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HQed abjurations

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  • HQed abjurations

    My LS's latest venture into endgame has met quite a bit of success and thanks to that, I am now back in the gil and I'm more able to look over what I want for COR and RNG.

    COR get priority, but since the current focus is sky and we have a lot of 360 kids that are excited to do it, COR stuff there is going to be done pretty fast, leaving stuff for my RNG to obtain. All the crimson abjuration pieces I'd care to have come from sky anyway. I want them mostly for the compatablity with RNG and it also being a good boost to COR/WHM when its needed. Plus since COR can't get striders, crim legs are next best thing.

    People keep telling me I should get the Cursed Finger Gauntlets -1 for Blood Finger Gauntlets. I don't really see a major leap between the two, +1 more ranged attack and accuracy, +2 MP over Crimson. Meh.

    Now I do know the dragon affinity effect. I'm just curious if that is affected in this HQ as well or there is some other reason I should be having Bloods over Crims? Its this particular NPC synth a one-time deal? 20k for Crimson versus 1.2 mil for Bloods ... I think you can see the problem there.

    If there's no real advantage, then I'd rather invest my gil elsewhere because there is a LOT of other good things I could get right now for both RNG and COR. Dusk Trousers (finally), Hellfire +1 (finally), Breeze and Flame rings and stockpile lots and lots of silver and iron bullets.

    I've never really been much for endgame til now, I've done it here and there, but never to this degree, so I'm just curious.

  • #2
    Re: HQed abjurations

    The synth to make Cursed Finger Gauntlets is level 93 Alchemy, with no support crafts required. So an alchemist with just one piece of guild gear can break Tier 11 on it.

    If you wanted to get at least once piece of HQ god gear at some point, this looks like one of the more accessibly pieces. Many of the other cursed gear synths are stuck as Tier 0 synths (1% ~ 2% HQ rate), with very steep prices for the HQ as a result. The cost of the ingredients to make Cursed Finger Gauntlets also seems fairly low compared to other cursed gear.

    I don't know about the difference between the NQ and the HQ performance wise. I'm guessing it's minimal, and that the main reason people would recommend the HQ is because of its relative accessibility.

    Is the opportunity to show off a piece of HQ god gear worth 1 million gil? Only you can answer that.
    lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
    Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
    Fishing 60

    Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
    Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
    Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
    Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


    • #3
      Re: HQed abjurations

      a rng in my old ls swears by them he has both nq and hq lol (dropped nq ofcourse) but says there is a real boost in hq (not that i see it). And cor getting crimson legs is a pip dream omgwtfbbq the prioty on that will put cor near the bottom, for most ls. Pld, Rdm, Rng all above cor easy (yes i know you have a 75rng)
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #4
        Re: HQed abjurations

        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
        Now I do know the dragon affinity effect. I'm just curious if that is affected in this HQ as well or there is some other reason I should be having Bloods over Crims? Its this particular NPC synth a one-time deal? 20k for Crimson versus 1.2 mil for Bloods ... I think you can see the problem there.
        As with most high end crafting the NQ versions sell for way lower than the cost of the ingredients, this is why the cursed is so sickeningly cheap compared to the cursed -1. The effects of the NQ are also present on the HQ, the only real difference is the slight difference in stats and the HNM crowd e-peen value.

        Also, yes, it's a one time combination with the abjuration. You either combine with cursed or cursed -1 and that's it.


        • #5
          Re: HQed abjurations

          Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
          a rng in my old ls swears by them he has both nq and hq lol (dropped nq ofcourse) but says there is a real boost in hq (not that i see it). And cor getting crimson legs is a pip dream omgwtfbbq the prioty on that will put cor near the bottom, for most ls. Pld, Rdm, Rng all above cor easy (yes i know you have a 75rng)
          No real relevance to who needs what more, highest bidder wins, only rules are a job that can use at the adequate level. We're on a silent bid system, too, so it all really a matter of how much you think its worth to you, no one can forcibly drain you of points for what you want in our group save for yourself.

          If there is a huge difference, I'd love to know, but I'd think you're RNG would want Kote more since its much better than blood for RNG. I wish my COR could put her paws in those, those are a huge priority for my RNG.

          I think for finanacial sanity I have to side with NQ Crims until I find a good reason otherwise. I'm not about gear e-peen, I do fine with what I have.

          Originally posted by Grizzlebeard View Post
          As with most high end crafting the NQ versions sell for way lower than the cost of the ingredients, this is why the cursed is so sickeningly cheap compared to the cursed -1. The effects of the NQ are also present on the HQ, the only real difference is the slight difference in stats and the HNM crowd e-peen value.

          Also, yes, it's a one time combination with the abjuration. You either combine with cursed or cursed -1 and that's it.
          Ah, I'm not out to impress with HQ there then. There's no real tangible value in one more accuracy and 2 more MP to drop over a million in gil for it. That's gil I could use to stock ammo or start a MND build with.
          Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-30-2007, 11:32 AM.


          • #6
            Re: HQed abjurations

            Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
            No real relevance to who needs what more, highest bidder wins, only rules are a job that can use at the adequate level. We're on a silent bid system, too, so it all really a matter of how much you think its worth to you, no one can forcibly drain you of points for what you want in our group save for yourself.
            If there is a huge difference, I'd love to know, but I'd think you're RNG would want Kote more since its much better than blood for RNG. I wish my COR could put her paws in those, those are a huge priority for my RNG.
            I think for finanacial sanity I have to side with NQ Crims until I find a good reason otherwise. I'm not about gear e-peen, I do fine with what I have.
            Ah, I'm not out to impress with HQ there then. There's no real tangible value in one more accuracy and 2 more MP to drop over a million in gil for it. That's gil I could use to stock ammo or start a MND build with.

            you do realise for every job that gets a W leg over a pld or rdm you ls wastes a pair of w legs?
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #7
              Re: HQed abjurations

              Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
              you do realise for every job that gets a W leg over a pld or rdm you ls wastes a pair of w legs?
              I believe any argument that could be made for RDM could be made for COR.

              As for PLD, I also see the elemental affinity. HP looks nice but for a PLD, as does DEF, so perhaps a stronger argument there.

              Regardless of what's best for any job, point systems are point systems and this is likely the only downside to them. BRD can get a full sky set and its mostly useless outside of osode, but since FFXI endgame guilds run on points systems, a BRD can get a full sky set that's mostly useless to him.

              There's tons of Valor and Duelist's sets wasted on terrible PLDs and RDMs in Dynamis. I know a horrible player who has both and never really plays either jobs seiriously. That is a real waste of gear. Duelist's in particular is some of this most highly contested gear.

              A good PLD or RDM could benefitted more from them, but she had the points over those good RDM and PLDs, so she now has them and she's no better for it since she doesn't know how to use them.

              Useful or not, good player or not, thats the way it is. People will want what they want and endgame is competitive. I may not have done much of it, but when I have done it, that's they way it is. I've seen plenty of gear wasted


              • #8
                Re: HQed abjurations

                a shitty pld or not deserves W legs over any job on that list... To kill kirin your ls id kiting him, i know certain ls tp burn him but i doubt Omgwtf's ls is one of them (otherwise i doubt w legs would even be a issue). Plds kite the majority of anything you will fight, so it makes it a 100% easier if you kiter moves 12% faster especially if your doing kirin/KB/limbus kites/KSNM99.

                Rdm tends to get second prioty due to the fact of the also tend to be good kiters, they will kite alot more things then any cor/rng/(etc), will. Also god forbid you started to wipe gravity + w legs = enough time to regroup and not lose said NM/God.

                3 tier usually goes to Rng alone sometimes Cor added in it really depends on the LS. Personally i would put rng over cor because I have had more exp with them pulling claiming in my ls due to widescan in sky. Not knocking cor i would probably put them fourth on the list.
                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                • #9
                  Re: HQed abjurations


                  That's it?

                  Maybe the LSes I've been in just do it different than elsewhere, but kiting has the been the sole duty of NIN in most Kirin fights I've experienced and I've seen no real issues with it where movement speed was even needed, especially not gods.


                  • #10
                    Re: HQed abjurations

                    you do realise outside the movement speed the peice is shit right? And yes kiting thats the only reason people want them.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #11
                      Re: HQed abjurations

                      Originally posted by SevIfrit View Post
                      you do realise outside the movement speed the peice is shit right? And yes kiting thats the only reason people want them.
                      If the movement speed is total shit, why do people camp Tiamat so heavily?
                      Gaiters are the same movement speed after all. Go to BG and look at the FI/Government/Siste MPKing/cfhing at Tiamat thread to see what it is like. It is down to each ls how they work. And my shell primarily nin kites, but pld and rdm can expect to at some point.

                      Sev, BBQ was talking about hands, not legs - how did that come up? BBQ, to your original question - as far as I am aware, the hidden affects are not more noticable on HQ over NQ - if you want the minor stat increases, or e-peen, go for HQ, otherwise NQ will serve you very well.

                      Originally posted by Aksannyi
                      "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                      • #12
                        Re: HQed abjurations

                        Originally posted by Omgwtfbbqkitten View Post
                        That's it?
                        Maybe the LSes I've been in just do it different than elsewhere, but kiting has the been the sole duty of NIN in most Kirin fights I've experienced and I've seen no real issues with it where movement speed was even needed, especially not gods.

                        Kris reread this part about how we talked about W legs for kiting... then

                        Originally posted by Sev
                        you do realise outside the movement speed the peice is shit right? And yes kiting thats the only reason people want them.
                        Reread that

                        Originally posted by bbq
                        Plus since COR can't get striders, crim legs are next best thing.

                        Originally posted by Sev
                        a rng in my old ls swears by them he has both nq and hq lol (dropped nq ofcourse) but says there is a real boost in hq (not that i see it). And cor getting crimson legs is a pip dream omgwtfbbq the prioty on that will put cor near the bottom, for most ls. Pld, Rdm, Rng all above cor easy (yes i know you have a 75rng)
                        and it just kinda took over the arguement lol. Gave him what i knew about from ppl who have the hq hands. And then comented on the W legs just from what i had seen in my diff ls.

                        Originally posted by Kirsteena
                        If the movement speed is total shit, why do people camp Tiamat so heavily?
                        Gaiters are the same movement speed after all. Go to BG and look at the FI/Government/Siste MPKing/cfhing at Tiamat thread to see what it is like. It is down to each ls how they work. And my shell primarily nin kites, but pld and rdm can expect to at some point.

                        Sev, BBQ was talking about hands, not legs - how did that come up? BBQ, to your original question - as far as I am aware, the hidden affects are not more noticable on HQ over NQ - if you want the minor stat increases, or e-peen, go for HQ, otherwise NQ will serve you very well.
                        I wasnt saying the movement speed is shit i was saying if u didnt see it if W legs had NO movement speed +12% they would be shit. Ive been in ls its mainly pld kites and been in ls with nin kiters only. And about the bg Tiamat post that shit made me laugh. Been to Tia run before didnt have enough to kill it, when i was in ackz but good fun none the less, sucks to get mpked ethier way, just shows that some people cant deal with others.
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #13
                          Re: HQed abjurations

                          Sorry, my brain obviously couldn't interpret what you were saying because I have been working in English all day, not text/AOL/lazy speak...

                          Originally posted by Aksannyi
                          "As a RDM, it should irk you to the depths of your soul when a mob had the audacity to buff itself in front of you."


                          • #14
                            Re: HQed abjurations

                            I lazy speak on this forum tho seeing im usually doing reports and check back here every now and then lol.
                            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                            • #15
                              Re: HQed abjurations

                              Can you type what you said out again in non-lazy/normal english speak as I dont think I agree with your argument? Then again Im not even sure if I understand what your saying.
                              75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                              Woodworking 91.9+2
                              ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27

