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Can you pay the monthly fee with Visa ELECTRON?

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  • Can you pay the monthly fee with Visa ELECTRON?

    Can you pay the monthly fee with a Visa Electron card?

    Thanks in advance!
    Character Name: Zedou
    Race: Tarutaru
    Jobs / Level: BLM18 / WHM22 / WAR8 / THF8
    Nation: Windurst
    LinkShell: Soldiers of Mist
    Server: Ragnarok

  • #2
    i don't think that VISA Electron is a Credit Card, is it?? (i think it's roughly equal to a charge/debit card, rather than a CC)

    if it's not then i "guess" u can't....

    but it's just my guess

    (but i think i'm sure it's not a MAJOR credit card)
    [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
    [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


    • #3
      I'm pretty sure you can use a charge/debit card as long as it's a Visa. I use mine all the time for online purchases. Instead of charging it to a credit card, they just take the money out of your bank account. In fact I think that is good for people who don't want to hassle with a real credit card. I on the other hand, need to build up credit, so I was planning on getting a major credit card and using it for my monthly fees. That way I can build up credit and play FFXI all at once!


      • #4
        To put it simply, if the card is a Visa or MasterCard or whatever one that card has with it means you can use that card like a "credit card". You do not get credit on them like a credit card, instead it takes what ever funds are in the account that the card is linked to. So which ever company is working with that card can be used at any place that has that companies logo. So a debit card or any card with a Visa logo on it can be used anywere's that accepts Visa (Simple as that).

        Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


        • #5
          Glad someone asked this, i've got a visa debit myself and was wondering this.


          • #6
            i know about that (US Bank/Debit Card works that way)

            but, as far as I know, VISA Electron *isn't* the same as VISA service

            (and btw, i have this belief from being an Asian- Asian countries use VISA Electron on their bank/debit card, but not in US??:confused: :confused: :confused: i haven't seen one around here(US) [yet], anyone know for sure???)

            as a general idea, if your card has VISA logo on it, this indicates that it does work as a CC as well (having be able to use it through the service of VISA, so most shop/sites recognize it as a CC) *but* VISA Electron has its own logo (having the word "Electron" in it) that's my main confusion, i think...(whether it's the same scenario or not):dead:
            [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
            [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


            • #7
              ok here it is guys... it might not help much but still.... should makes some of u to understand my point of VISA Electron being different from VISA...


              Today, Visa Electron is a consumer debit, credit, or prepaid card, with or without chip, although it is usually issued as a debit product.
              and here's the logo of VISA Electron for those who never see it:

              on the bottom right corner
              [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
              [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


              • #8
                VISA Electron will work just fine.

                Electron is merely a VISA card that is NOT issued in the US or Canada, but still operates under the entire VISA network worldwide.

                Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                • #9
                  Thanks for the help ppl!

                  But DJplaeskool, are you sure?
                  Character Name: Zedou
                  Race: Tarutaru
                  Jobs / Level: BLM18 / WHM22 / WAR8 / THF8
                  Nation: Windurst
                  LinkShell: Soldiers of Mist
                  Server: Ragnarok


                  • #10
                    VISA Electron DOES NOT WORK WITH FINAL FANTASY XI ... I tried myself lol .... So if you are going to try, be prepared to loose your ID ... like I did TT

                    White Mage, Black Mage, Bard


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DJplaeskool
                      Electron is merely a VISA card that is NOT issued in the US or Canada, but still operates under the entire VISA network worldwide.
                      yeah i found that in my link also...

                      Neither US nor Canadian financial institutions issue Visa Electron, but Visa Electron cards are accepted at electronic merchants and ATMs in the US and Canada.
                      but how does that work???:confused: :confused: :confused:
                      it sounds like u said, it still being under VISA network but it's not the same as VISA, right???

                      imho some (physical)stores may accept it, but *most of the time* to use it on the net u need a MAJOR CC (which would only be VISA, MasterCard, and American Express)

                      (once again it's just my opinion, i might be wrong )
                      [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
                      [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


                      • #12
                        found info on another site...

                        supposedly, ELECTRON cards, since they may be issued on non-secured banks, MAY be rejected by vendors, despite avaiability on the VISA network...

                        It's similar to the limited rejection of certain US cards, especially those drawn on non-physical and internet banks, that may be rejected on a vendor to vendor basis...


                        Found out why SquareEnix, and many other web vendors, won't take Electron Cards...

                        VISA Electron cards may only be utilized where either A) the PIN number is acquired for identification (ATMs) or B) Where a physical signature is compared on the card Electronic vendors have to physically apply to accept Electron cards (on order pages, a signature code is needed to use Electrons), so not ALL electronic vendors will take it. Since entered payment in FFXI doesn't support Electron verification, it won't work in the setup, though you might want to call SquareEnix Customer Support and you may be able to verify your identity over the phone for them to accept the card...

                        Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                        • #13

                          that should closes this thread then (and may be some mod could use this thread as part of the FAQ?? *hint hint*

                          i think it also applies to why most sites on the net only take major CC (u can't show your sig over the net)

                          btw, those who are in US, anyone ever see a store which check our signature?? (whether it matches the lines on card or not)

                          I know they check our ID but they never look at my sig :sweat:... in asian pple check it all the time, u know? and they don't really check IDs in asia(only the sig) [ohh... but some duty free shops may check your passport, i think:spin: ]
                          [size=1]"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
                          [i][color=royalblue]--Edmund Burke (1729


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by manussit
                            I know they check our ID but they never look at my sig :sweat:... in asian pple check it all the time, u know? and they don't really check IDs in asia(only the sig) [ohh... but some duty free shops may check your passport, i think:spin: ]
                            I got one of those cool CCs with my picture on the front, so I rarely ever see a visual comparison of signature, they just slide the card and get thier money :sweat:

                            Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                            • #15
                              Re: Can you pay the monthly fee with Visa ELECTRON?

                              Originally posted by zedde
                              Can you pay the monthly fee with a Visa Electron card?

                              Thanks in advance!
                              Yes, you should be able to. I pay with my Visa Electron card. no probs

                              "Death is more universal than life; everyone dies
                              but not everyone lives."

