          Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                          No one is really messing up "your" thread. It simply the fact you talk about any of the following: Buffing/Nerfing/New Items/"Why me?"/Rmts/Etc. people are going to have opposing views on here. Alot of our members will voice them you come back thinking its a personal attack welcome to the mess it is now.

                          Ya i'm messing up your thread by posting my thoughts and keeping it very clean to date. Ask around I can be an ass I admit to it lol. Murphie will probably call me an ass.

                          Hi2u look I did two min ago instead of reading the post you went into bitch mode tho.

                          I don't mind the thread had a chance to be a good idea but you /faceplanted too early.

                          You have yet to give me a reason to dislike you, your just failing to read and stay on your own topic.

                          PS-> So what are your job levels?
                          I admit my mistakes. I get carried on. I'm very sorry.

                          To me, suggesting being able to do everything, is just too much above the limit passed unrealistic, and I was seeing what you wrote as Sarcasm, thats why I reacted how I did. I'm sorry for the missunderstanding. Seriously.

                          I would like to know pros and cons, how it could be made to work, and if it doesnt work at all, type why. That would to me be a satisfying answer.

                          As the first reply in my thread "It would be too overpowered." It actually makes other readers to post with the same view. It has a bad effect on the thread.
                          Everything has atleast 1 positive side and atleast 1 negative side. Please tell about both sides when answering.


                          • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                            The reason he suggested you be able to do everything, is because you would be able to do everything, because you would have every job at 75. You would be able to merit on any job, and use any weapon, etc.


                            • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                              Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                              To be fair, he's giving as much as he's getting on that front. Sometimes more.
                              And then he has the audacity to report people for doing the very thing he's doing right back at them.
                              The topic went a good two pages with no arguments from the OP regardless of people agreeing or disagreeing on his idea. Despite the few 'only losers play that much' type posts, which is irony at it's finest, there were no flames. But it slowly and surely turned into a pissing contest and it was not the OP who started it. He's wrong for fighting fire with fire, but not exactly for trying to report stuff that more or less derailed this topic.

                              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                              The only fact is that people want to voice their opinions, if they don't like the idea they can and will speak out against it. Grammar shots are just a side thing, that always happens, I know all too well. Rank 10 flags serve the purpose of extra cp, as well as the reward does not take, years upon years to complete (i'm talking about play time btw). Craft guild gear is purchased, you don't have to craft it at all. You could buy every item to trade in, also introduced more so of there will be alot more crafters then all 75 jobs. Holiday items are basically freely given away for ne one who is willing to relax in the game for an hour.
                              It started off with people voicing opinions and slowly moved into the relm of flaming opinions. People attacked the OP because they think a reward for getting all jobs to 75 was 'not necesaary', and all the items I mentioned are things in game that aren't 'necessary' either. And no, you can't 'purchase' the guild items, you have to get your Craft skill to a certain point to even gain access to those items. But as nice as they are, not one is in any way needed, just like an item from getting all jobs 75.

                              Not once did he say a reward was needed, in fact he specifically said it wasn't needed. Yet people still flame and bait him by asking things like 'Why do you think a reward beyond Maat's Cap is necessary?' That's not the point of this topic nor was it ever the OPs intent to say it was. he asked if anyone thought those who leveled all jobs to 75 deserved a 'nice' reward then gave some suggestions and asked for feedback. And there are many people who think it would be nice to get *something* small and showy for it who posted in this thread, so the idea isn't that bad. It's just his rewards were a bit much, which he admited and asked for others opinions.
                              "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                              • Re: Reward after taking all jobs to 75?

                                Actually, he said several times that a reward was needed to encourage more people to do it.

                                And once he started flaming back, he pretty much lost any moral high ground. Sorry, Ziero.

