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Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

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  • Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

    I was recently hunting the nm that drops the monster signa in giddeus(don't remember his exact name so I wont try to spell it), when I noticed a player that was /anon who was fighting the nm. I didn't think anything of it until another player gave the slap emote to him. I didn't do anything but kept my eye on him. The next day the same player was in the same spot(the 1 that was /anon) but I noticed he wasn't killing any of the spawn mobs, in fact he wasn't even moving. As soon as the nm spawned he claimed the nm, which to me is very suspicious. I didn't do anything because I wasn't sure, so I had 1 of the senior LS members(a lvl 75 on mult jobs) come check him out. after watching the same /anon person just stand there and then claim the nm as soon as it spawned, he also thought that he was a rmt. We both ended up reporting him to GM's, but as of right now he is still in Giddeus.

    This was the 1st time I have ever reported anyone for being a rmt but when it starts becoming obivious, I felt I had no choice.

    I guess the 1 question I have is how long will it take for them to ban him(if it is determined he is a rmt)? The only other question is are there any ways to tell someone is a rmt by just checking them ?
    u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them

  • #2
    Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

    Well, the common earmarks are being /anon, wearing very cheap gear or gear that is inappropriate for their job/level, having no linkshell, and/or having a name that's suspicious for any number of reasons. Typically some combination of those things causes people to think you're RMT. But the only way to really know that someone is RMT is if you give them dollars and they give you gil back in return. You could also ask them. Sometimes an RMT will tell you yes in case you want to buy gil from them.

    I don't know what the new rules are with the STFu and all, but in the past neither of these things have constituted proof to a GM. If, in fact, the guy camping signa is really RMT and not just a normal player that's very skilled or using tools, the only thing you can really do is hope that they're using some kind of 3rd party cheat that the GMs can easily detect. If they're only monopolizing an NM, chances are nothing will happen to them.

    Edit: Oh, and before someone else corrects you, the word is "obvious." Only one I.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #3
      Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

      Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
      Well, the common earmarks are being /anon, wearing very cheap gear or gear that is inappropriate for their job/level, having no linkshell, and/or having a name that's suspicious for any number of reasons. Typically some combination of those things causes people to think you're RMT. But the only way to really know that someone is RMT is if you give them dollars and they give you gil back in return. You could also ask them. Sometimes an RMT will tell you yes in case you want to buy gil from them.

      I don't know what the new rules are with the STFu and all, but in the past neither of these things have constituted proof to a GM. If, in fact, the guy camping signa is really RMT and not just a normal player that's very skilled or using tools, the only thing you can really do is hope that they're using some kind of 3rd party cheat that the GMs can easily detect. If they're only monopolizing an NM, chances are nothing will happen to them.

      Edit: Oh, and before someone else corrects you, the word is "obvious." Only one I.

      Thank you for the spelling correction(to think I'm a pharmacist-lol).

      I think he may be using some type of tool because 3 times in a row the nm spawned right next to him. The last time when I was with my buddy, he kept charming the nm but didn't hit the nm 1 time(just kept re-charming the nm until he was killed). That right there was the oddest part of the 3 days I was keeping an eye on him.
      u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


      • #4
        Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

        Originally posted by DR2D2 View Post
        Thank you for the spelling correction(to think I'm a pharmacist-lol).

        I think he may be using some type of tool because 3 times in a row the nm spawned right next to him. The last time when I was with my buddy, he kept charming the nm but didn't hit the nm 1 time(just kept re-charming the nm until he was killed). That right there was the oddest part of the 3 days I was keeping an eye on him.
        Dude... can you hand out prozac? Actually I was wondering about a herb type of medcine, I think it's called St. John's Warts, are those helpful in alleviating depression? or not recommended.
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #5
          Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

          You may very well be right, but there are also ways a good player could've pulled this off without cheating. If his job has wide scan, it may just be that he identified the real placeholder in the widescan list and then set a timer to let him know when a possible spawn was coming up. Also, if your job has mob radar, the red dot on your compass that represents an enemy appears before the mob does, giving you a head start on locating and targeting the mob before anyone else does. So far as I know, there's not a cheat that forces a mob to spawn near you. If he was standing still at the time that would just have been luck.
          lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


          • #6
            Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

            Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
            Dude... can you hand out prozac? Actually I was wondering about a herb type of medcine, I think it's called St. John's Warts, are those helpful in alleviating depression? or not recommended.

            Actually I like another type of herb medicine better.
            u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


            • #7
              Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

              Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
              You may very well be right, but there are also ways a good player could've pulled this off without cheating. If his job has wide scan, it may just be that he identified the real placeholder in the widescan list and then set a timer to let him know when a possible spawn was coming up. Also, if your job has mob radar, the red dot on your compass that represents an enemy appears before the mob does, giving you a head start on locating and targeting the mob before anyone else does. So far as I know, there's not a cheat that forces a mob to spawn near you. If he was standing still at the time that would just have been luck.

              I guess I just want to be sure that I was right in reporting him.

              Speaking of luck(me and my buddy ended up getting the signa to drop 2 times in a row ,so I guess let him be if the gm's dont feel like he is doing anything wrong). Now if I can get the Buburmi(sp) gorget to drop ill be doing good(i am currently 0/5 on that nm).
              u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


              • #8
                Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
                Dude... can you hand out prozac? Actually I was wondering about a herb type of medcine, I think it's called St. John's Warts, are those helpful in alleviating depression? or not recommended.

                Right now the best thing for depression would probably be Zoloft or Paxil(prozac is also good). St. John's wart is good to a point but wont help as much as the others.
                u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


                • #9
                  Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                  The thing I find peculiar is that you said he kept charming the mob. That without him responding kind of smells of a 3rd party program, a pretty bad designed one too that seems it was missing the message to let it know he has the mob and to fight it.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                  • #10
                    Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                    Originally posted by Macht View Post
                    The thing I find peculiar is that you said he kept charming the mob. That without him responding kind of smells of a 3rd party program, a pretty bad designed one too that seems it was missing the message to let it know he has the mob and to fight it.
                    I couldn't figure it out either-he was charming the nm only, and kept doing it until he was dead(that also keyed me into the fact he was probably a rmt or using 3rd party tools). Every other time he charmed the nm to claim it and then would kill it. Out of the 3 days watching him I saw the nm spawn 10 times(5 of which he claimed only because it spawned right next to him-the other times he couldn't claim it because it was too far). After he died he was in Jeuno for about 1-2 hrs and then he was back in Giddeus.(it almost seemed like this time he was afk except that he kept charming)
                    u have to know when to hold them, know when to fold them


                    • #11
                      Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                      3rd party tool.
                      If you see it happen again, call a GM when he starts doing that, maybe the GM can detect the bot.
                      I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                      PSN: Caspian


                      • #12
                        Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                        Originally posted by Taskmage View Post
                        You may very well be right, but there are also ways a good player could've pulled this off without cheating. If his job has wide scan, it may just be that he identified the real placeholder in the widescan list and then set a timer to let him know when a possible spawn was coming up. Also, if your job has mob radar, the red dot on your compass that represents an enemy appears before the mob does, giving you a head start on locating and targeting the mob before anyone else does. So far as I know, there's not a cheat that forces a mob to spawn near you. If he was standing still at the time that would just have been luck.
                        They changed the pop pattern of the NM. So settin the timer shouldn't work anymore. Since it should technically be any yagado in the area will spawn it. Not a certain kind in a certain spot. So technically it should take finding the trigger mob outta widescan. Then again i could be wrong since i haven't hunted a nm in ages that a single RMT could zerg. but i thought that was the messures they took.

                        As for the red dot trick. If hes killing yagado, and hes killing the crabs an catipillers. Then those spawning should cause the player to turn or adjust his position. He seems to be ignoring all pops except the NM which to me sounds like Mr. Bot.

                        To the Op you mention continous spamming of charm. If thats the case why not train some charmable mobs or yagado near him. If he is botting he will charm something other then the nm.. Otherwise you dont know, he might just be spamming a charm macro. But if he sees you bring a bunch of mobs over he should stop the charm spamming.

                        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                        • #13
                          Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                          Originally posted by Caspian View Post
                          3rd party tool.
                          If you see it happen again, call a GM when he starts doing that, maybe the GM can detect the bot.
                          I called a GM yesterday to report a player flee-hacking in South Gustaberg. The GM politely informed me if was a buff for the current event.


                          • #14
                            Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                            I did the same after I saw a group of owiefjpweoifj players flying on their chocobos.
                            Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
                            Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


                            • #15
                              Re: Why do rmt's have to be so obivious?

                              when you see rmts make sure you have one of these with you

                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


