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FFXI Fifth Anniversary

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  • #31
    Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

    Please just ignore Kailea. I think we can predict what future responses to that post will be like, so for the sake of the thread let's just not do it.
    lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


    • #32
      Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

      Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
      So wait, because my status (parent) and financial capabilities do not permit otherwise, you are saying that I am fucked? I still do not think that is very fair. There are a LOT of people (myself included) who would love to go, but are incapable of doing so.
      What an attitude to have.
      So because you're incapable of going you should still get the same rewards of someone who did. Exactly how would that be a special item then?

      I wish I could use that line of reasoning where I work. Get paid but not show up.
      I use a Mac because I'm just better than you are.

      HTTP Error 418 - I'm A Teapot - The resulting entity body MAY be short and stout.



      • #33
        Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

        I just don't think it's fair, based on the fact that some people CAN'T do it, and never will be able to.

        I CAN get to 75. I CAN finish CoP. I CAN complete a ridiculously hard quest with the help of my friends. I CAN spend years of my life compiling the items necessary to upgrade a relic weapon to its full potential. I deserve an in-game item for those things. Give the people who do RL things a discount on their next month's playing costs or something, but it's not fair that I shouldn't be afforded the chance to get an item because I am incapable of going.

        If it were something easy to do - or even something that was close by, I wouldn't be complaining. But it's impossible for me to travel further than 150 miles at the MOST.

        I mean if they're going to give out an item, maybe it needs to be something that won't upset the game balance. But if they do give out this Anniversary ring, that will really fuck over a lot of people who don't get to go.

        I hope that's not the case. But I'll be pretty pissed to be getting only 150% of my xp when somebody with extra time, money, and no other responsibilities on their hands could give up RL time to go to a convention get the 200% xp.

        I guess no one else is understanding me here. I would truly LOVE to go to an FFXI convention somewhere, if only I could. And to me, it's already not fair that I can't go - sure, based on personal choices and lifestyle - but it seems like even more of a kick in the face that I have kids, a job, school, and definitely not enough money which prevent me from going, and then be told that I'm not able to get something else I really want.
        ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
        ~I has a blog~~
        ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


        • #34
          Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

          I don't particularly care for or against real-life specific items, but something that offers the benefits that the Anniversary rings does... you can't just make that exclusive based on geography or financial status. Someone who can't get away to an event because they can't afford the trip or(heaven forbid)deployed in defense of their country's interests shouldn't be screwed out of something so good.

          It was bad enough that Ballista Royale was so exclusive. I would have loved to participate, but the requirement to physically travel to the associated Fan Festival changed my options, as my job simply doesn't allow for frivolous vacations. This was incredibly annoying, but I didn't lose too much sleep when I say the prizes. Same deal with the Moogle rods. Not many people got too broken up for not being able to have one.

          However, if people have to miss out on the Anniversary ring simply for not being able to attend some event on the other side of the country(or planet), you might see the players cry for blood. I know I will.

          It'd be different if S-E were touring, taking the event to multiple locations nationally/worldwide, then that way everyone would have a chance to attend in a city nearer to them. But S-E won't, so the players can't.

          If it were an item simply obtained through in-game events, particularly that is one more than a week long, than everyone would have a pretty decent shot at getting it.

          In the end, it comes down to the usefulness of the prize item. If it didn't offers a lot, then it wouldn't matter who got it, simply a matter of taste. But since the Anniversary ring is so special(imagine how quickly you could level with it), it would be foul to not give everyone a chance to get one.


          • #35
            Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

            Well I think that people who attend the conventions should get something special, but everyone seems to be making a big fuss over a ring that for the moment only exist in .dat files.

            Unless I've missed some relevant post, has this ring officially been introduced as a gift for the anniversary event or the convention?

            I'm sure that the convention goers will get something special, but I highly doubt it will be something that would give an unfair advantage to any one individual, and will most likely be something aesthetic or something with a vary finite number of charges (like the Ducal Guard Ring).

            Even if it is the anniversary ring is the convention item, why get hyped up on 30k exp bonus? Sure, thats a nice boost, but really it's only saving you a couple hours. 30k exp won't even level you from 74-75, so I don't see why everyone is getting hyped up on nothing more than speculations, over an item that isn't all that great (unless rechargeable).


            • #36
              Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

              Originally posted by Aksannyi View Post
              I just don't think it's fair, based on the fact that some people CAN'T do it, and never will be able to.

              I CAN get to 75. I CAN finish CoP. I CAN complete a ridiculously hard quest with the help of my friends. I CAN spend years of my life compiling the items necessary to upgrade a relic weapon to its full potential. I deserve an in-game item for those things. Give the people who do RL things a discount on their next month's playing costs or something, but it's not fair that I shouldn't be afforded the chance to get an item because I am incapable of going.

              If it were something easy to do - or even something that was close by, I wouldn't be complaining. But it's impossible for me to travel further than 150 miles at the MOST.

              I mean if they're going to give out an item, maybe it needs to be something that won't upset the game balance. But if they do give out this Anniversary ring, that will really fuck over a lot of people who don't get to go.

              I hope that's not the case. But I'll be pretty pissed to be getting only 150% of my xp when somebody with extra time, money, and no other responsibilities on their hands could give up RL time to go to a convention get the 200% xp.

              I guess no one else is understanding me here. I would truly LOVE to go to an FFXI convention somewhere, if only I could. And to me, it's already not fair that I can't go - sure, based on personal choices and lifestyle - but it seems like even more of a kick in the face that I have kids, a job, school, and definitely not enough money which prevent me from going, and then be told that I'm not able to get something else I really want.

              I'm sorry no one told you life wasn't fair.

              here it is...

              Life isn't fair.

              I would like to wave my moogle rod in front of your face if I could.
              Oh and my free Vana'diel Clock. I still have my Cordial Invite...

              I'm sorry for being an ass, but it's just a Moogle rod.
              Hey if I can't get the Anniversary Ring, oh well. Life's not fair.

              However if their having a event in the U.S. I think I can take off work for a couple of days just to go. It should be fun!
              Hacked on 9/9/09
              FFXIAH - Omniblast


              • #37
                Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                I have to go with what Panther said, and what Kailea said was just as rude and dismissive, though I do apologize for being a jerk myself.

                With little trinkets like the moogle rod, or special battles like the Hero's BC I don't mind. The Rod is nothing more than a cute trinket and well, much as I'd love them to add those cool hero battles to the regular game, I don't mind them being event exclusive. It just makes the trip more memorable for those who went.

                That ring however, is way too good to exclude to a handful of people. IMO it's a slap in the face to us subscribers, allowing just a select few to lord it over the masses. This isn't a relic weapon, it's just a (really GOOD) EXP ring that commemorates the game's 5th year.

                Well, why should only a few people get to celebrate? I'm sure it'll be publicly available to all of us in some horrendously tedious event ^^b

                "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                • #38
                  Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                  Meh, I agree with BP and Aksannyi. The moogle rod and such are just trinkets with no real practical purpose in the game. The ring is a tangible advantage. I feel it's something everyone should have the opportunity to get within the game. I'm not going to go cry if it turns out that way, but I probably will make another post reiterating how lame that is. I recognize that I'm making a choice by not making that real life investment to get the silly item. Functionally it's not much different from saying that I don't care how godly the gear is, I'm not going to derail my life to camp ground HNMs. But if I ever changed my mind about that I could go back and acquire those pieces. Almost everything in the game is set up that way so you can't permanently lose items and opportunities which is as I think it should be. That ring should be the same.
                  lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                  • #39
                    Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                    I would like to wave my moogle rod in front of your face if I could.
                    Oh and my free Vana'diel Clock. I still have my Cordial Invite...
                    Oh, can I join in? I could bop her on the head with a chocobo wand!

                    Seriously, this would be acceptable if SE were actually doing this, but stop getting your panties in a knot over something that has a 99% chance of being horribly wrong.


                    • #40
                      Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                      Originally posted by Omniblast View Post
                      I'm sorry no one told you life wasn't fair.

                      here it is...

                      Life isn't fair.
                      To be fair (and a little ironic ), I don't think it was her intention to say that life is fair. Merely that she believes that when possible people should try and be fair, that having this ring be exclusive to that event would be a case where people could be fair but aren't, and that she disagrees with that being their policy in that particular scenario.

                      Expressing the opinion that a policy is unfair is not expressing the opinion that all policies are and should be fair.
                      Last edited by Shopee; 05-07-2007, 04:11 PM. Reason: OCD
                      The Knight of Faith resigns the dream, only to believe it.

                      Many tanks to Trita/Tagi for the signature.


                      • #41
                        Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                        Originally posted by Shopee View Post
                        To be fair (and a little ironic ), I don't think it was her intention to say that life is fair. Merely that she believes that when possible, people should try and be fair, and that having this ring be exclusive to that event would be a case where people could be fair, but haven't, and that she disagrees with that being their policy in that particular scenario.
                        Expressing the opinion that a policy is unfair is not expressing the opinion that all policies are and should be fair.
                        Well said!
                        Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                        I'm sure it'll be publicly available to all of us in some horrendously tedious event ^^b
                        Probably all too true. XD I just hope it doesn't involve shouting.
                        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                        • #42
                          Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                          Shopee pretty much hit the nail on the head here. Believe me when I say that I KNOW that life is not fair. The best example I have is speaking from my deployment experiences in the middle east, but truly I know.

                          It's not about little cutesy items. I'm angry about the potential advantage that others would get. BP said it really well, actually.

                          Unless, of course, you guys want to foot the bill for my trip, and you guys can babysit, as well. Also, why don't you do my homework for me and attend my job while you're at it.

                          Hell, if I were 19 and I had the money lying around, I'd go in a second. But I'm not, and I don't.

                          Meh, it is silly to argue over something that is just speculation, but IF it were to happen, I WOULD be upset, and rightfully so. I pay my $15.95 (3 mules, lol) just like anyone else.
                          ~Mama Gamer~~Quitted July 2009/Bannt October 2009~~Excellence LS~
                          ~I has a blog~~
                          ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~


                          • #43
                            Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                            I can't seem to get worked up over an exp ring. I lose and get exp all the time--it's nice, but nothing to that excited about. (Heck, I keep forgetting to use the exp ring I already have.)

                            If anything, I'm more distressed over how Japanese players have their "talk with Dev" session all set, while NA and EU players get nothing (so far) except "more info later". =/

                            Plus, with Europe as probably the only real growth market for FFXI, it seems beyond silly the region isn't given preferential treatment.
                            Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
                            yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
                            Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
                            leaving no trace in the water.

                            - Mugaku


                            • #44
                              Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                              I just hope it doesn't involve shouting.

                              Amen to that...

                              "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


                              • #45
                                Re: FFXI Fifth Anniversary

                                It's not about little cutesy items. I'm angry about the potential advantage that others would get. BP said it really well, actually.
                                Agreed, how'd people feel if they handed out fully upgraded relic weapons at a japanese only event?

                                I'm indifferent to the more, event items such as the Moogle Wand and stuff, but this is quite different.

                                And it might only be an extra 30k exp, but when you only get an hour or two to party? This ring will be a major exp boost for me, for a little while at least.

                                If anything, I'm more distressed over how Japanese players have their "talk with Dev" session all set, while NA and EU players get nothing (so far) except "more info later". =/
                                Yeah, that is my major irritation here as well. Well, that and all their stuff in the U.S is always based in California, so I can't take the time off to go.

                                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.

