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FFXI Fifth Anniversary

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  • #46
    Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

    What do you mean always in california? Last I checked, there's been events in Texas and Hawaii, only thing I recall in California is fan fest, so SE has been to Hawaii, Texas, and California once, I don't see how that's "always california". Really though, what are you expecting? SE's America branch is based in L.A. L.A. is one of the largest cities in America. California is generally seen as a good place to vacation. Having it in LA is the obvious choice.

    Sure, SE could pop up at the Iowa State Fair, but how many players are going to A. Live there, B. be interested in coming, and C. Will it make up for having to move half way across the country?

    I'm pretty sure all of SE's Japanese events are held in Tokyo, because it's just the obvious place to have them. This is like getting upset that you can't go to see advance screenings of a movie you're dying to see, or see it as soon as it opens, because you live in Nebraska. If you don't like it, move.


    • #47
      Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

      Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
      It's not about little cutesy items. I'm angry about the potential advantage that others would get. BP said it really well, actually.
      Ya, your angry at something that may or may not happen.

      You know what, I'm pissed I might loose the 2048 Political Election and not become the Prime Minister of Canada.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #48
        Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

        Originally posted by Mhurron View Post
        You know what, I'm pissed I might lose the 2048 Political Election and not become the Prime Minister of Canada.
        I've seen the future. That's the year I become President of the People's Republic of Texas. I immediately declare war on the former US territory of New Mexico, and get my ass handed to me. Boy am I pissed. Thanks a lot Mhurron.


        • #49
          Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

          I still dont see why you guys are still argueing over this, so they dont get the point you are trying to make Feba..just screw them is all I can say!


          • #50
            Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

            Feba, Japan is a lot smaller than the US. It's a lot more convenient for Japanese people to travel to Tokyo from pretty much anywhere else in the country than it is for all of us east-coasters to travel to LA, Texas, or Hawaii. At the VERY LEAST, it takes me 20 hours to drive to Texas, nonstop (except, of course, for gas and bathroom breaks).

            What's so bad about, say, NYC or Philly? Those are huge cities on this side of the country. Hell, even Chicago. I'd consider going to something like that. But this country is enormous, and to cater to people only on the western half also kind of sucks.

            Meh, I've spent too much time arguing this point. The key is, I would go IF I COULD. But the way S/E has organized it, I definitely can't, and neither can a lot of people on this side of the country because of the travel difficulty.
            ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
            ~I has a blog~~
            ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


            • #51
              Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
              At the VERY LEAST, it takes me 20 hours to drive to Texas, nonstop (except, of course, for gas and bathroom breaks).
              You know, thanks to NASA you don't have to make to take any bathroom breaks, so it's only the gas delay. That should cut your driving time by at least 1 hour overall.

              Edit > Although I agree that SE should do something for those players who can't travel to their events. I mean it's an online game, they could at least organize something online at the same time as the event for the rest of us who can't got to Cali. o.O
              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



              • #52
                Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                Raydeus, I just go get gas and use the restroom on the same stop. I even pick up some food to eat when I get back on the road.

                Well, I used to. Now that I've got kids I have to stop every two hours or so for diaper changes, meals, and general playtime.
                ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                ~I has a blog~~
                ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                • #53
                  Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                  If you can't make it to the event, tough cookies. That's where SE will get the best response, like it or not, and that's where it's easiest for them to do too. There's a gundam museum (or at least, there was) in Japan that I would've LOVED to have gone to, if it were closer to home, and I'm sad I couldn't go, but you don't see me asking them to bring it here.

                  At fan fest, my server formed a group, of which there were about 8-10 of us from the midwest, and a couple that came from Jersey, along with people I don't know very well. Obviously, it's not impossible to make the trip, even for busy people. Hell, there were plenty of people there from Japan, and even some from Australia and England. With air travel nowadays, convenience is a non-factor, the only thing that really keeps people from going is commitments, such as work, and cost. And I'm sorry if you can't afford it or if you dedicated yourself to something else, but that's your fault, not SE's.

                  If you want to go to an event that's truly a fan fest and not a get together, SE almost has to keep it in LA to keep it from costing too much and make it accessible. No matter where SE places it, it's going to be a pain for some people to get to, LA is just the least painful for everyone. Someone will always get screwed, and all you can do is envy the guy who only had to wake up and walk across the street to get there (I shit you not, they had someone like this at fan fest)

                  I'd personally much have a fan fest with the devs, GM team, Star Onions and so on, than a fan fest with just some computers.


                  • #54
                    Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                    What do you mean always in california? Last I checked, there's been events in Texas and Hawaii, only thing I recall in California is fan fest, so SE has been to Hawaii, Texas, and California once
                    I must have missed hearing about those, because I thought they had held two fan fests in California.

                    No matter where SE places it, it's going to be a pain for some people to get to,
                    And herein lies the problem. No matter where SE places it, it will be a pain for some people to go to, so mix it up a bit. I'm not saying have it in the Iowa state fair, but they could alternate which major cities hold this event so that more people have the chance of attending.

                    It's kinda like musicians. Yo Yo Ma holds concerts at different places, he doesn't just hold them in ONE and ONLY one place.

                    I think it's very different asking SE to mix up where they hold their events over here than asking someone to move an entire museum.

                    You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                    I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                    • #55
                      Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                      Except at the Santa Monica Pier. That place just sucked. Restrooms were horrendous, it was cold and raining. Food was overly over priced, except for the last hour sale, even then it was still horrible.

                      Now if they changed it to the LA Convention Center, man that would so rock. It'd be like E3 except with a smaller Audience.

                      Man I miss my E3 days. I can't believe I gave away my Game Boy Advance to my friend after winning it. Oh well, whatever. My other friend won 4 wireless wavebird controllers for the game cube. That was a good year. (I think it was 2003)
                      Hacked on 9/9/09
                      FFXIAH - Omniblast


                      • #56
                        Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                        Originally posted by Feba View Post
                        No matter where SE places it, it's going to be a pain for some people to get to
                        Which is exactly why the idea of the ring being an event exclusive item is disagreeable to certain people.
                        Last edited by Shopee; 05-08-2007, 02:55 PM.
                        The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                        Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                        • #57
                          Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                          Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
                          Now if they changed it to the LA Convention Center, man that would so rock. It'd be like E3 except with a smaller Audience.

                          Man I miss my E3 days. I can't believe I gave away my Game Boy Advance to my friend after winning it. Oh well, whatever. My other friend won 4 wireless wavebird controllers for the game cube. That was a good year. (I think it was 2003)

                          I miss them too. I used to spent hours and hours at the Square Enix booth. I've gotten a few prizes. :D

                          As far as Fan Fest at Co. Center, I don't know about that. Wouldn't pricing of renting the place out be an issue? I mean, it's not big enough to rent out the big halls... though maybe if they looked into some of the smaller ones, that's be cool.

                          You know what else would be cool? If they have it there, I can park for free. :D WOOT! No more $781264812 for parking.


                          • #58
                            Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                            Which is exactly why the idea of thw ring being an event exclusive item is disagreeable to certain people.
                            Then maybe you missed the fact that this is almost certain not to happen? Seriously, this is like bitching that Jack Thompson is going to be elected president.

                            Except at the Santa Monica Pier. That place just sucked. Restrooms were horrendous, it was cold and raining. Food was overly over priced, except for the last hour sale, even then it was still horrible.
                            Restrooms I agree on, although there's not a lot of places with good public bathrooms. Cold and raining isn't SE's fault, they can't see the future. The food prices weren't that bad considering it's a vacation town. Prices in places like that are always more expensive. Did you go to the hot dog place? That was fairly cheap, snacked there a couple times.

                            It's kinda like musicians. Yo Yo Ma holds concerts at different places, he doesn't just hold them in ONE and ONLY one place.
                            And how many musicians only play once every year and a half? It's significantly easier for Yo Yo Ma to pick up a fiddle or whatever he plays and go to a concert hall than it is for SE to hold a fan fest.


                            • #59
                              Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                              Originally posted by Feba View Post
                              If you can't make it to the event, tough cookies. That's where SE will get the best response, like it or not, and that's where it's easiest for them to do too. There's a gundam museum (or at least, there was) in Japan that I would've LOVED to have gone to, if it were closer to home, and I'm sad I couldn't go, but you don't see me asking them to bring it here.

                              At fan fest, my server formed a group, of which there were about 8-10 of us from the midwest, and a couple that came from Jersey, along with people I don't know very well. Obviously, it's not impossible to make the trip, even for busy people. Hell, there were plenty of people there from Japan, and even some from Australia and England. With air travel nowadays, convenience is a non-factor, the only thing that really keeps people from going is commitments, such as work, and cost. And I'm sorry if you can't afford it or if you dedicated yourself to something else, but that's your fault, not SE's.

                              If you want to go to an event that's truly a fan fest and not a get together, SE almost has to keep it in LA to keep it from costing too much and make it accessible. No matter where SE places it, it's going to be a pain for some people to get to, LA is just the least painful for everyone. Someone will always get screwed, and all you can do is envy the guy who only had to wake up and walk across the street to get there (I shit you not, they had someone like this at fan fest)

                              I'd personally much have a fan fest with the devs, GM team, Star Onions and so on, than a fan fest with just some computers.
                              None of that makes it impossible for SE to organize something for those who can't/wont attend.

                              If you can go there then good for you, enjoy the trip, but don't even try to tell other people that just because they can't make the trip they can't ask to have something else instead, even if it's only online.
                              "In this world, the one who has the most fun is the winner!" C.B.
                              Prishe's Knight 2004-Forever.



                              • #60
                                Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                                Three days (well, just over two actually) until the "distribution" begins. I wonder just what sort of changes the user population has undergone over the past half-decade.

                                I doubt it'd happen, but it'd be neat if they put up the data from the censuses (is that the plural form?) showing the evolution of various demographics.
                                Last edited by Shopee; 05-08-2007, 08:02 PM. Reason: Edited out pointless contention.
                                The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                                Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.

