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If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

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  • If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

    No, this isn't going to become a series or anything, but I feel like I have one more in me.

    Hopefully less controversy involved... (Leave me alone you Melee Red Mage Mafia)

    SE has said they intend to allow players to seek on multiple jobs at once. That sounds great. I imagine it working very likely. Maybe appearing on multiple search inquires at once.

    But I think there can be more.

    Ideally, SE could use the LS Community Beta to be the perfect system for players to find other players, if it only became more player focused instead of LS focused... but it doesn't seem SE is ever going to do much with it.

    The problems with seeking are: (aside from being limited to one job)

    1) Seeking people for things outside exp is really annoying and pretty much impossible in the same way as exp. This is especially true for:

    a) Assaults
    b) Missions
    c) Quests and so on

    2) Like number 1, but with trying to find crafters or item sellers.

    For this, I've thought up two systems that could be put in place to finds players with similar interests. One based on search messages and one based just on Assaults.

    Search Messages and Search

    -Search Messages can now be saved onto the server and quickly recovered using the commands: /seacom save "EXP Party" and /seacom recover "EXP Party". /seacom clear will remove the save(as will saving over one) and /seacom save/recover/clear "all" will effect all your search message types at once.

    -It becomes possible to set multiple search messages... one for each type: "EXP Party", "Mission", "Quest", "Battlefield", "Item", "Synthesis", and "Others". This works with what was said above.

    -When a player is selected after a search, in addition to the current "Tell", "Send Message", and "Invite", the list of all his current search messages will be displayed(as "EXP Party" and "Mission" and so on).

    -What search message comes up when a player is selected on the search message is based on an order of priority. This order is the same as they are listed. EXP Party, then if that's not listed... Mission... Quest... and so on.

    The New Search: Keywords

    -In the Search menu, under "Edit Comment"... "Search Comment" will be added.

    -Clicking on "Search Comment" gives you a choice that is similar to making a comment: EXP Party, Mission, Quest... ect, except with "All" at the end. As you might figure, all includes all of the above.

    -Once clicking on one of the options, the player is asked to type in a word(or words, phrases work too, but as exacts). Once that word is entered, the player is given back all matching search comments with that word/phrase in them.

    Example 1: A player is looking for a Woodworker level 90+. "Synthesis" -> "Woodworker Veteran" and he gets back 3-4 people he will then ask to make something for him.

    Example 2: A player is looking for players interested in Bastok 5-2. "Mission" -> "Bastok 5-2" and he gets back 8-12 people he will then ask to make a party with.

    -Unlike normal options in the Search Menu, this one is based on /sea all instead of current area.

    -Keywords will work in typed out commands:

    "Search Message Type": "Keyword(s)"

    Example 1: "Quest": "Searching for the Right Words" (or "Sleepga II" for slang)

    Example 2: /sea all 10-20 WHM "EXP Party": "Buburimu Peninsula"

    -With this system, a global slang would have to be created. Not as hard as it sounds. I wouldn't say it's a hefty cost for a good system.

    Mercenary Registration

    While Assault will probably benefit greatly from the search system mentioned above, I feel it requires it's own system(which can be used in addition with above). This system will be more involved in the game, actually requiring chatting to NPCs to make it work.

    Requirement: PSC Badge, 50 IS.

    -In the Commissions Agency, next to Rytaal, are two NPCs with no use: Qulsun and Kantila. The system is based around these two NPCs:

    -Check Assault ID Recovery Time. (Tells you what time you will get your next ID, unless you have currently three in stock, then he will say the time resets when you collect your next ID)
    -Search for Mercenaries. (Explained in detail below)

    -Check Personal Besieged Record. (Tells you how many Besiegeds you have participated in and how many times you've saved the AC)
    -Set your Assault Preferences. (Explained in detail below). Fee: 50 IS.

    -Assault Preferences: You set these to be picked up by others' searches. It requires a fee. You can only set preferences for assaults you have access to.

    -For each assault(not named, simply listed by rank and area) you pick the cap you prefer or if you want to do it at all. Given choices like "All", "60<", "70>", "60", "75", and so on and "None".

    -Nyzul Assault is a simple "Yes" or "No" question.

    -Another part of preferences is setting how important Assault is to you. You must choose from the following: "Invite me whenever possible", "Do not invite me if I am doing something", "Do not invite me if I'm doing something outside an EXP Party", and "Do not invite me if I do not know you".

    -Mercenary Search: As you might imagine, it's quite simple. Qulson will give you a choice to search for a specific area/rank combination, or just an area, or just an badge, or an area with a rank minimum. You will also be asked if you want to search for any player or only players who are currently logged on. You will be then showed these players in a type of search window.

    -Search results show the player's current badge and Nyzul's highest floor.

    This system has multiple uses:

    It can be used to find a pick-up(or be found by a pick-up, while you are soloing in the middle of nowhere). It can be used to find members for a static group. It can be used to ask for help on details on how to do a rank up quest from someone who's a higher rank than you.

    Thanks for reading, I hoped you've enjoyed it. Maybe SE is reading this too, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

    I'd love to hear comments, even negative ones.
    Read my blog.
    Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
    Entry 32: Death to Castro

  • #2
    Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

    Nice idea on how to do the searching for who and what. Though I really don't see a reason for the assault one. If anything, its the easist to find people for just by shouting in whitegate.

    Originally posted by Legal Fish
    Thanks for reading, I hoped you've enjoyed it. Maybe SE is reading this too, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.
    Heh, forgot about the Feb. Ask submission? ;x Check question 4 if you did ;P
    Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


    • #3
      Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

      Though I really don't see a reason for the assault one. If anything, its the easist to find people for just by shouting in whitegate.
      Not exactly, I've been having a lot of trouble with this for even getting people to come to PSC/PFC... let alone LC and beyond.
      Read my blog.
      Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
      Entry 32: Death to Castro


      • #4
        Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

        Which missions do you normally do and areas you need points for?
        Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


        • #5
          Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

          Originally posted by Akashimo View Post
          Which missions do you normally do and areas you need points for?
          All of them.
          Read my blog.

          Currently: Entry #32, August 31/07.
          Entry 32: Death to Castro


          • #6
            Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

            not like "shouting to fill your ranks" should ever be considered the defacto method of doing stuff. With the up-and-coming update, we won't all have our HPs in whitegate either. We may finally see a return to mainland and thus, make it even harder to reach maximum population with your requests.
            "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


            • #7
              Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

              Totally agree with this. I think the "Find Member" button needs a serious upgrade also.

              75 BLU | THF | PLD


              • #8
                Re: If SE let me change the seeking for party system...

                Originally posted by Lmnop View Post
                not like "shouting to fill your ranks" should ever be considered the defacto method of doing stuff. With the up-and-coming update, we won't all have our HPs in whitegate either. We may finally see a return to mainland and thus, make it even harder to reach maximum population with your requests.
                This is why I think that even though you can set your HP in cities (and I will), either people will still set their HP in the Whitegate or will set their HP in their city and immediatly tele to the Whitegate because the Whitegate is the center of the game. It's the center of the game because you can get to everywhere with just a few hops, and because everyone else is there shouting for stuff you might need/want.

                Shouting is the de facto method of getting things done outside of asking your LS. It's going to be like that for a while probably. Not that I wouldn't like something better.
                I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

                HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.


