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Sea Gorgets

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  • Sea Gorgets

    I understand the dmg equations a little bit, havnt really put much time into trying to understand them more so I cant really answer myself with this.

    I want to get the Breeze Gorget for Sidewinder when I play Sam/Rng. Is the increase in the fTP multiplier by +0.1 going to increase Dmg output so greatly to make it worth the time and effort to get this item over say, just using a Peacock Charm?

    As for normal Sam and Mnk ws, namely Tachi: Gekko/Kasha and Asuran Fists, would Str+5 be better or the corresponding weaponskills gorget?
    75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
    Woodworking 91.9+2
    ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27

  • #2
    Re: Sea Gorgets

    Disclaimer: I've never owned or used a gorget, but I've read plenty on them, and the general concensus is pretty unified on their effects as far as I can tell.

    On the fTP boost: No, won't make much of a difference. It's a small fixed bonus to WS that already have either large fTP or multiple hits. Going from 5.0 fTP on Sidewinder to 5.10 is a 2% damage boost. On Gekko and Kasha it'd be more like 5-6% bonus, so it's not too bad on them, since a lot of their power comes from the 75% STR WSC (aka stat modifiers) and not extremely high fTP.

    From what I understand, the real benefit of the gorgets is the accuracy boost. I haven't seen this amount measured or compared to, say, a Peacock Charm yet, but it's been described as "significant" and "noticeable." I can guarantee, though, that STR+5 wouldn't be better. It's a nice boost to your WS, but still a small boost overall (which would be cancelled out by the fTP boost on the gorget anyways.) The improvement to your accuracy is more important, since hitting or missing will make far more of a difference than any amount of STR or Attack you can get from a single piece of gear ever will. This is especially so for Asuran Fists, since the odds of landing all hits are low even with high hit rate.


    • #3
      Re: Sea Gorgets

      Thanks, looks like Ill be farming for 2 or 3 Gorgets now then xD
      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • #4
        Re: Sea Gorgets

        OK, so I started farming for a Breeze Gorget, I don't really have questions about the damage or accuracy, but was Breeze the right one to go with for Slugwinders? I poked around and looked at them all on FFXIlopedia and they all go into the .1 fTP stuff, but some of them share the same weaponskills.

        Its a nice boost to accuracy and I'll do anything to get rid of those unsightly minus stats on Qiqirn Torque. the + Ranged attack is nice, but it seems the torque would cover the losses and I could just go back to PCC for DoT and Gorget for WS.

        I've already started the trades so I'm stuck with finishing Breeze for now whether that was the best choice or not, but I am also looking at one for Savage Blade macros, which looks like Thunder Gorget. Would that be right or should I look into another?

        And as an aside, I do have a question about Obis as well. As a COR I'm always eyeing new ways to get the most on my QD damage and I guess I'm just looking for clarification here, but you only get the full elemental bonus based on the matching the obi with the day of the week, correct?


        • #5
          Re: Sea Gorgets

          Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
          And as an aside, I do have a question about Obis as well. As a COR I'm always eyeing new ways to get the most on my QD damage and I guess I'm just looking for clarification here, but you only get the full elemental bonus based on the matching the obi with the day of the week, correct?
          Not necessarily just day, but weather also. But you'd have to have either the correct weather, correct day, or both for them to be of any use.

          So, say for example, you're using light shot. You need either light day or light weather to make wearing the obi worth it. If both are up, you get a double bonus! But having either one will give you the bonus. Same with double weather.

          This is also the reason you see BLMs creaming themselve in aery when it's thundersday and double thunderweather. Guarenteed triple bonus to Burst II! Nothing much more than epeen numbers, but anywho.

          Great for dynamis as well if you use dark shot, as it is always double dark weather in dynamis. Just like it's always double light in tenemos if you're into Limbus.


          • #6
            Re: Sea Gorgets

            Now I know why BLMs cry about thier inventory. Staves + Obis = Kill me now.

            Looks like I'll work out Wind, Earth, Ice, Light and Dark Obis over time.


            • #7
              Re: Sea Gorgets

              People are still testing the accuracy bonus. Some people think it's just the first hit, others think its the whole WS. Nagamaki on BG did a very small sampling and found that his accuracy on Asuran Fists was greater with a PCC than his Gorget. I'll see if I can bring up the post.

              Regardless, his sampling was small so I cant be counted for too much, but Ive stopped farming organs until it's clear what the effects are.

              Warrior TP Warrior WS


              • #8
                Re: Sea Gorgets

                You forgot all the gear swaps to activate soceror's ring. So full zenith and astrals/ethers if you're a galka or elvaan :x I want another gobbie bag /cry

                Anyways, it's been debated as to if the obis effect enfeebles, or there is in fact a bonus to enfeebles for weather. Some attest that they can only silence sky gods on windsday were I've seen them silences on iceday. So there could or couldn't be a bonus in these circumstances.

                It's hard to measure something like resist rates. I don't think there's a parser available that would even measure that, much less if you'd be able to gather enough data to prove so. And even with obis, enfeebles can be resisted on thier appropriate day/weather.

                All that said, I believe that there is a weather/day bonus to enfeebles, but only effects resist rate and not duration or proc rates.

                Assuming these are for your corsair, I'm not sure how useful you'd find them. Dark(dispel) and light(sleep) would be your enfeebles right? And does dark do damage? Either way, if you arn't getting high resist, I wouldn't bother with toting these around on the off chance that weather or day will match up long enough to make it worth macroing in.


                • #9
                  Re: Sea Gorgets

                  Dark and Light Shot are seldom resisted for me in most areas, but Sea and Sky are the grey areas. I seem to have no trouble with most mobs, but Detectors, Sharks and Aerns are really the only ones that ever gave me any notable resists on Light Shot after full Quick Draw Accuracy merits and +30 in AGI gear and food bonuses.

                  I miss a few Dark Shots on gods here and there, but I'd say it was like 10% chance, no better or worse for wear than a RDM. Flayers just seem immune to Dark Shot and Gods fully resist light. HNMs I don't deal with at all at this time , so I can't say so much there, but if past experience with them was any indication, I'd assume they're less resistant due to the high HP and deadlier attacks.

                  No problems landing either in Dynamis and Limbus so far.

                  As for damage, SE took the damage away from Light and Dark Shot when they recieved thier Sleep and Dispel effects. The remaining six elemental shots still do damage.

                  Regardless, his sampling was small so I cant be counted for too much, but Ive stopped farming organs until it's clear what the effects are.
                  Well, I don't deal in Multi-hits, just one highly innaccurate shot with x5 damage multiplier on it. Most of what I've read behind it seems to suggest its good for RNG and COR at least, that the bonus given from breeze is better overall than PCC or Qiqirn Collar.

                  I'd personally just like to get a PCC back on for ranged DoT and Joyeuse melee and save the gorget for WS. And I'm levelling BLU now, so that slot is uncontested until Assault accessories are in the picture here.
                  Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 07-30-2007, 04:12 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Sea Gorgets

                    For single-hit WS there's no question the gorget is better. The question is what to do with it for multi-attack WS.

                    Warrior TP Warrior WS


                    • #11
                      Re: Sea Gorgets

                      With anrin in dynamis valkurm I find absorbs land noticably more, probably 10% more. Drain and Aspir are still random as hell but their high-end numbers have increased. Sleep is harder to tell on because it's rarely fully resisted, but the blms in my LS say it helps.
                      lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                      • #12
                        Re: Sea Gorgets

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        I've already started the trades so I'm stuck with finishing Breeze for now whether that was the best choice or not, but I am also looking at one for Savage Blade macros, which looks like Thunder Gorget. Would that be right or should I look into another?
                        Breeze, Light, and Aqua all work for SlugWinders for COR & RNG(SlugWinder is one of the rare WS that has 3 SC properties as far as I know), and yes, Thunder works for Savage. I just got my Thunder last week, it doesn't seem to do alot for Vorpal, but the tp multi boost does help for Savage at lower tp since Savage has a bit more of a scaling tp return.
                        Callysto of RamuhCaithsith - 75 RDM / BRD / COR / PLD / WAR / SCH / DRK

                        Formerly Callisto of Ramuh. | Retired 5.28.10

                        Callisto Broadwurst of Palamecia


                        • #13
                          Re: Sea Gorgets

                          I just want to say that farming Ul'hpemdes SUCKS.

                          We aggroed three sharks on the way to Limbus and got three organs from those so i'm like 3/5 on that, but between duoing with a BLM on my COR and soloing goldfish on my RNG, I've only seen one of thier organs drop. 1/10.

                          Wouldn't surprise me if the UFOs drop one every time.


                          • #14
                            Re: Sea Gorgets

                            The tougher UFOs are 100%, but the ones near the main entrance are about 50% or so.

                            I'm actually on the farming of the *other* mobs portion of my Light Gorget, as I already have the two (ouch T.T) UFO organs I need for it. Farming Ul'hpemde on my Dragoon isn't much of a big deal (just shitty drop rates), but it'll be the Aerns that'll cause the most problems (seven of those bad boys). Thank Altana I already have my Shadow Gorget (managed to finish that one years ago lol).
                            Last edited by LilithAngel; 08-03-2007, 01:22 AM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Sea Gorgets

                              Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                              I just want to say that farming Ul'hpemdes SUCKS.

                              We aggroed three sharks on the way to Limbus and got three organs from those so i'm like 3/5 on that, but between duoing with a BLM on my COR and soloing goldfish on my RNG, I've only seen one of thier organs drop. 1/10.

                              Wouldn't surprise me if the UFOs drop one every time.
                              Where are you farming the goldfish at? I can tell you the easier ones around the southern portion of the map have a horrible drop rate. I killed HUNDREDS of them and have seen exactly 3 organs drop from them. I'd estimate about 500+ of those fish that I killed while leveling there on blm, and only saw 3 organs. I want to cry now.

                              The tougher goldfish on the northern parts of the map I find to have a better drop rate.

                              As for Aerns, I got lucky on some of those. I got 8 organs off one Aern. I still think they hax for having reraise and no weakness effect. Turns out though you have to have a little lucky if you're trying to solo those. Exping blm there I decided to try one, went something like this:

                              Necropolis cast Gravity on the Ul'aern.
                              The Ul'aern is weighed down.
                              The Ul'aern starts casting Thundaga III on Necropolis.
                              Necropolis takes 1256 damage.
                              Necropolis is defeated by the Ul'aern.
                              Necropolis falls to level 66.

                              If trying to solo them on cor or rng, and you pull a blm one, I'd recommend sleeping and zoning the bastard. And after you kill one, give it a few seconds to reraise before pulling another. Nothing like having two mobs trying to kill you :x

