Re: Test: Double Attack during WS
I'd definitely like to believe that a 5-hit WS gets 3 DA checks. I'm now incredibly curious since I've switched from Sidewinder to Penta Thrust. I'll go record my results from an hour of farming Diatryma.
Lv75 Darter Information
When I was Lv72, the Lv75 Darters went from High Defense to Normal Defense at 315 attack. They went from Low Evasion to Normal Evasion at 312 accuracy.
Lv73 Character Information
Polearm Skill: 232
Store TP Trait: TP+25%
STR: 65 (Lv74)
DEX: 74 (Lv74)
Main: Engetsuto - DMG85 DLY480 ACC+2 TP+1%
Sub: Mythril Grip+1 - STR+2 ACC+2
Ammo: Tiphia Sting - ACC+2 ATK+2
Head: Empress Hairpin - DEX+3
Neck: Chivalrous Chain - STR+3 ACC+5 TP+1%
Earring 1: Minuet Earring - STR+1 DEX+1
Earring 2: Fowling Earrring - STR+1 ACC+3
Body: Haubergeon - STR+5 DEX+5 ACC+10 ATK+10
Hands: Hachiman Kote - STR+4 TP+8%
Ring 1: Spinel Ring - DEX+4
Ring 2: Spinel Ring - DEX+4
Back: Amemet Mantle - STR+1 ATK+10
Waist: Life Belt - ACC+10
Legs: Shinimusha Haidate - TP+6%
Feet: Hachiman Sune-ate - STR+2 TP+5% WS_ACC+2
Food: Meat Mithkabob
I'm sorry Armando, but I have some bad news
I only scored a 6-Hit Penta Thrust (Store TP also applies to extra hits). I feel really dumb. I had just never had so much attack against the lowest level of Darter. My previous highest Penta Thrust against these enemies was ~1.1k. Also the critical must have been a very good one (2.5 cRatio) and the counter was extremely crappy (1.0 cRatio) along with the Penta Thrust being a very good one (1.5 cRatio).
On a positive note, I learned that Store TP adds to the additional hits of multi-hit WS in the following manor:
First Hit TP * (1 + Store TP/100) + Additional Hit TP * (1 + Store TP/100) + ...
Engetsuto Penta Thrust TP Return Based on Store TP+46
Hit + 7 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*7 = 28.7TP
Hit + 6 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*6 = 27.3TP
Hit + 5 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*5 = 25.9TP
Hit + 4 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*4 = 24.5TP
Hit + 3 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*3 = 23.1TP
Hit + 2 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*2 = 21.7TP
Miss + 5 Hits = 0.0 + 1.4*5 = 7.0TP
Miss + 4 Hits = 0.0 + 1.4*4 = 5.6TP
Here is my data from 1 hour of killing Diatryma. I was using the gear listed above with Hasso and Haste and no food. Regular hits were in the high 100s to high 200s. Average damage for a Penta Thrust hit was 267.67.
1329 - 24
1520 - 24
976 - 23
1136 - 23
1519 - 24
888 - 23
1235 - 24
1698 - 25
1301 - 24
1760 - 25
1459 - 24
1312 - 24
1186 - 23
998 - 23
1362 - 24
1413 - 24
1124 - 23
1497 - 24
1657 - 25
1240 - 24
1235 - 5
1200 - 24
1204 - 24
1389 - 24
1328 - 24
1285 - 24
1015 - 24
1038 - 23
1115 - 23
1366 - 24
1375 - 24
1429 - 24
1119 - 23
1252 - 23
1349 - 24
1172 - 5
1661 - 25
1234 - 24
1372 - 24
1305 - 24
1591 - 24
1366 - 24
1586 - 25
1317 - 24
1282 - 24
1375 - 24
1322 - 24
1477 - 25
1316 - 24
1285 - 24
1403 - 24
1322 - 24
1146 - 23
1461 - 24
1374 - 24
1270 - 24
1015 - 23
1306 - 24
1436 - 24
1319 - 24
1088 - 23
1426 - 24
1324 - 24
1590 - 25
1451 - 24
1065 - 23
1203 - 24
1346 - 24
1286 - 24
734 - 21
1117 - 5
I only got 71 samples this hour, so I'll come back and do this again. It was good farming anyway (~30k Gil). My DA rate looks to be 9.86%, which makes me feel more that Penta Thrust only gets 1 DA check plus an additional check up to 3 if the previous check is successful. I'll keep my eye out for a 7-Hit or 8-Hit Penta Thrust.
On another positive note, this also means that I only need Store TP+50 for a very reliable 5-Hit TP build (3-Hit Penta Thrust + 4 Regular Hits).
I'd definitely like to believe that a 5-hit WS gets 3 DA checks. I'm now incredibly curious since I've switched from Sidewinder to Penta Thrust. I'll go record my results from an hour of farming Diatryma.
Lv75 Darter Information
When I was Lv72, the Lv75 Darters went from High Defense to Normal Defense at 315 attack. They went from Low Evasion to Normal Evasion at 312 accuracy.
Lv73 Character Information
Polearm Skill: 232
Store TP Trait: TP+25%
STR: 65 (Lv74)
DEX: 74 (Lv74)
Main: Engetsuto - DMG85 DLY480 ACC+2 TP+1%
Sub: Mythril Grip+1 - STR+2 ACC+2
Ammo: Tiphia Sting - ACC+2 ATK+2
Head: Empress Hairpin - DEX+3
Neck: Chivalrous Chain - STR+3 ACC+5 TP+1%
Earring 1: Minuet Earring - STR+1 DEX+1
Earring 2: Fowling Earrring - STR+1 ACC+3
Body: Haubergeon - STR+5 DEX+5 ACC+10 ATK+10
Hands: Hachiman Kote - STR+4 TP+8%
Ring 1: Spinel Ring - DEX+4
Ring 2: Spinel Ring - DEX+4
Back: Amemet Mantle - STR+1 ATK+10
Waist: Life Belt - ACC+10
Legs: Shinimusha Haidate - TP+6%
Feet: Hachiman Sune-ate - STR+2 TP+5% WS_ACC+2
Food: Meat Mithkabob
I'm sorry Armando, but I have some bad news

I only scored a 6-Hit Penta Thrust (Store TP also applies to extra hits). I feel really dumb. I had just never had so much attack against the lowest level of Darter. My previous highest Penta Thrust against these enemies was ~1.1k. Also the critical must have been a very good one (2.5 cRatio) and the counter was extremely crappy (1.0 cRatio) along with the Penta Thrust being a very good one (1.5 cRatio).
On a positive note, I learned that Store TP adds to the additional hits of multi-hit WS in the following manor:
First Hit TP * (1 + Store TP/100) + Additional Hit TP * (1 + Store TP/100) + ...
Engetsuto Penta Thrust TP Return Based on Store TP+46
Hit + 7 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*7 = 28.7TP
Hit + 6 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*6 = 27.3TP
Hit + 5 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*5 = 25.9TP
Hit + 4 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*4 = 24.5TP
Hit + 3 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*3 = 23.1TP
Hit + 2 Hits = 18.9 + 1.4*2 = 21.7TP
Miss + 5 Hits = 0.0 + 1.4*5 = 7.0TP
Miss + 4 Hits = 0.0 + 1.4*4 = 5.6TP
Here is my data from 1 hour of killing Diatryma. I was using the gear listed above with Hasso and Haste and no food. Regular hits were in the high 100s to high 200s. Average damage for a Penta Thrust hit was 267.67.
1329 - 24
1520 - 24
976 - 23
1136 - 23
1519 - 24
888 - 23
1235 - 24
1698 - 25
1301 - 24
1760 - 25
1459 - 24
1312 - 24
1186 - 23
998 - 23
1362 - 24
1413 - 24
1124 - 23
1497 - 24
1657 - 25
1240 - 24
1235 - 5
1200 - 24
1204 - 24
1389 - 24
1328 - 24
1285 - 24
1015 - 24
1038 - 23
1115 - 23
1366 - 24
1375 - 24
1429 - 24
1119 - 23
1252 - 23
1349 - 24
1172 - 5
1661 - 25
1234 - 24
1372 - 24
1305 - 24
1591 - 24
1366 - 24
1586 - 25
1317 - 24
1282 - 24
1375 - 24
1322 - 24
1477 - 25
1316 - 24
1285 - 24
1403 - 24
1322 - 24
1146 - 23
1461 - 24
1374 - 24
1270 - 24
1015 - 23
1306 - 24
1436 - 24
1319 - 24
1088 - 23
1426 - 24
1324 - 24
1590 - 25
1451 - 24
1065 - 23
1203 - 24
1346 - 24
1286 - 24
734 - 21
1117 - 5
I only got 71 samples this hour, so I'll come back and do this again. It was good farming anyway (~30k Gil). My DA rate looks to be 9.86%, which makes me feel more that Penta Thrust only gets 1 DA check plus an additional check up to 3 if the previous check is successful. I'll keep my eye out for a 7-Hit or 8-Hit Penta Thrust.
On another positive note, this also means that I only need Store TP+50 for a very reliable 5-Hit TP build (3-Hit Penta Thrust + 4 Regular Hits).