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Savage Gear Please?

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  • Savage Gear Please?

    Yesterday, I had someone post me a /tell ingame asking me what my highest level was, and that they were looking for a mithra needing savage gear.
    I felt quite confused at this, because to be honest, I don't really know what savage gear is. (obviously something limited to mithra no doubt though)

    I'm interested to see what it looks like, and what the various effects on it are.
    But I don't really know what to look up for it on the various FFXl websites.
    I just typed in "savage gear" and all I got was random info, not specifically related to what I'm looking for.

    If it's a complete armour set, then I would have to type in the actual name for each of the body pieces to be able to look at them, but I can honestly say that I don't know their individual names at all, which is why I could only think to look up "savage gear" which isn't very helpful as it is really.

    I'm sorry to ask about this, but could anyone find a link for me so I can check it out please?
    (\ /)
    ( . .)

  • #2
    Re: Savage Gear Please?

    Search Salvage.
    I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

    HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



    • #3
      Re: Savage Gear Please?

      Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
      Search Salvage.
      savage armor

      my first thought was typo too, until I saw the op's race and character levels. you can get these yourself no need to buy them.

      also, most of the FFXI database sites support 'wildcard' searches. so you can type just 'savage' (or in some cases: %savage% or *savage*) to see all equipment with the word 'savage' in its title.
      Grant me wings so I may fly;
      My restless soul is longing.
      No Pain remains no Feeling~
      Eternity Awaits.


      • #4
        Re: Savage Gear Please?

        Actually I think they are referring to Mithran RSE or Race Specific Armor. There is a goblin in Lower Jeuno that will give you the quest for it.

        Here's the link for the RSE quests

        EDIT: Aww crap I got beaten.

        Anyway Salvage gear is from a high level player event. You won't have to worry about that for a while.

        PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


        • #5
          Re: Savage Gear Please?

          Originally posted by Gobo View Post
          Actually I think they are referring to Mithran RSE or Race Specific Armor. There is a goblin in Lower Jeuno that will give you the quest for it.
          Here's the link for the RSE quests

          EDIT: Aww crap I got beaten.
          Anyway Salvage gear is from a high level player event. You won't have to worry about that for a while.
          RSE = Race Specific Equipment, right?

          Thanks a lot for the helplul info. I've had a glance at that link already, and when I get a chance, I'll read it better so I can go do these quests.
          (\ /)
          ( . .)


          • #6
            Re: Savage Gear Please?

            Originally posted by Amele View Post
            savage armor

            my first thought was typo too, until I saw the op's race and character levels. You can get these yourself no need to buy them.
            Yep...... that's the correct one I'm looking for. Thanks.

            Also, most of the FFXI database sites support 'wildcard' searches. so you can type just 'savage' (or in some cases: %savage% or *savage*) to see all equipment with the word 'savage' in its title.

            Ahh..... I see. Ya know, I didn't think about that at all.
            I guess you could do that with just about ANY ingame item you could think of.

            For e.g. right now, I'm thinking of "Shell Powder"
            If I only knew the 1st part the name there, I could type in "Shell" and I would see a list off all the items that were somewhere under that item name in FFXl, including the powder I was searching on.

            I went back to "somepage" and typed "savage" in "item search" and sure enough, it brought me exactly what I'm looking for.

            I'll have to remeber that in future.
            (\ /)
            ( . .)


            • #7
              Re: Savage Gear Please?

              There's just one thing I'm a bit unsure of about those items.

              The job I'll be using these for, is WHM. Now, Savage Gaiters and Seperates have effects on them which I don't think is suited to a WHM. (STR and CHR) The HP could be useful though.

              Is there anyone esle here who is a mithra with a WHM job?
              I'm just wondering if you would quest those 2 items for WHM or not.

              What is everyon'e opinions on this please?

              P.S. Sorry for all the posts.
              I'm done now.
              Last edited by Snowball; 06-17-2007, 01:40 PM.
              (\ /)
              ( . .)


              • #8
                Re: Savage Gear Please?

                Hume whm instead of Mithra but same sort of deal with the RSE and base stats.

                Skip the Gaiters and Seperates if you don't feel like getting them, they aren't whm exp party gear for sure. That being said the Gaiters and Seperates are better than your whm party gear for the same slots if you are going to be solo nm camping, farming or helping a lower level friend get a drop etc, and they don't cost you anything.
                Signature courtesy of Selphiie the Enchantress


                • #9
                  Re: Savage Gear Please?

                  out of the whole RSE set for Mithra, the Legs and gloves are the best for mages and the feet and body are good for Damage dealing classes
                  Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

