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Just a little taru getting to bastok....

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  • Just a little taru getting to bastok....

    hey guys - i am getting the game this weekend, and i just wanted to know, is there any way to get to bastok at a low level? when i used to play, i got to like lvl 11 or somethin and there was a cave in bastok that you could go too with a group and party and kill worms and stuff.... or are there places like that in windurst?



  • #2
    Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

    Well actually you can start out in Bastok...nobody can start a char in Jeuno. All new chars start out in Bastok, Windurst, or Sandy

    Sig by Eohmer


    • #3
      Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

      but then i won't get the windurstian ring.... is it easier to start out in bastok, like i found myself when i used to play alot better in bastok, alot easier to get around.


      • #4
        Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

        Ahhh, you didnt say you wanted to start in windy. I guess the only thing you can do is start out as planned in windy. You can even xp up in Giddeus...good place to go. Equates to Korroloka Tunnels, just not as close to access. Or you can hit the trail from windy, to saruta, to tahrongi, to bubu, take ferry to selbina, run thru dunes, run thru pashkow, run thru konschtat, run thru gusta and make a dash to bastok that way. Luck and patience are your best friends.

        Sig by Eohmer


        • #5
          Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

          Not really a cave there but if you want directions it's:

          Windhurst--->Subentera-->Tangori Canyon-->Burburiu Pensulia-->Muraha-->boat to selebina-->Selebina--->Valkiurm Dunes(10-20 lvling area)--> Konastat Highlands-->North Gustaburg--->South Gustaburg--->Bastok!

          Now I have done this in reverse myself with a lvl 10-11's alot of sneaking...also above...well please forgive my spelling...I'm a terrible speller!
          Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
          (have fun MMO players ^^)
          Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


          • #6
            Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

            Honestly I would suggest you start in Bastok. The amount of help that the Windurstian ring would offer does not really compare to traveling to Bastok at a low level, only being able to walk. I mean if you really want it, go for it, but you probably wouldn't use that ring for very long as there are many other rings that will help more.

            Good luck.


            • #7
              Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

              thanks guys - and that was the place - KORROLOKA TUNNEL - i remember it clearly lol - so would you suggest starting in Windy, then from lvl 10-20 go to Valkrum dunes.... or should i start off in bastok and just lvl from there... the only problem is i wouldn't get teh windurstian ring


              • #8
                Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                Originally posted by Shadowneko View Post
                Windhurst--->Subentera-->Tangori Canyon-->Burburiu Pensulia-->Muraha-->boat to selebina-->Selebina--->Valkiurm Dunes(10-20 lvling area)--> Konastat Highlands-->North Gustaburg--->South Gustaburg--->Bastok!
                None of those zones exists except the last three.

                PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                • #9
                  Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                  Ew... Lastok.

                  It's WINdurst for a reason.


                  • #10
                    Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                    Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                    Ew... Lastok.

                    It's WINdurst for a reason.
                    not on my's more like "Sandlast" most of the time!(bastok gets 1st or second alot)
                    Shadowneko's FFXI Newbie Guide 2009
                    (have fun MMO players ^^)
                    Jon Davies AKA: Shadowneko of Midradsomr...soon to be transferred to Quetzalcoatl


                    • #11
                      Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                      start where you want. there are areas around windy same as ones around bastok. giddeus, Inner Horutoto Ruins maze of shakrami. these places for whatever reasons never got the traffic of korrokola tunnel. im not real sure what level people head to korrokola but im guessing lvl 15 at the earliest? by this level you can travel to bastok and probaly have already traveled to the dunes. could travel there as a lvl 1 job, just takes some stealth and avoiding agro skills. besides traveling and adventuring at low levles is fun and challenging.


                      • #12
                        Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                        If you start in Windurst you won't be able to do Bastok missions.

                        Screw the rings, they're nice but not that great. Start in the country you want to have allegiance with.


                        • #13
                          Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                          I'm a Hume from San d'Oria. I didn't care for the ring as much as where I really wanted to be from!

                          The ring is useless imo, but that's just me. Start where you REALLY want to be from. That's it.

                          it's more like "Sandlast" most of the time!
                          Isn't the point of this to make it sound like that name of the city itself, like Lastok or WINdurst?

                          Sandlast... San d'Oria.... Umm, no. :-\


                          • #14
                            Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                            Ew... Lastok.

                            It's WINdurst for a reason.
                            Ha. QFT. I'm from Bastok and I'm constantly disappointed as almost every week Bastok is last. How will I ever spam the cornette trading quest for Windy fame?

                            PLD75 DRK60 lots of other levels.
                            Shackle their minds when they're bent on the cross
                            When ignorance reigns, life is lost


                            • #15
                              Re: Just a little taru getting to bastok....

                              While Korroloka is an excellent camp for lv16/17-20, 22-24, nobody ever go there now, at least this is true on Remora. The what used to be called "good camps" are now RMT or PL party heaven, while the fools-in-serious-denial crowd one single "good camp".

                              You will probably have to be stuck in Dunes with the narrowminded fools who doesn't realise the goodness of korroloka and all.

                              In any case, the route to get to Bastok has already been given(although he/she could work on the spellings of the zone names a little). Just remember to pick up Gatecrystals when you ran by Mea/Dem Crags. Also remember that:

                              Yagudo, Rams and Goblins aggro by sight.
                              Weapons, Quadav, Worms, Bats, Crabs, Sea Monk, and any undead aggro by sound.

                              If you don't have an escort, you might want to remember the aggro type of the monsters I listed, those are the one you will run into on your way there. Basic rule, if you are unsure of their aggro type or range, stay the hell far from it.

                              The Sand Bats in the tunnel leading to Konschtat from Valkurm Dunes aggro by sound, and the tunnel is way too narrow for you to sneak past them, do not try your luck and aggro the way through, unless you spent 500 CP to get an instant rr, you might end up having to HP if you don't get any high levels noticing your frozen dead body. Wait, and usually there will be someone else to aggro before you, cruel and mean as this may sound, but ignore the poor guy and take it as a chance to run through the tunnel... Beside, even if you did help, it will only be you who will die and the poor guy will then become the "evil guy" because he would most likely have forgotten about you on his panic-run-to-zone(he would most likely not notice that you took the aggro from him and die for his sake).

