But it doesn't look like it's evolving for the better. Recently, I noticed the addition of user comments. Check out the comments posted on Kraken Club. Here's a link to someone hoping to get in-game help with Parade Gorget.
I think ffxiah should stick to what it does well, instead of trying to become more like Alla. Adding user based comments hasn't really added much value over at somepage. It's bound to be even worse with ffxiah, given it's more useful as a server-specific resource rather than an inter-server information source. Oh, well. I guess it gives those first-post junkies something to do.
I think ffxiah should stick to what it does well, instead of trying to become more like Alla. Adding user based comments hasn't really added much value over at somepage. It's bound to be even worse with ffxiah, given it's more useful as a server-specific resource rather than an inter-server information source. Oh, well. I guess it gives those first-post junkies something to do.