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Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

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  • #16
    Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

    Malevolent notice that it was a joke, I highly doubt that she would tell CBS why they were getting a divorce. Eohmer like always seems to have a good idea about it, but really we will never know.
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #17
      Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

      Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
      Malevolent notice that it was a joke, I highly doubt that she would tell CBS why they were getting a divorce. Eohmer like always seems to have a good idea about it, but really we will never know.
      oh yeah i knew that was a joke, and yes we will never know what happenes,.

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #18
        Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

        I honestly think that the couple had a flawed relationship. And that is what caused everything else.

        * Filing for divorced right after the woman breaks her CD's and gives up the game. (IE No communication)
        * Running up her mans CC's w/o him knowing just so she sould play more (IE No communication)
        * Pushing her kids away for the game. (BAD parent)

        But regardless the media will see Online games as something negative. (IE Games are BAD M-kay)

        There reason: Because if we are playing a game in side our houses... we cannot buy there ish at stores, gas stations , malls, professional sport games, etc.


        • #19
          Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

          Originally posted by kglover1969 View Post
          I honestly think that the couple had a flawed relationship. And that is what caused everything else.
          * Filing for divorced right after the woman breaks her CD's and gives up the game. (IE No communication)
          * Running up her mans CC's w/o him knowing just so she sould play more (IE No communication)
          * Pushing her kids away for the game. (BAD parent)
          But regardless the media will see Online games as something negative. (IE Games are BAD M-kay)
          There reason: Because if we are playing a game in side our houses... we cannot buy there ish at stores, gas stations , malls, professional sport games, etc.

          note the part where he plays MORE then her so she didn't ruin it all They both did.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #20
            Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

            Originally posted by kglover1969 View Post
            This is another story about someone spending all of there time on the game rather than dealing with RL duties. I have heard them before and I do not think it will stop in the future.
            My Opinion:
            * TV < FFXI
            * Walking around at the mall, shopping, etc < FFXI
            * Friends > FFXI
            * Love Ones > FFXI
            In short: Remember what is important to you. But have fun, and do not let anyone tell you that you are wrong for doing this or that.
            Loved ones especially. As soon as the next gf pops up, I'm missing in action.
            Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


            • #21
              Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

              Quote: I honestly think that the couple had a flawed relationship.

              I know he spent more time on the Game than her. I just failed to mention it.

              My apologizes


              • #22
                Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

                You know, the game itself can't separate. It's the behavior of the person pure and simple. My bad habit with games I love is that I want to share them with the people I care about. To make the whole thing a group experience.

                I mean for example one game I decided it would be great to do split on to share was a game like "Magna Carta". I play the game with the parts Calintz leads in and then got a friend who plays on the parts that Reith leads. I pretty much intentionally don't stay around for Reith's story line in it that way my friend can have the fun filling me in.

                May seem weird but my friend loves it, she seems to get a kick out of acting parts out when telling me it. Got to admit watching her act them out is pretty fun also. It's just the matter of if the person is trying to incorporate his loved ones into what he enjoys or if they are detaching themselves. That's a key thing you have to be careful with about it.

                Like a point Dr. Phil made with people that have addictions. If the family is still flourishing, you are in good health, good morals, and happy then does the addiction really matter what it is? As long as you are doing well then there's no point to fight an addiction.


                Of course I should point out that in the case of the OP, that person's behavior with their addiction was just bad. She became detached and family was not flourishing, also signs of bad moral judgment on her part. So in her case and her behavior she had a reason to fight her addiction. Though some of her behavior comes off as being a little to rash in the article to me.
                Last edited by Macht; 05-01-2007, 01:27 PM.

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                • #23
                  Re: Final Fantasy XI addiction on CBS news.

                  Originally posted by Macht View Post
                  Of course I should point out that in the case of the OP, that person's behavior with their addiction was just bad. She became detached and family was not flourishing, also signs of bad moral judgment on her part. So in her case and her behavior she had a reason to fight her addiction. Though some of her behavior comes off as being a little to rash in the article to me.

                  Specially when one of her kids is Special needs.... /spanks mom's hand... bad mom.
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