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Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

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  • #16
    Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

    But we don't know how they've accounted for people who play on more than one system. You seem to be assuming that if someone plays on PS2 and PC then they're only included in the PS2 figures because it fits what you want to believe, but there's nothing to indicate this is so and it's just as likely they were included in the PC figures.
    Regardless of the exact percentage, it's indisputable that the PS2 still accounts for a good proportion of FFXI players, especially in SE's domestic market, and there's no way they're going to potentially lose that customer base just because a bunch of whining NA's want prettier graphics and more inventory space.


    • #17
      Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

      I know that I started on PS2 cause I had a crappy PC, and planned to change to PC as soon as possible. @_@ I can't imagine why anyone would want to be on PS2...crappier graphics/resolution, and for mine at least, a lot more lag than my friend's PC. Now I only play on PC, unless I'm using it for something really important, or a friend is using it, then I'll migrate back to PS2. :x

      Also, I understand the whole personal preference thing, just I feel that all the perks to PS2(being able to look stuff up online, using a controller), can be fixed by using a PC, and then you get less lag/better resolutions on top of that, so there seems no reason to use it.

      Thanks to Roguewolf for the sig. :D


      • #18
        Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

        You seem to be assuming that if someone plays on PS2 and PC then they're only included in the PS2 figures because it fits what you want to believe, but there's nothing to indicate this is so and it's just as likely they were included in the PC figures.
        No, i'm saying that SE's figures are unreliable because they DON'T say how they handled these figures.


        • #19
          Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          No, i'm saying that SE's figures are unreliable because they DON'T say how they handled these figures.
          Hmm. What you wrote before was:
          Originally posted by Feba View Post
          PC wins by a large margin.
          In context, it seems to mean "A lot more people use PC [than PS2]". Are you changing your position and imply that actual status is unknowable, instead?

          That may actually be a defensible position, though I should point out that S-E is in the best position to give an accurate assessment. (At least, in much better position than yours or mine.)
          Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
          yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
          Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
          leaving no trace in the water.

          - Mugaku


          • #20
            Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

            I'm not saying actual status is unknowable, talk to any reasonably sized group of people, ask them what console they own, and what they use. Hell, do a full survey if you want.

            I'm not denying people still play on PS2, of course they do, there are people out there that are still using their C-64s for shits and giggles, it doesn't mean they're in the majority. And even if there were a lot of people playing C-64, would you market to them, or market to the future?


            • #21
              Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

              Originally posted by Feba View Post
              I'm not saying actual status is unknowable, talk to any reasonably sized group of people, ask them what console they own, and what they use. Hell, do a full survey if you want.
              Could do that, or we could just derive our statics directly from connections made to the FFXI servers which is most likely how SE come up with their figures. No offence but I think they are a lot more likely to be right than you are.
              And even if there were a lot of people playing C-64, would you market to them, or market to the future?
              If you had a successful product for which a large number of C64 owners were paying a monthly fee and buying expansions for (and thus making your company a lot of money) would you pull the plug on it just because the C64 isn't the 'in thing' anymore? Perhaps you might, but certainly no sane company that wants to remain in business would.


              • #22
                Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

                Originally posted by KoukiRyu View Post
                Also, I understand the whole personal preference thing, just I feel that all the perks to PS2(being able to look stuff up online, using a controller), can be fixed by using a PC, and then you get less lag/better resolutions on top of that, so there seems no reason to use it.
                I haven't been able to play FFXI on my PS2 since getting married. But there's one more perk to playing on PS2: playing on a big screen TV.

                Sure, you can fix that with a PC as well, I suppose. But that either requires a really big Monitor (not cheap, and a questionable use of money), or spending money on a solution for hooking up your PC to your big screen TV. If I wanted to go that route, I'd have to invest in a new video card (at least 100 bucks), and get real creative with the way I hook things up to my receiver (I think I've run out of inputs on my receiver).
                lvl 75 WAR, 75 BST, 75 BLM, 75 NIN, 47 SCH
                Cooking 100.0+3+3, Culinarian's Signboard, Raw Fish Handling, Noodle Kneading, Patissier
                Fishing 60

                Bonecrafting 100.0+3+3,
                Leather 60+2, Woodworking 60, Alchemy 60
                Smithing 60, Clothcraft 55, Goldsmithing 54.1, Cooking 11
                Boneworker's Signboard, Bone Purification, Bone Ensorcellment, Filing, Lumberjack, Chainwork


                • #23
                  Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

                  Final Fantasy is a console-based RPG series. Famicom (NES), Super Famicom (SNES), Playstation and Playstation 2. It is true Eidos published a version of FFVII and FFVIII for PC, but that's really neither here nor there.

                  So how does someone draw the conclusion that there are few FFXI players on PS2? It has a major history with console gamers.

                  I personally think PC gamers have a way of overselling thier preferred platform, even more than your garden variety console fanboy


                  • #24
                    Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

                    Could do that, or we could just derive our statics directly from connections made to the FFXI servers which is most likely how SE come up with their figures.
                    Again, SE's figures are even more unreliable than the above, mainly because they're outdated, but also because they don't say HOW they collected it or HOW they accounted for people who were on multiple systems.

                    Usually, SE's figures that DO cite how they were gathered cite a 24 hour time frame- which isn't totally accurate.

                    just because the C64 isn't the 'in thing' anymore?
                    Nope, but I would when everyone who has a C64 could easily get an SNES, at least the people that can afford your program, it's not a problem.

                    I honestly don't get why people defend the PS2. It's a dying console, especially for FFXI. SoE does not support the version of PS2 that can play FFXI. There is no way to buy it except used. SE's PS2 support is dwindling, expansions continue to be harder and harder to find. I'm not saying SE will or should end PS2 support tommorow, i'm saying that SE can't be expected to support the PS2 forever and still make FFXI profitable and expanding for another decade or two.


                    • #25
                      Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

                      Originally posted by Nazo View Post
                      But we don't know how they've accounted for people who play on more than one system.
                      I'm thinking they work it off of reg codes. My wife and I would probably be considered PC, PS2 and 360 users. (Though technically, we don't own a 360).

                      Even though I play on the PC now, I started on a PS2. My registration codes and content IDs would probably be considered a PS2 account in SE's eyes. My wife initially played on her PC and still does, so her account would be considered a PC account.

                      That's what Feba was alluding to. The numbers (for the US at least) are probably a bit skewed. I play 90% of the time on the PC but my account is counted by SE as a PS2 account. The same situation has probably occured throughout the US. It is much more likely to have a PS2 > PC conversion then vice versa as the wide PS2s and FFXI/HDD packs are much more difficult to find now.

                      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                      • #26
                        Re: Gamasutra article: Creating a Global MMO

                        eticket's point is very good, I wish I could say that's what I meant, but it's not, i've been in sort of a daze the past few days.

